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Season: Autumn
Aura: Magic
Founded: A.D. 1083
Magi: 5 magi
- Corvus of Bjornaer, ignores clothing "requirements" in order to shift between his heartbeast form (a raven, of course). Had a love-hate relationship with Justen of Tremere prior to his disappearance due to being a Quaesitor, but respecting his skills as a fellow Intellego magus. Has faced charges of scrying in the past but never convicted. Maintains good relations with Quaesitores by offering to help them from time to time.
- Desiderius of Verditius, well-known necromancer, but never stand downwind of him. Affable, despite his Blatant Gift, and reasonably skilled Verditius.
- Julia of Jerbiton, one of the magi who spearheaded the politics in the Tribunal after years of non-quorate Tribunals. Political face of the covenant, considered one of the most beautiful magi in the British Isles. Obssessed with breaking Blackthorn's political power.
- Kirist of Flambeau, young maga, Ignem-focused Flambeau. Does not help the stereotype of Flambeau
- Phessalia of Merinita, a winter fey-touched, heavily scarred, disliked by most magi in the Tribunal. Apparently hostile to Jonaquil from Libellus, resulting in an altercation at Tribunal which left Jonaquil in tears. Recently reprimanded by Tribunal and fined several rooks of vis.