SW:CWM JumpMaster

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Star Wars: Clone Wars Missions
XP: 675
House RulesBestiary
Jedi Knights
Akari Sora
Chandra Devi
Tammine Zinko
Zak Tanner
Jedi Padawans
Key NPCs
Jedi Master Haneul
CC-5535 "C.C. Sass"
Droids & Aids
Associated Jedi
Ami Kyuchi
Raj Vashin
Shalla Tane

Although originally acquired by Republic Intelligence for use by the Jedi to complete a particular mission, after the mission's successful conclusion, Intelligence was convinced to leave the ship on the Ascendancy for future covert needs. The ship is currently registered to a fictitious private prospector and member of the Civilian Astrogation Corps.

JumpMaster 5000

Designed during the waning years of the Galactic Republic, the JumpMaster is a small one-person vessel capable of long-range scouting and reconnaissance duties over lengthy amounts of time, allowing a single crew member to travel for extended periods in relative comfort, with limited room for other passengers. Flat and crescent-shaped, the hull of the ship was packed with powerful and highly sensitive sensor systems that possessed incredible range. An off-set cylindrical fuselage housed the craft's spartan living quarters, cargo-hold, power generators, and drive system. Relatively lightly armored, JumpMaster's relied on sheer speed and agility - coupled with their powerful sensors - to avoid trouble.

While performing admirably in most regards, the JumpMaster was hobbled by a hyperdrive system that was both slow and prone to breakdowns. Owing to the versatility of a CEC design, however, the craft was extremely modifiable; as a result, the first modification done to the craft was often a faster and more reliable hyperdrive engine. As of yet, the Jedi (or 13th Army technicians) have yet to perform any such modifications. The Jedi have, however, added bunks to the quarters and tossed bedding for Tiny in the cargo hold, to allow for the vessel to more reasonably transport the group during their mission to Onderon.


Make/Model Corillian Engineering Corperation
Hyperdrive Class 3
Hyperdrive (Backup) Class 15
Navicomputer Yes
Sensor Range Extreme
Crew 1 Pilot
Silhouette Speed Handling Hard Points Encumbrance
4 4 +1 2 30

Defense Systems

D e f e n s e Armour Hull Trauma System Strain
Fore Port Starboard Aft
1 - - 0 2 14 8

Offensive Systems

Weapon Firing Arc Damage Range Crit Special
Light Laser Cannon Fore 5 [Close] 3 Linked 2

Floor Map

JumpMaster plan.jpg