Aerospace Craft
Rogue Trader: Drake Dynasty | |
![]() | |
GM | |
Adam | |
Dynastic Power | |
Character Level: 31,250 XP / Rank 8 | |
Profit Factor: 43đ | |
Command Crew | |
Lord-Captain Drake Navigator Primus Mordecai Arch-Millitant Winter Astropath Solarus High Factorum August | |
House Drake Fleet | |
Aurea Albion Hound of Albion ⢠Abhorrent Fortuitous Purpose ⢠Penance of Iocanthos | |
Drake Trade Empire | |
Damaris ⢠Scintilla ⢠Kulth Svard ⢠Dross ⢠Aurum Sepheris Secundus ⢠Tennenberg Killian's Rest | |
Drake Expeditions | |
Open Missions | |
Grand Endevours | |
Personnel | |
Magistrates ⢠Retainers Militants Svard 1st ⢠Stormtroopers House Drake Expeditionary Army | |
Assets | |
Materiel Aerospace Craft ⢠Ground Vehicles | |
Armoury Wargear ⢠Relics and Artifacts | |
Other Estate Secrets and Contacts ⢠Awards and Honors | |
The Galaxy | |
Locations Calixis Sector Koronus Expanse ⢠Periphery Subsector Personalities Peers of the Imperium Rival Rogue Traders | |
Utilities | |
Rogue Trader Timeline House Rules Guide and Lore |
Arvus Lighter
The Arvus Lighter is a light cargo hauler used by the Imperial Navy to transport between the surface of a planet and space. The Arvus is a small, solid, reliable workhorse utility cargo shuttle, used by the ships of the Imperial Navy for transferring cargos of supplies or small units of personnel from ship-to-ship or ship-to-planet. Squat and durable, the Arvus has two powerful engines for carrying heavy loads, which had lead to affectionate nicknames among its crews such as "the Hog," "the Little Pig" and "the Onager." It has no armaments and is not expected to engage the combat. Nearly every Imperial voidship carries a handful of Arvus Lighters for basic cargo transfers and hull repair work.
The ship's interior is very basic and does not include many advanced systems beyond standard navigational and sensor equipment and proximity alarms. The single pilot has a small cramped cockpit. The cockpit's screen swings up to allow the pilot access from the front. There is also a small hatchway to allow the pilot access to the cargo compartment should he need it. The cargo compartment itself is a simple 6x2.5x3 box capable of carrying one standard half-sized cargo container, eighteen people standing or ten sitting on the fold-down benches.
The Aurea Albion carries fifteen Arvus lighters in a spread of self-contained voidlocks around the ship. Several of these are not even proper bays, but simply resesed docking clamps and a boarding lock.
Cruising: 1600kph/3vu | Tactical: 20m/10au | Maneuverability -20 |
Size: Enormous | Hull: 30 | Aval.: Average |
Front: 24 | Side: 22 | Rear: 22 |
Aquila Lander
The Aquila Lander is named after the iconic crest of the Imperium of Man, the Aquila, due to the unique shape of its wings. The multiple independent engine vents that run up along the wings come together to form a distinctive "feathered" appearance, which is similar to the wings of the Imperial Aquila symbol. The shuttle is capable of carrying up to seven passengers, typically a high-ranking Imperial commander or noble and his or her aides and elite guards.
The Aquila has one crewman, a pilot, in an armoured cockpit at the front of the vehicle. Twin jet engines are beside the cockpit and built within the fuselage, which allows the vehicle to hover over its landing point. Above them is an observation dome for use by the passangers. Sometimes Aquilas are decorated with purity seals. The shuttle is fully capable of both atmospheric flight and travel through the void of space. The Aquila Lander is highly maneuverable in both space and in atmosphere, and this is its best defense, though all Aquila landers include a single pilot operated forward mounted weapon. When landed the entire crew compartment lowers to the ground for easier access or rapid loading.
The Albion currently carries four Aquila Landers in independent launch bays around the ship.
Cruising: 2,400kph/4vu | Tactical: 24m/12au | Maneuverability +10 |
Size: Enormous | Hull: 25 | Aval.: Scarce |
Front: 21 | Side: 21 | Rear: 20 |
Multilaser: Pilot Operated; Fixed Front, Range: 150m, Dmg: 2d10+10 E, Pen: 2, ROF: -/-/5, Magazine: 100, Special: Reliable
Baum Cargo Lighter
The Baum class cargo lighter, like it's smaller cousin the Arvus Lighter, is essentially a cargo container with thrusters. They have the distinction of having the largest cargo bay available to any landing craft on the Albion, while still not taking up significantly more room then the Volans or the Raptor, largely due to their distinct lack of any kind of wing structure, along side an interior fuel and maintenance design that allows them to be packed closer together.
The Baum's cargo bay is accessed by a full width drop ramp located on the back under the thruster array. The cargo bay itself is 18 by 10 by 4 meters, allowing for the transport four standard cargo containers (12x2.5x3), four tanks or over a hundred men (standing). It's combination of suspensor systems and powerful down-thrusters allow for a transport weight of just over 300 tons. The lighter is operated by a crew of four (Pilot, Co-pilot, Engineseer and Auspexer) who access the cockpit via ladder in the front section of the cargo bay, a design which often requires the crew to enter prior to loading, and exit after unloading.
The Albion currently carries two Baum class cargo lighters, the Granite and the Slate. They are both located in the main lighter bay.
Cruising: 1,000kph/1vu | Tactical: 20m/9au | Maneuverability -30 |
Size: Massive | Hull: 40 | Aval.: Scarce |
Front: 30 | Side: 25 | Rear: 25 |
Chiropteran Scout
Although a Rogue Traderâs ship can orbit above a planet and take in its entirety with a single augur-scan, often this is insufficient to discover a worldâs secrets. To take a closer look, Rogue Traders in the Koronus Expanse employ vehicles like the Chiropteran Scout, produced on Scintilla. Small, poorly armored and unarmed, the Chiropteran is fast, maneuverable, and bristling with long-range augur arrays. When expecting trouble, which is most of the time, a Chiropteran is typically escorted by a Gun-cutter or fighter craft. The Chiropteran Scout has a crew of two, a Pilot and an Augar Operator who can also act as the co-pilot.
Although the Chiropteran Scout is void-sealed it has no ability to propel itself without atmosphere and is strictly a aircraft, not a spacecraft. This requires the Albion to settle into low orbit where the craft can be launched or "drop-kicked out the airlock" as Winter has put it. Winter has also been wondering how to give it at least a single weapon that "doesn't involve the pilot rolling down the window and pulling a fly-by".
The Drake dynasty has one Chiropteran Scout, which is currently stored upon the Albion in a hanger along the ventral fin.
Cruising: 1200kph | Tactical: 30m/16au | Maneuverability +10 |
Size: Enormous | Hull: 20 | Aval.: Very Rare |
Front: 20 | Side: 20 | Rear: 20 |
Long Range Auger Array: Functions as an Auspex with a 50km range, Provides a +20 to Awareness and Scrutiny.
VTOL Flyer: Under normal conditions, this craft must move at least half it's cruising speed. It my, however, chose to hover in place (or with vertical movement) for up to two minutes.
Gun Cutter
In navy lexicon, the term âGun-cutterâ refers to any of a variety of heavily armed and armored Aerospace that intended for use as high threat orbit-to-ground transport, hostile landings, with occasional dogfighting. There internal cargo bays are often modified to add long term crew quarters, assault ramps, or any number of other specialist arrangements. Guncutters are prized by organisations such as the Inquisition and Rogue Traders for whom a multi-purpose spacecraft is a great asset. The typical crew complement for a gun-cutter is a pilot, co-pilot, techpriest enginseer and a gunner for each weapon.
The Drake Dynasty's "Standard" Gun cutter, the Volans is a heavily armed cargo craft designed specifically for blockade running and high-threat cargo drops. It's heavy armor, obvious weaponry and massive RX-4 engines give it a powerful, and warlike look. It contains one access points for the crew, located on the starboard side of the cockpit across from the Engineseer's console. The two missile pods (located to either side of the cockpit) are controlled from a single gunner's console, while the dorsal Autocannon turret is controlled from within the ball turret itself. Cargo is carried in a bay between the engines and under the Autocannon turret. The entire bay floor lowers for swift loading and unloading, and is capable of carrying two standard half-sized cargo containers.
The Volans is currently stored in the main lighter bay.
Cruising: 2,000kph/5vu | Tactical: 25m/14au | Maneuverability +0 |
Size: Massive | Hull: 45 | Aval.: Very Rare |
Front: 40 | Side: 35 | Rear: 30 |
Blockade Runner The engines are designed for going forward fast, gaining an addition degree of succes on Floor it! actions.
Reinforced Hull When this vehicle receives a critical hit, half the result (rounding up).
2 Missile Pods Each Missile Pod may be loaded with eight missiles of any type of the normal, shoulder mounted size. A single gunner may fire both launchers as one action, as long as they are fired at the same target. The missile pods are on turrets that grant them a 125 degree firing arc from forward in on their respective side.
Autocannon Turret This consists of a twin-linked Autocannon on a 360/180 ball turret. The turret includes a motion-tracker, which grants an additional +10 bonus to hit.
The Wyvern, also known as the Captain's Yacht, is a beautiful custom starship exactingly made to the exact specifications of one of the former members of the Drake Dynasty. It is a long and fairly sleek craft with forked wings and colored with red, blue and gold to give it a distinctively draconic visage. Near the front of the craft, by the maw, is a Hurricane Bolter system (6 twin-linked bolters) loaded with inferno bolts. The craft also carries four Hellstorm incendiary missiles, providing it with unrivaled anti-infantry capabilities. It's terrifying visage and combat capability make it remarkably effective at frightening low-technology natives.
The inside of the Wyvern is much less terrifying, having been designed more for use as a mobile base of operations than a cargo craft.
Cruising: 2,000kph/5vu | Tactical: 25m/14au | Maneuverability +0 |
Size: Massive | Hull: 45 | Aval.: Very Rare |
Front: 40 | Side: 35 | Rear: 30 |
Dragon Visage The ship grants +10 to social interactions as GM's discretion.
Reinforced Hull When this vehicle receives a critical hit, half the result (rounding up).
Hurricane Bolters This system can be fired on two modes, Standard and Saturation Fire. The mountings on both sides of the craft fire as one weapon.
Hellfire Missiles Hellfire Missiles are guided munitions. The gunner may program one target per turn but may fire any number of targeted missiles at a time.
Transport This ship is designed to comfortably act as a base of operations for a dozen people, but can comfortably act as a dropship for thirty people.
Thunderhawk Transporter
The Thunderhawk gunship is a multi-use aircraft in wide use by Space Marine chapters.
The Thunderhawk Transporter is a logistical variation of the normal Thunderhawk gunship. It has many of the same basic design features as the original but is armed with only four twin-linked Heavy Bolters, though it can carry as many as six Hellstrike missiles on its wing hardpoints, and is propelled by four RX-92-00 combination rocket/afterburning turbofans. The most noticeable difference is that it is missing the normal transport holds found on the Thunderhawk gunship, equipped instead with four massive magnetic clamping arms mounted on runners underneath the fuselage. These allow the Transporter to carry two Rhino or one Land Raider-sized vehicles, or an under-slung pod for carrying ammunition, fuel and other supplies. These items can be loaded and unloaded in quick order, minimizing the amount of time the Transporter is vulnerable while one the ground.
The Thunderhawk was first deployed during the Great Crusade as a cheaper to produce replacement to the Warhawk VI. Armed to the teeth with a Thunderhawk cannon and various other weapons, its use become more and more widespread. Each Chapter of the Space Marines maintains its own fleet of Thunderhawks. Normally reserved for large-scale battles, time and time again its use in the various fields of war has been proven. With such might like this, only a great threat to the Imperium could demand use of these mighty craft.
The pilot, co-pilot, navigator and gunner are all located in the gunship's flight deck above the forward hold and in front of the upper hold. The navigator and co-pilot also control the primary narrow-band, long-range communications transmitter located on top of the fuselage, along with the sensor array and electronic counter-measures. The navigational equipment also transmits information to Space Marine command units, while an emergency location beacon will automatically begin broadcasting should the Thunderhawk be shot down.
Despite their complexity the Thunderhawk's systems are rugged and reliable, and are all controlled by an M33 'Cygnus' class Machine Spirit. Utilizing aetheric and phlogiston feed coils, alembic shielding and pseudo-synaptic relays, the Cygnus has a cognition speed of 40,000 co/sec with a maximum contemplation capacity of 10,000 kilobrains, making it comparable to that found in a Reaver Battle Titan.
Armouring for the Thunderhawk is constructed in a similar manner to that of a Land Raider, giving it an unprecedented level of protection. An adamantium inner hull is layered on top by titanium rolled plates, followed by a thermoplas fibre mesh, and then two layers of ceramite, the second of which is ablative. The ceramite and thermplas fibre layers are increased in depth to provided the craft additional protection in order to perform repeated atmospheric entries, making them thicker than those on a Land Raider, at the expensive of thinning the titanium and adamantium layers. These armour layers makes the Thunderhawk very well-protected and particularly resistant to Melta Weapons.
In addition to its armouring, Thunderhawks also come equipped with a Decoy Flare Launcher located in the lower rear fuselage, along with additional electronic counter-measures used to jam enemy sensors and tracking equipment.
Cruising: 1750kph/3vu | Tactical: 30m/30au | Maneuverability +20 |
Size: Massive | Hull: 90 | Aval.: Extremely Rare |
Front: 37 | Side: 37 | Rear: 25 |
Vehicle Traits: Spacecraft, Ceramite Armor, Reinforced Hull
Twin-linked Heavy Bolters (4) (Facing: Front/Left or Front/Right, 150m, -/-/10, 3d10+10 Explosive, Pen 6, Magazine: 200, Reload: 2 Full, Special: Twin-linked, Tearing)