Lion Covenant Vis Sources
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Ars Magica: The Scilly Saga | |
![]() | |
GM | |
Mark | |
Game Start | |
Anno Domini MCCXX, hiems A.D. 1220, winter | |
Game Year | |
Anno Domini MCCXX, aestas A.D. 1220, summer | |
Magi of Leo | |
Eos of Tytalus Llwyd of Bonisagus Merlor of Flambeau Rissa of Merinita Lady Shona of Ex Miscelanea | |
Companions | |
Erne Matteus de Taranto Robert, the Steward | |
Other Characters | |
Grogs · Villagers Languages Spoken | |
The Covenant | |
Covenant Library · Vis Sources Magical Items · Mundane Wealth Stonehenge Tribunal | |
Other | |
Scilly Saga Chargen Rules Ars Magica House Rules | |
Player Resources (PDFs) | |
Experience Point Worksheet Character Sheet (Variant 1) Character Sheet (Variant 2) |
Charter Obligations
Vis Stores
Creo | 2 | Animál | 10 | Ignem | 6 |
Intellégo | 2 | Aquam | 6 | Imáginem | 6 |
Muto | 2 | Auram | 6 | Mentem | 5 |
Perdo | 2 | Corpus | 30 | Terram | 3 |
Rego | 2 | Herbam | 6 | Vim | 6 |
- Vis Log: Used to maintain a history of all deposits and withdrawals of covenant vis supplies.
Vis Sources
Vis Extraction
A magus may always spend a season in the laboratory extracting Vim vis from the covenant's Magic aura. This is a Creo Vim lab activity, that results in a number of pawns of Vim vis equal to (CrVi lab total / 10), rounded up
Uncontested Sources
- Undiscovered source, 3 pawns/year
- Undiscovered source, 4 pawns/year
- Corpus source, 5 pawns/year
- On Tresco in an ancient burial mound is the skeleton of a king or other important ruler on a throne. Although quite dead, his teeth continually grow and drop into his lap. If collected early enough, this is a source of Corpus vis. If allowed to "rot", as it were, this vis will fade until only a decayed tooth is left.
Contested Sources
Vis Exchange
The Redcaps of Stonehenge also serve as pawnbrokers, exchanging for types of vis. The standard vis received:vis paid ratios apply:
- Technique:Technique vis exchanges at 1:2
- Form:Form vis exchanges at 1:2
- Technique:Form vis exchanges at 1:4
- Form:Technique vis exchanges at 1:1
- Corpus vis is treated as a Technique
- Vim vis is worth 0.5 Form vis