Rogue Trader: Drake Dynasty | |
![]() | |
GM | |
Adam | |
Dynastic Power | |
Character Level: 31,250 XP / Rank 8 | |
Profit Factor: 43𝖕 | |
Command Crew | |
Lord-Captain Drake Navigator Primus Mordecai Arch-Millitant Winter Astropath Solarus High Factorum August | |
House Drake Fleet | |
Aurea Albion Hound of Albion • Abhorrent Fortuitous Purpose • Penance of Iocanthos | |
Drake Trade Empire | |
Damaris • Scintilla • Kulth Svard • Dross • Aurum Sepheris Secundus • Tennenberg Killian's Rest | |
Drake Expeditions | |
Open Missions | |
Grand Endevours | |
Personnel | |
Magistrates • Retainers Militants Svard 1st • Stormtroopers House Drake Expeditionary Army | |
Assets | |
Materiel Aerospace Craft • Ground Vehicles | |
Armoury Wargear • Relics and Artifacts | |
Other Estate Secrets and Contacts • Awards and Honors | |
The Galaxy | |
Locations Calixis Sector Koronus Expanse • Periphery Subsector Personalities Peers of the Imperium Rival Rogue Traders | |
Utilities | |
Rogue Trader Timeline House Rules Guide and Lore |
Population: Estimated 2 Billion
Tithe Grade: Exactus Non (Colonial Grace Period)
Special Notation: Undergoing integration into the Imperium vis Drake Dynasty. (Trade Colony)
Geography/Demography: Hot/Temperate, abiding planetary climate is tropical with a low degree of precipitation and storm activity. The planet has two main continental landmasses. Each are dominated by arid plains and rain forest zones surrounding a chain of large mountain ranges. The equatorial regions are made up of bands of deserts. The planet also possesses relatively
small polar oceans.
Governmental Type: Indigenous Monarchy (reigning ruler is known as “The Caele”)
Planetary Governor: Not yet determined
Adept Presence: Initial/Low; the Ecclesiarchy and Imperial Guard have small stations set up on the planet’s main
Military: The Aurum tribes have a primitive force of infantry and cavalry (roughly two regiments of each), nominally
commanded by the Caele.
Aurum is rich in promethium deposits and rare decavane crystals (see below). In addition to its abundant natural resources, the planet is strategically well-suited to the needs of the Crusade and the Aurum tribes themselves are a fierce warrior culture that is nearly ideal for integration into the Imperial Guard, Household Guard or even Astartes Aspirants.
The Golden Blessing
Aurum derives its name from the golden glow that suffuses its atmosphere. If it contained so mundane a resource as actual gold ore, it would be of interest only to reckless Rogue Traders willing to risk the untamed subsector to exploit it. However, Aurum is rich in a far rarer and more immediately useful resource than metal. The unique amber colour suffusing the sky and tinting the planet originates from its rare Decavane crystals. Decavane crystals are beleaved to be able to hold an exponentially larger charge than standard crystal batteries, making them highly valued for alternate weapon patterns and other military equipment.
The relationship between the crystals and Aurum’s environment, if any, is unclear, but it is obvious the planet is exceptionally resource-rich and fertile. Nearly every form of flora prospers when introduced to the rich soil, and herd animals mature quickly and free of illness. Even the native population has grown strong and able on this unusually healthy planet, although the native predators are equally flourishing and the Aurans must strive constantly to perfect their martial skills to keep pace with them.) Some have theorized that the Decavane crystals emit a subtle, beneficial energy field, while others propose that they are the effect and not the cause of some undiscovered property of the planet. Until the natives allow the Adeptus Mechanicus to perform detailed research, scholars can only conjecture.
Imperial roots
For their part, the Aurans attribute their planet’s benevolence to the “Soul of Aurum,” a male personification of the planet’s will. This Soul actually has striking similarities to the God-Emperor—from his creation of 20 sons and their armies to a betrayal by his most beloved child. Their religious parables likewise show roots in the Imperial Creed. The the original date of human habitation can only be guessed at, but the low gothic dialect and various cultural artifacts clearly indicate an Imperial history.
Combat is an Auran way of life, encompassing all ages and genders. In the planet’s past, scattered tribes warred for dominance. The tribes have been united for several centuries, but the planet’s predators ensure that martial prowess remains a necessity. As a result, while the Aurans do farm the fertile land and raise herd animals, traditional hunts remain a staple of their culture. Their society has not yet developed currency; they rely on a barter system. The traditional Auran greeting is to touch one’s weapon’s hilt to the other party’s shoulder. Non-lethal martial challenges are used to solve nearly any disagreement, from domestic quarrels to trade disputes. If a matter escalates to a serious grudge, the natives have a tradition called “splitting the rock of grievance."
Aurum’s plains make wood an uncommon commodity, and it is unclear if metal ore even exists on the planet. The natives show a relatively advanced understanding of farming and medicine, but their implements tend to be made of rock and bone.
Additional Information
Haistand and the Auran people
Haistand was founded far back in the planet’s history as a place for trade between the nomadic tribes of the savannah and the tribes living permanently in the green canyons. As the tribes began to unite into larger groups, Haistand turned into a center of trade and politics. Millennia later, Aurans look every inch the part of a warrior people. Natives of all ages and genders show an obvious interest in off-worlders, but no fear. They stand taller than average humans by nearly a head, and their bronze-skinned bodies are lean and fit. They mastered agriculture several centuries ago, but combat prowess is still essential for survival and is a skill that their culture values highly.
Similarly, their goods and clothing still follow the traditions of their predatory ancestors. Common Auran garments are cut from skins and hides, while interlaced reptile scales form the common basis for armor; their implements of crafting and war are largely bone. Most of the planet’s fauna is reptilian, including the unusual saurian strain dubbed midasaurs. These creatures have incredibly resilient scales that glitter with streaks of gold in Aurum’s sunlight. The primary herd animal is the argrax, a slightly less temperamental strain of grox whose larger relatives remain wild on the plains, and are often hunted for food. The primary mount and beast of burden is a sleek bipedal lizard called a theratryx.
The road hewn into the cliff that Haistand rests atop is wider than any street to be found in the city. It sees a steady flow of traffic from sunrise to sunset and must accommodate caravans of traders and argrax herds being driven to and from the market. It takes approximately 30 minutes to climb the zigzagging path to the city hundreds of meters above. Two ancient columns mark the entrance to Haistand, taller than any structure in the city. These remnants of the planet’s lost ancestry each bear a single eagle.
Haistand’s buildings are mostly of primitive but sturdy masonry, and their ceilings are high enough to accommodate most Space Marines because of the natives’ natural height. Residences and shops crowd each other and the busy streets, which throng with carts, livestock, and pedestrians. The newest construction is the Aspirance, the local Imperial Guard barracks, and the sole Imperial structure on Aurum. The Aspirance incorporates the Imperial mission, also known as the Word of Faith.
Auran arms and armour
Aurum is abundant in many resources, but metal ore is not among them. Even such rudimentary metals as bronze and iron were all but unknown to them until the Crusade’s arrival. The Aurans’ saurian scale armor and bone weapons certainly fit the definition of primitive weapons. However, the evolution of the planet’s wildlife makes many of its derivative materials stronger than the analogue on most primitive worlds. Midasaur scale armor is so strong that it confers the same protection as standard flak armor. The prevalent bone weapons hold a better edge than most feral blades, but still have difficulty penetrating strong materials. Since that includes midasaur scale armor, the finest local weapons are crafted from razor-sharp talons or fangs instead.
The gyrblade is an unusual weapon carried by many of the planet’s warriors- a set of two crescent-shaped cutting edges at a 120-degree angle from one another. Their axis is a jointed handle that allows the wielder to quickly vary their attack angle. Skilled specialists in the weapon are also capable of rotating the blades in a constant circular motion, creating a deadly zone of lacerating motion around the axis. They are used singly and in pairs.
Decavane Crystals
Decavane crystals are more myth than science. Found only on a few planets, they are found in small clutches and often already excavated from tightly guarded locations. The crystals are most valued as concentrated energy sources for various armaments, although rumors abound that they have more miraculous properties such as healing old wounds and purging illness. No authoritative story exists as to the origin of the crystals. The most prevalent theory connects them to Eldar terraforming. Regardless of the origin of these crystals, there is ample market for them among the both the wealthy of the Calixus sector and the less orthodox members of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Feral worlds
In keeping with the Administratum’s need to document and quantify, standard terminology has evolved to broadly classify the many types of worlds encountered in the Imperium. The designation feral world indicates a planet with a primitive technology base. While other traits are common with such cultures, such as physiques evolved for survival and savage traditions, these are not universal (or unique) to feral worlds. Even the measure of technology can be subjective, as Imperial-controlled feral worlds may often have acquired tools and weapons through trade. However, their understanding and treatment of such items would make most tech-priests shudder to witness (hence the lifespan of a machine spirit on a feral world tends to be as short as that of the planet’s inhabitants.)