Merlor Advancement 1220-1222
Ars Magica: The Scilly Saga | |
![]() | |
GM | |
Mark | |
Game Start | |
Anno Domini MCCXX, hiems A.D. 1220, winter | |
Game Year | |
Anno Domini MCCXX, aestas A.D. 1220, summer | |
Magi of Leo | |
Eos of Tytalus Llwyd of Bonisagus Merlor of Flambeau Rissa of Merinita Lady Shona of Ex Miscelanea | |
Companions | |
Erne Matteus de Taranto Robert, the Steward | |
Other Characters | |
Grogs · Villagers Languages Spoken | |
The Covenant | |
Covenant Library · Vis Sources Magical Items · Mundane Wealth Stonehenge Tribunal | |
Other | |
Scilly Saga Chargen Rules Ars Magica House Rules | |
Player Resources (PDFs) | |
Experience Point Worksheet Character Sheet (Variant 1) Character Sheet (Variant 2) |
Winter 1220
- Lab Setup: +2 xp Magic Theory (Exposure)
- Language Exposure: +1 xp Speak Cornish
- Correspondence: +1 xp Magic Theory with Bonisagus magi on the continent
Spring 1220
- Lab Setup: +2 xp Magic Theory (Exposure)
- Language Exposure: +1 xp Speak Cornish
- Correspondence: +1 xp Magic Theory with Bonisagus magi on the continent
[Last Update]
Summer 1220
- Proposed: Lab work (1 spell, 1 lesser enchanted device)
Recollection of the Roman Bridge (CrTe 20), Ritual
Range: Touch, Duration: Momentary, Target: Individual
Base 3 (stone), +1 Touch, +3 Size => Level 15, rounded up to level 20 due to Ritual
This creates a stone bridge whose surface dimensions cannot exceed 1000 square yards, and one pace thick. A good Finesse roll allows the magus to style the bridge in a fashion he chooses, though a failed or botched Finesse roll results in a bridge that is functional, but ugly or unnatural looking. This is to satisfy the Prior's request for a bridge. When the vis becomes available to cast it, he will.
Wand of the Stone Dart (CrTe 9), Lesser Enchanted Device
Range: Voice, Duration: Momentary, Target: Individual
Base 3 (stone), +2 Voice, +4 levels for 12 uses day = Final level 9
The wand conjures a stone dart (much like the spell The Crystal Dart, except it creates it, hence Creo) and launches it at a target doing +10 damage. It has no penetration score (+0) and thus only useful against mundane threats.
Lab Total: Creo Terram [Cr(10x2) + Te(17+3) + Int(4) + Magic Theory (5+2+1) + Aura(5) + Lab Bonuses(1) = 58 (or 29 levels of effects in one season)
- Language Exposure: +1 xp Speak Cornish
- Correspondence: +1 xp Magic Theory with Bonisagus magi on the continent
Autumn 1220 TBD