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Ars Magica: Nova Semitae Saga
Game Start
Anno Domini MCCXX, hiems
A.D. 1220, winter
5 Neanne 1, Hiems
Game Year
Anno Domini MCCXXXV, aestas
A.D. 1236, summer
7 Aulus 2, Aestas
Magi of Nova Semitae
Geoffroy de Dreux of Jerbiton
Joshua Levi of Verditius
Magni of Flambeau
Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau
NPC Magi
Aulus · Neanne · Fr. Thomas · Vitria
Ysabelo discipulus Aulus
Esyllt discipula Geoffrey
Sigrun discipula Magni
Hermetic Status
Lady Angharad ferch Madog, Princess of Powys Fadog
Ritter Sigmund, German ex-Crusader
Sir Daniele d'Audrieu, Norman merchant
Sir William Cornwell, English ex-Crusader
Other Characters
Covenfolk · Agents
The Redcaps · Notable NPCs
Chart of Languages Spoken
Notable Animals
Hortense of House Bonisagus
The Covenant
Covenant Charter · Membership Record
Record of Offices · Covenant Service
Council Voting Records · Hermetic Politics
Stonehenge Tribunal
Mundane Geography · Mundane Politics
Village of Melverley · Melverley Castle
Village Laws · Village Rumors
Medieval Farming
Covenant Resources
Covenant Library · Varana's Tomb
Hospital · Hospital Library
Vis Sources and Stores
Covenant Magical Items · Mundane Wealth
Classes and Training · Covenant Experts
Covenant Mechanics
Ars Magica House Rules
Ars Magica Expanded Notes
Campaign Log · Loose Ends
Ars Magica PC Reference
Player Resources (PDFs)
Experience Point Worksheet
Character Sheet (Variant 1)
Character Sheet (Variant 2)
Experience Point Chart


Name: Veloxia of Bjornaer
Formal Name: Veloxia filia Falco doctrinae Bjornaeris ab Grimwaldis Symbol-bjornaer.jpg
Mundane Name Marja Krysztofera
Race/Nationality: Polish
Place of Origin: Novgorod Tribunal, Covenant of Grimwald (destroyed)
Year of Birth/Age:
1199 (26)
Known Specialties:
Apprentices: None

Character Sheet


Intelligence +2 Presence +0
Perception +0 Communication +0
Strength +0 Dexterity +1
Stamina +2 Luck +0

Virtues & Flaws


Hermetic Magus (Free)
Heartbeast (Cheetah, Free)
Ways of the Forest (Major)
Inoffensive to Animals
Quiet Magic x2
Subtle Magic
Social Status (Gentlewoman)
Minor Magical Focus (Self-Transformation)


Blatant Gift (Major)
Deficient Form (Ignem)
Infamous Master
Afflicted Tongue
Fear (minor, dogs)
Magical Animal Companion
  --(Bruna, a Norwegian Forest Cat)


Updated to Spring 1228


  • 23 xp from Adventures not allocated
  • 5 XP in Dominion Lore, Infernal Lore, Area Lore, Hunt, or Perception
Skill Specialty Score XP
General Skills
Athletics Jumping 1 5
Awareness Alertness 2 15
Brawl Claws 2 15
Guile Lying to Authority 1 5
Hunt Tracking 2 15
Lore Order of Hermes 1 10
Lore, Covenant - Grimwald (Novgorod) Creatures 2 15
Lore, Covenant - Nova Semitae Creatures 2 10
Lore, House Bjornaer Members 1 5
Profession: Herbalist Local flora 1 5
Profession: Librarian Finding Books 1 5
Profession: Scribe Copying 1 10
Speak English Common English 2 25
Speak Polish Hermetic/Technical 5 75
Stealth Sneak 2 15
Survival Hunting 2 15
Academic Skills
Artes Liberales Logic 1 5
Speak Latin Hermetic Latin 5 66
Arcane Skills
Code of Hermes 3 30
Faerie Lore Faerie Court 0 2
Finesse Precision 1 5
Magic Theory Animal 3 36
Parma Magica Animal 4 74

Personality Traits

  • Afraid of Dogs +4
  • Cheetah +3 (When in cheetah form)
      (sometimes acts cheeta-like in human form)
  • Nocturnal +3
  • Brave +1

Mundane Qualities


Known Languages

Language Dialect Specialization Score Fluency
English Middle Standard 1 Beginning
Polish Silesian Hermetic/Technical 5 Fluent
Latin Hermetic Latin Hermetic Latin 5 Fluent


  • Bad Hermetic Reputation: Former Apprentice of Falco ex Bjornaer, Level 3

Magical Abilities, Equipment, Laboratory


See Laboratory Qualities for explanation of the stats.

Current Qualities

Size +0 Refinement +0 General Quality +0 Upkeep +1
Safety +2 Warping +0 Health +2 Aesthetics +5

Lab Specialization

Creo +1 Animal +2 Ignem +1
Intellego 0 Aquam 0 Imaginem +1
Muto 0 Auram +1 Mentem 0
Perdo 0 Corpus 0 Terram 0
Rego +1 Herbam +1 Vim +2
Vis Extraction 0 Texts +1 Items 0
Spells +1 Experimentation +1

Contributing Factors

  • Magical Heating: +1 Health, +1 Aesthetics, +1 Ig
  • Magical Lighting: +1 Aesthetics, +1 Texts, +1 Im
  • Elevated, +1 Au
  • Superior Construction (from Conjuring the Mystic Tower): +1 Safety, +1 Aesthetics
  • Auspicious Shape: +1 Aesthetics, +1 Vi
  • Opulent: +1 Upkeep, +1 Health, +2 Aesthetics, +1 He
  • Lesser Guardian (Magical Animal Companion): +1 Safety, +1 An
  • Lesser Feature:
    • Summoning Circle: Experimentation, Spells, Cr, Re, An, Vi


Well-appointed sanctum 2 (25 xp)


Updated to Spring 1228

Creo 9 (53) Animal 6 (22) Ignem 4 (10)
Intellego 1 (1) Aquam 0 (0) Imaginem 0 (0)
Muto 9 (45) Auram 0 (0) Mentem 0 (0)
Perdo 5 (15) Corpus 9 (45) Terram 5 (15)
Rego 5 (15) Herbam 12 (84) Vim 0 (0)


  • Doublet of Impenetrable Silk, MuAn 15, +17
Grants an animal-based clothing item (leather, silk, wool, etc.) +3 Soak. Also works on natural fur.
Mastery 0 (1 xp)
  • Beast of Outlandish Size, MuAn 15, +17
Increases the Size of a normal creature by +1. Creature gains +2 Damage via claws
  • Shape of the Household Feline MuAn(Co) 20, +23 (Focus spell)
Allows Veloxia to transform from her cheetah form to a domesticated cat.
  • Circle of Beast Warding, ReAn 5, +13
Wards against normal creatures, who cannot enter the warded circle.
  • Soothe the Ferocious Bear, ReAn 10, +13
Calms an enraged, curious, or otherwise aroused animal so that the prevailing emotion is suppressed until aroused again naturally.
  • Sight of True Form, InCo 15, +12
Allows Veloxia to see a creature's true form through mundane and magical disguises up to level 15. Does not work on demon disguises.
  • Whispers Through the Black Gate, InCo 15, +12
Speak with the spirits of the dead. The body must be present, and cannot have been buried in a proper burial following Christian, Muslim, or Jewish rites.
  • Gift of the Bear's Fortitude, MuCo 25, +29 (Focus spell)
Flesh becomes resistance to damage, granting +3 Soak. Delicate work suffers a -1 penalty due to decreased tactile feedback.
  • The Bountiful Feast, CrHe 35, +23 (Ritual)
A spell to nourish the local plantlife and crops that the covenant relies on for its income.
  • Wizard's Sidestep, ReIm 10, +7
Moves the maga's image 1 yard away, making it difficult to hit her. The first attack automatically misses, causing the image to disappear and reappear elsewhere within a yard. The image grants a +9 Defense as enemies swing wide to try and find her.

Personal Library


Untranslated Texts


Translated Texts

"The Fabrication of the Magic Plow" - Translation of Lab Notes

"The Fabrication of the Magic Oven" - Translation of Lab Notes



Personal Vis

Updated to 1227

  • Creo 4
  • Animal 2
  • Auram (faerie) 4
  • Aquam 2
  • Corpus 4

Magical Enchantments





Brüna, a Norwegian Forest Cat

Magic Might: 8 (Animal)
Characteristics: Int 0, Per +1, Pre -2, Com -4, Str -7, Sta 0, Dex +3, Qck +4
Size: -3
Confidence: 1(3)
Virtues and Flaws: Magical Animal, Perfect Balance (+6 to rolls to avoid tripping and falling), Puissant Awareness (+2 Awareness), Sharp Ears (+3 Hearing), Unaffected by the Gift, Magical Friend, Nocturnal, Dependent (Owner), Carefree
Qualities: Ambush Predator (If stalking successfully, auto initiative, +3 to first attack roll), Crafty, Good Jumper (+3 to jumping), Skilled Climber (+3 to Climbing), Thick Fur (+1 protection), Lesser Power x2, Personal Power, Improved Powers x2, Ignem Resistance, Minor Virtue x2 (Well-Travelled, Tough)
Personality Traits: Curious +4, Cat +3, Timid +3
Soak: +4
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0. -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-2), -3 (3-4), -5 (5-6), Incapacitated (7-8), Dead (9+)
Abilities: Athletics (jumping) 4, Awareness (at night) 5+2, Brawl (claws) 3, Charm (children) 2, Folk Ken (villagers) 3, Guile (begging for food) 1, Hunt (mice) 4, Ignem Resistance (cold) 4, Stealth (stalking) 5, Survival (woods) 3, Swim (long distance) 1
Vis: 2 pawns, Animal, in eyes


  • Cat Like a Shadow
0 points, Init: +3, Imaginem
R: Per, D: Sun, T: Ind
A personal version of Veil of Invisibility, as per the spell
  • Resistance to Claws
1 point, Init: +3, Animal
R: Per, D: Sun, T: Ind
The cat's coat becomes resistance to damage. A Personal version of Doublet of Impenetrable Silk, per the spell. Gain +3 Soak, and protection of +3.
  • Master of the Undergrowth
0 points, Init: +3, Herbam
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Group
A version of Intuition of the Forest, per the spell. +3 to all rolls in the forest.
  • Moving Objects with the Mind
1 point, Init +1, Terram
R: Sight, D: Conc, T: Ind
A Sight Ranged version of Unseen Arm, per the spell, used to manipulate objects at sight distance and as long as Brüna concentrates. Used when humans are unavailable to fetch things for her.
  • Pass the Unyielding Portal
1 point, Qck +3, Herbam
R: Touch, D: Diam, T: Ind
A version of the spell of the same name, when no humans are available to open doors. Causes wood of a door to be pliable and bent open.
  • Prison for Mice and Birds
0 points, Qck +3, Animal
R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Circle
A version of Circle of Beast Warding used to trap prey instead of keeping them out.


Journal of Veloxia of Bjornaer

Seasonal Activities

1220 - Winter

  • Hunting Ermine. Captured enough for collar and cuffs, in good condition.
  • Learning English = 5 xp = Level 1.

1220 - Spring

  • Went to Merlin's Well to gather Vis. Pessalia challenged for Vis. Tim's Character and Benji's Character did Certamen with her. Jason's character charmed her into stopping. 5 Pawns of Corpus gained for covenant = 5 XP
  • Eric collected 4 pawns of Muto, and Grogs now have 4 plows (15 paces in circle - 24 times per day)
  • 2 Points in Profession : Scribe. Translating Lab Text (Decoding Lab). Text for magic oven translated. - SEASON OF SERVICE
  • Corresponding with Quaesitor in Novgorod - 1 Point Code of Hermes.

1220 - Summer

  • Learning Wizard's Commune (MuVi 10). - SEASON OF SERVICE
  • Corresponding with Quaesitor in Novgorod - 1 Point Code of Hermes.
  • Local Bjornaire invited her to next Meeting - in 1222.
Invited by Uncia (Scholastic covenant in Cambridge - Schola Pythagoranix)(Ertrdite and loquations)
Note from Corvus (Voluntas Covenant - covenant that is raided by Scots)(terse)
Draag (Blackthorn Covenant) sent greetings. (Average greeting)
  • Went to Faerie Court to listen to music. 2-xp in Fairy Lore

1220 - Autumn

  • Aesa is back. Sept 21st. Cave of Snakes (Wales) - Pool of Black Liquid - Spheres of Pawn of Perdo Vis (tears of an old god) - Got 10 Pawns of Perdo Vis - 1XP
  • Corresponding with Quaesitor in Novgorod - 1 Point Code of Hermes.

1221 - Winter

  • Hill in Wales in Gynesse - Local Lord of Winter - breath. January - 5 pawns of Fairy Vis - 1 XP Salary for Spell Casting - 1 pawn Aurum (Faery) 1 pawn Aquam - SEASON OF SERVICE
  • Corresponding with Quaesitor in Novgorod - 1 Point Code of Hermes.

1221 - Spring

  • Went to Merlin's Well to gather Vis. 5 Pawns of Corpus gained for covenant - SEASON OF SERVICE
  • Went to Mikva Spring to gather Vis. 4 Pawns of Creo gained for covenant.
  • Corresponding with Quaesitor in Novgorod - 1 Point Code of Hermes.

1221 - Summer

Rest of Bjornere sent greetings. (Average greeting) - July
  • Corresponding with Quaesitor in Novgorod - 1 Point Code of Hermes.

1221 - Autumn

  • Learning Latin from Franklin -
  • Corresponding with other Bjorniare
  • Corresponding with Quaesitor that swore her get papers.
  • Corresponding with Quaesitor in Novgorod - 1 Point Code of Hermes.

1222 - Winter

  • Serving as Librarian. - SEASON OF SERVICE
  • Studying Ignem summa
  • Corresponding Quaesitors - Code of Hermes +1

1222 - Spring

  • Serving as Librarian. - SEASON OF SERVICE
  • Studying Terram summa
  • Corresponding Quaesitors - Code of Hermes +1

1222 - Summer

  • Practice Profession (Librarian) discovered possibly relevant spell for Magni (the Ambulatory Laboritory - Covenants - p122) for which he paid 1 pawn Corpus Vis.
  • Corresponding with Quaesitor in Novgorod - 1 Point Code of Hermes. - getting evidence that I'm a gauntleted Maga.
  • Tribunal, +5 xp Code of Hermes
  • Met and celebrated with Bjornare Magni.
  • Pessalia (Pesty Female Maga) defeated and censured at legal Tribunal.