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Rogue Trader: Drake Dynasty
Rogue Trader Logo.jpg
Dynastic Power
Character Level: 31,250 XP / Rank 8
Profit Factor: 43𝖕
Command Crew
Lord-Captain Drake
Navigator Primus Mordecai
Arch-Millitant Winter
Astropath Solarus
High Factorum August
House Drake Fleet
Aurea Albion
Hound of AlbionAbhorrent
Fortuitous PurposePenance of Iocanthos
Drake Trade Empire
Sepheris SecundusTennenberg
Killian's Rest
Drake Expeditions
Open Missions
Grand Endevours
Svard 1stStormtroopers
House Drake Expeditionary Army
Aerospace CraftGround Vehicles
WargearRelics and Artifacts
Secrets and ContactsAwards and Honors
The Galaxy
Calixis Sector
Koronus ExpansePeriphery Subsector
Peers of the Imperium
Rival Rogue Traders
Rogue Trader Timeline
House Rules
Guide and Lore


Badb Ra

Badb Ra

Badb (Bav) is a high ranking member of the Eldar Corsair group known as the Crow Spirits.  She holds a position that seems be approximately Master-At-Arms, potentially the chief Master-At-Arms for the entire fleet.  What limited examples of her combat skill seems to support this placement in the hierarchy.  The other warriors among the Crow Spirits all appear to look up and answer to her as well.  

Both in and out of combat, she holds herself with a detached calm and an aura of confidence that comes from an intense belief in both her own abilities and the general superiority of the Eldar race.  She betrays no false sense of others abilities, however, and is both able and willing to know when she is outclassed, or when others might prove useful.  She also has the upmost dedication to the Eldar cause and the visions of it's farseers.

Although she speaks flawless Gothic (both low and high), she always speaks with a particular level of superiority and contempt to humans.  Her conversation is, however, relatively straight forward for one of the ancient Eldar.  She is observant in conversation, following even when she does not appear to be paying attention, only to interject with a statement or piece of useful knowlage.

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
66 68 41 40 58 52 53 52 43

Skills: Acrobatics (Ag) +10, Awareness (Per) +10, Charm (Fel), Climb (S), Command (Fel) +20, Dodge +20, Forbidden Lore (Black Library, Xenos, Warp) +10, Interrogation, Intimidate (S) +10,  Logic (Int), Pilot Personal (ag), Scholastic Lore (Millitary, Koronus Expanse) (Int), Scrutiny (Per), Silent Move (ag) +10, Tech-Use (Int)

Talents: Eldar Weapon Training (Universal), Air of Authority, Ambidextrous, Assassin Strike, Berserk Charge. Blademaster, Catfall, Combat Master, Disarm, Forsight, Furious Assault, Heightened Senses (Sight, Sound), Infused Knowledge, Jades, Leap Up, Lightning Attack, Rapid Reaction, Total Recall, Step Aside, Sprint, Quick Draw Nerves of Steel, Precise Blow, Wall of SteelTouched by Fate (2)

Armor: Relic Aspect Armor (All 9); Autostabalized & Dark Sight


  • Shuriken Cannon (-/-/10; 3d10 R Pen 6; Clip 30; Range 120m; Reload Full; Storm)
  • Eldar Greatsword (1d10+14 R Pen 7; Melee, Power Field)
  • Plasma Grenades (1d10+6 E Pen 6; Range 12m, Blast(1))
  • Haywire Grenades (Deal one critical (d10-2) hit on a vehicle)
  • Force Shield (Protection Rating 55)
  • Eldar Scanner 
  • Waystone
  • Cloak