Merlor Future Projects
Ars Magica: The Scilly Saga | |
![]() | |
GM | |
Mark | |
Game Start | |
Anno Domini MCCXX, hiems A.D. 1220, winter | |
Game Year | |
Anno Domini MCCXX, aestas A.D. 1220, summer | |
Magi of Leo | |
Eos of Tytalus Llwyd of Bonisagus Merlor of Flambeau Rissa of Merinita Lady Shona of Ex Miscelanea | |
Companions | |
Erne Matteus de Taranto Robert, the Steward | |
Other Characters | |
Grogs · Villagers Languages Spoken | |
The Covenant | |
Covenant Library · Vis Sources Magical Items · Mundane Wealth Stonehenge Tribunal | |
Other | |
Scilly Saga Chargen Rules Ars Magica House Rules | |
Player Resources (PDFs) | |
Experience Point Worksheet Character Sheet (Variant 1) Character Sheet (Variant 2) |
The following are spells and enchantments Merlor is looking to do at some point in the future.
Transportation Spells
Because of his motion sickness, Merlor intends to transport himself around the islands using magic most of the time. This will likely involve having grogs fetch him rocks from the various islands on a regular basis until he can fix arcane connections. This will take some time, however. These spells are all variants of one another, differing largely in their effectiveness.
- Crossing the Farmer's Field
- ReCo 15, Range: Personal, Duration: Momentary, Target, Individual
- This will allow Merlor to transport himself to any location he can see within 50 yards.
- Walk of Ninety Rods
- ReCo 20, Range: Personal, Duration: Momentary, Target, Individual
- This will allow Merlor to transport himself to any location he can see within 500 yards. (A rod is a unit of length equal to five and a half yards.)
- A Brief League
- ReCo 25, Range: Personal, Duration: Momentary, Target, Individual
- This will allow Merlor to transport himself to any location he can see within on league (3 miles).
- Seven League Stride
- ReCo 30, Range: Personal, Duration: Momentary, Target, Individual
- This will allow Merlor to transport himself to any location he can see within on seven leagues (21 miles). In theory, if he was on the eastern-most tip of the Scilly Isles and it was a clear enough to see Cornwall, he could use this to transport over to the mainland.
Often, grogs and other pack animals need to accompany Merlor so simply transporting them all would be difficult given the sheer number of casting requisites. However, this is more easily solved by simply spanning an expanse with a bridge. The naming of these spells refers to the Isle of Brayer (Bryher in modern day) which lies immediately east of Gweal.
- Momentary Bridge to Brayer
- CrTe 20, Range: Touch, Duration: Diameter, Target: Individual
- Base 3 (stone), +1 Touch, +1 Diameter, +3 Size
- This creates a stone bridge whose surface dimensions cannot exceed 1000 square yards, and one pace thick. A good Finesse roll allows the magus to style the bridge in a fashion he chooses, though a failed or botched Finesse roll results in a bridge that is functional, but ugly or unnatural looking.
- Merlor invents this spell to provide a quick way to cross islands that are close to one another that grogs can quickly cross, since it only lasts 2 minutes.
- The Magus' Willed Bridge to Brayer
- CrTe 20, Range: Touch, Duration: Diameter, Target: Individual
- Base 3 (stone), +1 Touch, +1 Concentration, +3 Size
- Similar to Momentary Bridge to Brayer, this bridge cannot exceed a surface area of 1000 square yards. The difference is that this spell lasts as long as Merlor is concentrating on holding the bridge. This allows expeditions more time to cross a longer expanse.
- Day Bridge to Brayer
- CrTe 25, Range: Touch, Duration: Sun, Target: Individual
- Base 3 (stone), +1 Touch, +2 Sun, + 3 Size
- Yet another variant on the bridge, this one holds to the same dimension restrictions but lasts until sunset or sunrise, whichever comes first. This solves the problem of having Merlor need to concentrate on holding the bridge solid while grogs and recalcitrant mules cross.
Combat Spells
- Distraction of the Muddy Fall
- CrTe 5, Range: Voice +2, Duration: Diameter +1, Target: Individual
- Base 1 (mud), +2 Voice, +1 Diameter
- This spell creates a large quantity of mud flung at someone, particularly their face, to blind and distract them with the inconvenience a fall into the mud. It's a defensive, distracting spell against well-armed foes.