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Ars Magica: Nova Semitae Saga
Game Start
Anno Domini MCCXX, hiems
A.D. 1220, winter
5 Neanne 1, Hiems
Game Year
Anno Domini MCCXXXV, aestas
A.D. 1236, summer
7 Aulus 2, Aestas
Magi of Nova Semitae
Geoffroy de Dreux of Jerbiton
Joshua Levi of Verditius
Magni of Flambeau
Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau
NPC Magi
Aulus · Neanne · Fr. Thomas · Vitria
Ysabelo discipulus Aulus
Esyllt discipula Geoffrey
Sigrun discipula Magni
Hermetic Status
Lady Angharad ferch Madog, Princess of Powys Fadog
Ritter Sigmund, German ex-Crusader
Sir Daniele d'Audrieu, Norman merchant
Sir William Cornwell, English ex-Crusader
Other Characters
Covenfolk · Agents
The Redcaps · Notable NPCs
Chart of Languages Spoken
Notable Animals
Hortense of House Bonisagus
The Covenant
Covenant Charter · Membership Record
Record of Offices · Covenant Service
Council Voting Records · Hermetic Politics
Stonehenge Tribunal
Mundane Geography · Mundane Politics
Village of Melverley · Melverley Castle
Village Laws · Village Rumors
Medieval Farming
Covenant Resources
Covenant Library · Varana's Tomb
Hospital · Hospital Library
Vis Sources and Stores
Covenant Magical Items · Mundane Wealth
Classes and Training · Covenant Experts
Covenant Mechanics
Ars Magica House Rules
Ars Magica Expanded Notes
Campaign Log · Loose Ends
Ars Magica PC Reference
Player Resources (PDFs)
Experience Point Worksheet
Character Sheet (Variant 1)
Character Sheet (Variant 2)
Experience Point Chart

Back to Neanne

Name: Vitria of Verditius
Formal Name: Vitria filia Neanne scholae Verditii ab Novis Semitis
Race/Nationality: Provençal French (English)
Place of Origin: Covenant of Nova Semitae
Birth Year/Age 1215 (21)
Apparent Age 18
Family Jerome, father

Therese, mother
Neanne, aunt and Hermetic parens


Size: -1

Intelligence +4 Presence +1
Perception +1 Communication +2
Strength -2 Dexterity +1
Stamina +2 Luck +1

Virtues & Flaws


Apprentice (Free)
The Gift (Free)
Verditius Magic (Free)
Secondary Insight (Major)
Improved Characteristics x2
Great Intelligence
Inventive Genius
Book Learner
Free Expression
Strong Writer


Optimistic (Major)
Close Family Ties
Exciting Experimentation (MoH 26)
Infamous Master (House Verditius)
Harmless Magic
Spontaneous Casting Tools
Weird Magic


Updated to Autumn 1236

Skill Specialty Score XP
General Skills
Area Lore: Nova Semitae/Melverley Personalities 2 15
Athletics Running 1 5
Charm First Impressions 3 30
Craft: Glassblowing Labware 4 56
Folk Ken Peasants 1 5
Guile Lying to authority 1 5
Intrigue Gossip 1 5
Speak Middle English Conversational 5 75
Speak Middle Hebrew Conversational 4 50
Speak Welsh Conversational 2 18
Organization Lore: Order of Hermes Personalities 1 7
Academic Skills
Artes Liberales Arithmetic 1 5
Speak Latin Hermetic Usage 4 60
Philosophiae Verditius Runes 3 39
Arcane Skills
Magic Theory Original Research 4 66
Parma Magica Perdo 1 9

Mundane Qualities


Known Languages

Language Dialect Specialty Fluency Level Score
English Middle English Conversational Fluent 5
Latin Hermetic Latin Hermetic Terms Functional 4
Medieval Hebrew Nova Semitae Conversational Basic Conversation 2



Mundane Wealth


Magical Qualities


See Laboratory Qualities for explanation of the stats.



Updated as of Autumn 1236

Creo 7 (35) Animal 5 (15) Ignem 5 (15)
Intellego 3 (7) Aquam 7 (30) Imaginem 5 (19)
Muto 11 (66) Auram 7 (35) Mentem 3 (6)
Perdo 4 (13) Corpus 5 (18) Terram 4 (14)
Rego 7 (33) Herbam 13 (96) Vim 2 (3)



  • Wall of Thorns (CrHe 20), +23
  • The Bountiful Harvest (CrHe 35), +23


  • Sense the Nature of Vis (InVi 5), +8
  • Sense of Magical Power (InVi 5), +8
  • Sense of Faerie Power (InVi 5), +8
  • Sense of Divine Power (InVi 5), +8
  • Sense of Infernal Power (InVi 5), +8
  • Scales of Magical Weight (InVi 5), +8

Personal Library


Personal Vis


Magical Enchantments


Longevity Ritual



Level 0
XP: 0

Twilight Scars


  • 1236: Winter (Crafting Enchantment, +2 MT); Spring (Crafting Enchantment, MT +2 xp); Summer (Teaching: Parma Magica +9); Autumn (Reading Muto summa +15 xp [Secondary Insight: An Au Me Vi]); Language Exposure (Speak Welsh +4)
  • 1235: Winter (Read Philosophiae tractatus (Metaphysica 2) + 15); Spring (Teaching: Learning spells, MT +2 xp); Summer (Reading Auram summa +14 [Secondary Insight: Cr Pe]); Autumn (Reading Auram summa +14 [Secondary Insight: In Re]); Language Exposure (Speak Welsh +4)
  • 1234: Winter (Assisting in the lab, +2 MT); Spring (Teaching: Learning spells, MT +2 xp); Summer (Reading Muto summa +15 [Secondary Insight: An Au Im Te]); Autumn (Reading Muto summa +15 xp [Secondary Insight: An Au Me Vi]); Language Exposure (Speak Welsh +4)
  • 1233: Winter (Training with Aed Allen, Craft: Glass Blowing +6 xp); Spring (Teaching: Animal +9 xp [Secondary Insight: Cr Re]); Summer (Reading Herbam summa +15 [Secondary Insight: In Pe]); Autumn (Reading Muto summa +15 xp [Secondary Insight: An Au Me Vi]); Language Exposure (Speak Welsh +4)
  • 1232: Winter (Training with Aed Allen, Craft: Glass Blowing +6 xp); Spring (Teaching: Herbam +9 xp [Secondary Insight Pe Re]); Summer (Reading Muto summa +15 [Secondary Insight: Mu Pe]); Autumn (Reading Herbam summa +15 xp [Secondary Insight: In Pe]); Language Exposure (Speak Hebrew +4)
  • 1231: Winter (Training with Aed Allen, Craft: Glass Blowing +6 xp); Spring (Teaching: Herbam +9 xp [Secondary Insight: In Pe]); Summer (Reading Herbam summa +15 [Secondary Insight: Mu Pe]); Autumn (Reading Herbam summa +15 xp [Secondary Insight: In Pe]); Language Exposure (Speak Hebrew +4)
  • 1230: Winter (Training with Aed Allen, Craft: Glass Blowing +6 xp); Spring (Teaching: Magic Theory +9 xp); Summer (Reading Muto summa +14 [Secondary Insight: Au He Me Vi]); Autumn (Reading Philosophiae tractatus +15 xp); Language Exposure (Speak Hebrew +4)
  • 1229: Winter (Training with Aed Allen, Craft: Glass Blowing +6 xp); Spring (Teaching: Terram +9 xp [Secondary Insight: +1xp to Mu Pe]); Summer (Lab work, +2 MT); Autumn (Assist in Lab work, +2 Vi); Language Exposure (Speak Hebrew +4)
  • 1228: Winter (Training with Aed Allen, Craft: Glass Blowing +6 xp); Spring (Teaching: Ignem +9 xp [Secondary Insight: +1xp to Mu Pe]); Summer (Lab work, +2 MT); Autumn (Assist in Lab work, +2 MT); Language Exposure (Speak Hebrew +4)
  • 1227: Winter (Training with Aed Allen, Craft: Glass Blowing +6 xp); Spring (Teaching: Philosophiae +9 xp); Summer (Read This Too Much Mortal Flesh, Corpus +18 xp [Secondary Insight: +1xp to In Mu]); Autumn (Read De Novo, Creo +18 xp [Secondary Insight: +1xp to Ig Me Te Vi]); Language Exposure (Speak Hebrew +4)
  • 1226: Winter (Training with Aed Allen, Craft: Glass Blowing +6 xp); Spring (Teaching: Rego +9 xp [Secondary Insight: +1xp to An Au He Ig]); Summer (Read Delectatio Morosa ("Peevish Delight"), Imaginem +17xp [Secondary Insight: +1xp to Mu Pe]); Autumn (Read A Flumine Usque ad Terminos Terrae, Aquam +15 xp [Secondary Insight: +1xp to Mu Pe]); Language Exposure (Speak Hebrew +4)
  • 1225: Winter (Read A Flumine Usque ad Terminos Terrae, Aquam +15 xp [Secondary Insight: +1xp to Mu, Pe]); Spring (Teaching: Rego +9 xp [Secondary Insight: +1xp to Ig Me Te Vi]); Summer (Training with Aed Allen, Craft: Glass Blowing +6 xp); Autumn (Reading Non Sum Qualis Eram, Rego +15 xp [Secondary Insight: +1xp to Ig Te]); Language Exposure (Speak Hebrew +4)
  • 1224: Winter (Class: Speak Latin +17 xp); Spring (Teaching: Magic Theory +9 xp); Summer (Read: Magic Theory +15 xp); Autumn (Read: Magic Theory +15 xp); Language Exposure (Speak Latin +4)
  • 1223: Winter (Class: Speak Latin +17 xp); Spring (Teaching: Magic Theory +9 xp); Summer (Teaching: Speak Latin +13 xp); Autumn (Lab Assistant: Magic Theory +2 xp); Language Exposure (Speak Latin +4)
  • 1222: Autumn (Opening the Arts, +2 Organization Lore: Order of Hermes); Language Exposure (Speak Latin +1)