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Ars Magica: Nova Semitae Saga
Game Start
Anno Domini MCCXX, hiems
A.D. 1220, winter
5 Neanne 1, Hiems
Game Year
Anno Domini MCCXXXV, aestas
A.D. 1236, summer
7 Aulus 2, Aestas
Magi of Nova Semitae
Geoffroy de Dreux of Jerbiton
Joshua Levi of Verditius
Magni of Flambeau
Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau
NPC Magi
Aulus · Neanne · Fr. Thomas · Vitria
Ysabelo discipulus Aulus
Esyllt discipula Geoffrey
Sigrun discipula Magni
Hermetic Status
Lady Angharad ferch Madog, Princess of Powys Fadog
Ritter Sigmund, German ex-Crusader
Sir Daniele d'Audrieu, Norman merchant
Sir William Cornwell, English ex-Crusader
Other Characters
Covenfolk · Agents
The Redcaps · Notable NPCs
Chart of Languages Spoken
Notable Animals
Hortense of House Bonisagus
The Covenant
Covenant Charter · Membership Record
Record of Offices · Covenant Service
Council Voting Records · Hermetic Politics
Stonehenge Tribunal
Mundane Geography · Mundane Politics
Village of Melverley · Melverley Castle
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Medieval Farming
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Covenant Library · Varana's Tomb
Hospital · Hospital Library
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Covenant Mechanics
Ars Magica House Rules
Ars Magica Expanded Notes
Campaign Log · Loose Ends
Ars Magica PC Reference
Player Resources (PDFs)
Experience Point Worksheet
Character Sheet (Variant 1)
Character Sheet (Variant 2)
Experience Point Chart

Back to Stonehenge Tribunal

Symbol: A stylized Eye of Providence within an inverted triangle, within a circle
Motto: "Be watchful, stand firm in the Code, act like Magi, be strong."
Season: Spring
Aura: Magical 2
Founded: A.D. 1227
Magi: 4 (2 Guernicus, 1 Tremere, 1 Tytalus)

Vigil is a Grand Tribunal-ordered covenant intended to house a contingent of Quaesitores from the rest of the Order while Stonehenge and Loch Leglean bring their membership of Quasitores up to at least 8. A sister covenant north of Hadrian's Wall at Habitancum, the meeting spot of the Extraordinary Grand Tribunal of 1226, is home to a second group of Quaesitores on the Loch Leglean side. The goal is to have large numbers of Quaesitores to keep an eye on raids by covenants in violation of the Code.

Because the Stonehenge Tribunal was already staffed with six Quaesitores, the Covenant of Vigil has fewer members than the covenant at Habitancum. Still, in order to fulfill the directives of Grand Tribunal, Prima Bilera of House Guernicus has ordered three Quaesitores to take part of the first term, lasting until the Stonehenge Tribunal of 1236. Because the covenant is being founded from scratch, much of the initial setup work will fall on their shoulders.

Magi of 1236-1243

  • Metron, Archmagus of House Flambeau, Iberia Tribunal
Metron was one of the Hoplites attending the Extraordinary Grand Tribunal of 1226 and has volunteered his services at the request of follow Hoplite Angelica in order to ensure that Quaesitores who are here are supported in their attempts to tame the Stonehenge Tribunal.
  • Hera, Quaesitor of House Guernicus
Of the original set of Quaesitores, Hera is the only one to remain and choose not to rotate out because she didn't have a covenant to return to. Over the past seven years, she has realized that matters are not as easy or as straight-forward as the records she studied made it seem.
  • Asmorn, Quaesitor of House Guernicus, Normandy Tribunal (Traditionalist)
A Quaesitor that had been through England in the past following a Jerbiton he believed to be causing issues with the local nobility. After hearing a call for Quaesitores to volunteer for a period, he stepped up since it would give him a chance to keep an eye on some issues he has had interest in.
  • Tressa, Quaesitor of House Tremere, Transylvania Tribunal (Traditionalist)
Another of the 1226 Extraordinary Grand Tribunals, she is here partly out of her duties as a Quaesitor, but also at the invitation of House members who feel the lack of Tremere presence in Stonehenge.

Magi of 1227-1236

  • Archmagus Augustus, Quaesitor of House Guernicus, Rome Tribunal (Traditionalist)
Augustus was in attendance at the Extraordinary Grand Tribunal of 1226 and has volunteered to lead the first term of Vigil. As an avowed Traditionalist in terms of interpreting the Code, he intends to bring a level of scrutiny to the activities of the border covenants and eremite magi that they are probably unaccustomed to.
  • Archmaga Angelica, Hoplite of House Tremere, Rhine Tribunal
Angelica was in attendance at the Extraordinary Grand Tribunal of 1226 with her own set of grogs as part of the Hoplite contingent to ensure good behavior. Although not required to participate in the setup of Vigil, she has nonetheless volunteered to lend her martial prowess as backup for the covenant should skirmishes continue.
  • Atlas, Quaesitor of House Tytalus, Normandy Tribunal (Transitionalist)
Atlas was in attendance at the Extraordinary Grand Tribunal of 1226 and was 'selected' by Bilera to help set up the Covenant of Vigil. His view on the Code differs considerably from Augustus, his senior within the ranks of the Quaesitores, but rank is not something that a good Tytalus concerns himself with.
  • Hera, Quaesitor of House Guernicus, Thebes Tribunal
Hera is a newly Gauntleted maga (1227) without a permanent home. Bilera selected her to make her first official posting in Stonehenge, beliving that she would be an unbiased, disinterested judge of activities. However, Hera does have opinions on western Christianity's invasion and looting of Constantinople, making her slightly more sympathetic to the Saxon magi's concerns about the loss of their ancestral lands.