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The One Ring: The King's Own
Starting Year
Fourth Age, 1 (3021 TA or 1421 SR)
Current Year
Fourth Age, 1 (3021 TA or 1421 SR)
The Fellowship
Laramie Twofoot
Déor, Horseman of Rohan
Vidar, Son of Veig
Former Fellowship Members
Chapters Past


Name: Theowulf
Culture: Rider of Rohan Standard of Living: Martial
Cultural Blessing Fey Mood - The Men of the Mark are a generous folk, but when war is upon them, then they are as fell to their enemies as they are loyal to their friends. When the lust of battle is on them, they appear as men stricken with grief, their faces deathly white, or as madmen ready to laugh at despair. The Riders of Rohan may enter a battle-fury if they roll an Gandalf rune.gif or (Eye of Sauron) on any attack or Protection roll. When this happens, they may choose to gain a point of Shadow, to add one Success die (up to a maximum of 6) to all their close combat attack rolls until the end of the battle.
Calling: Wanderer Weakness: Wandering-madness


Specialties: Minstrelsy, Story-telling, Folk-lore
Distinctive Features: Adventurous, Fair


Body Heart Wits
5(8) 5(7) 4(5)
Experience Valour Wisdom
0 of 20 1 2

Common Skills

Awe ■■□□□□ Inspire ■■□□□□ Persuade ■□□□□□ Personality ◇◇◇
Athletics ■■■□□□ Travel ■■□□□□ Stealth ■□□□□□ Movement ◇◇◇
Awareness ■□□□□□ Insight ■■□□□□ Search □□□□□□ Perception ◇◇◇
Explore ■□□□□□ Healing ■□□□□□ Hunting ■□□□□□ Survival ◇◇◇
Song ■■■□□□ Courtesy ■□□□□□ Riddle ■□□□□□ Common ◇◇◇
Craft ■□□□□□ Battle ■■□□□□ Lore ■■□□□□ Vocational ◇◇◇

Weapon Skills

Weapon Skill Damage Edge Injury Enc
Long Sword ■■□□□□ 5/7 10 16/18 3
Bow ■□□□□□ 5 10 14 1
Dagger ■□□□□□ 3 Gandalf rune.gif 12 0


Damage Parry Armor Endurance Encumbrance
5/7 (5 Ranged) 4 (TBD) 27 (TBD)

Rewards & Virtues



Old Songs and Children’s Tales

"They are ... wise but unlearned, writing no books but singing many songs, after the manner of the children of Men before the Dark Years."

In these strange days you have learnt that the songs of the old days tell of many things that have been long forgotten, and what is often deemed to be the matter of legends may return to walk under the Sun. There is worth in each word of every rhyme, and wisdom in each dark stave of songs that have come down from parent to child in the House of Eorl. When you succeed in a roll using Inspire, Travel, Insight, Healing, Riddle or Lore, check your Song rating: if it is equal to or higher than the rating of the skill you used, upgrade the quality of the roll by one level (a success becomes a great success, and a great success is turned into an extraordinary one). Additionally, if the roll produced a Gandalf rune.gif you gain 1 point of Hope (you may gain a maximum of 1 Hope point per session this way). When you choose this virtue, mark the skills listed above on your character sheet as a reminder. It is worth noting that using this ability does not imply that you suddenly burst into song, but rather that you run over snatches of old rhymes from your memory, murmuring a few words or maybe singing softly to yourself.