SW:CWM Episode 3
Star Wars: Clone Wars Missions | |
![]() | |
GM | |
Rotating | |
Game | |
XP: 675 House Rules • Bestiary | |
Jedi Knights | |
Akari Sora Chandra Devi Tammine Zinko Tyndale Zak Tanner | |
Jedi Padawans | |
Wrrlevgebev | |
Key NPCs | |
Jedi Master Haneul CC-5535 "C.C. Sass" | |
Droids & Aids | |
Cammy IM-6 "IMAX" | |
Associated Jedi | |
Ami Kyuchi Raj Vashin Shalla Tane |
Game Master
- Ben
- Chandra Devi, Zeltron Jedi
- Raj Vashin
- Zak Tanner, Human Jedi Knight (Shadow/Shien Expert)
- Tammine Zinko
- Jedi Master Damyar (former House Pelagia)
- Octavian Grant (House Mercatti)
- Melanchthon Nadia (House Pelagia)
- Mago the Bastard (House Melantha)
- Toscellene Adanonon (House Cadriaan)
- Muffet Lactril (House Barnaba)
- Gwendolyn Fardyn (House Reena)
- Senator Fredrick Muntique (House Calipsa)
- Galactic Senator Canny Mandary Bertar (Free Worlds)
(Neona System, Tapani Sector or Shapani Sector after 3ABY (L-13), Colonies)
The PC are tasked with negotiating on the behalf of the Republic Military and Jedi council, with the noble houses of the Tapani Sector for the use of their house fleets and experienced crew in the clone wars. While there is support for the republic from many Tapani houses, each is afraid that one of the other houses will take advantage of their weakness should they commit their forces to the clone wars, so deescalating millenias old house conflicts is the key to victory. They spend the 3 days they have to prepare for the Shelova Week festivity the republic is hosting well and come with gifts, knowledge and proper attire. The scheduled events for the week begin on the first day with the herald announcing the major players to the court, the second ends with a cultural play, the third has a feast with traditional gift giving rituals, for the forth a dueling exposé is held, the fifth has a tour of the mysterious underwater ruins, the sixth held a grand ball, and the last day has a ceremonial closing of the events, with an announcement for the results of the negotiations. Interspersed in the daily events, and private negotiations, acts of intrigue littered the court. While the PCs responded in a way to mitigate and counter their effects, the forces committing these were never caught. The PCs first noticed and scared off agents that were trying to access the ambassadorial wing; they discovered surveillance on their own activities as well; they intercepted a package of explosives smuggled via the ambassador's office; and both discovered and discredited a plot that used false information on ambassadorial documents about the murder of Dooku while in Republic custody, to manipulate the duelist in the court.
The PCs were able to get all the houses to agree to cease hostilities, but with some stipulations which may have long reaching consequences. House Pelagia agreed to cease hostilities and commit their fleets immediately as long as their forces are used only to defend planets of the republic, never to invade, blockade, bombard etc. any CSA planets. House Mercatti agreed as long as Octavian Grant would become admiral of the fleet, although the PCs talked him down to a fleet, not specifically one composed primarily of Tapani ships. Mago was impressed enough by the PCs performance that he agreed to cease hostilities for four years with the other houses, and for the Melantha fleets to join the clone wars with no other conditions. House Calipsa agreed after swindling the PCs into a trade agreement between the Jedi council and House Calipsa that would supply Corsica gems to the Jedi at Jeweler's prices (with regular enough shipments that Jedi convoys will often be in Corscica space to act as independent observers of any house treachery). House Reena agreed as long as Gwendolyn would be allowed to arrange for peace talks with Count Dooku, although after talking with the ambassador, enough loopholes were left in the agreement that they would only take place if the republic wanted them to. The Free worlds were already on board to begin with. House Cadriaan agreed to cease hostilities, but were so poorly off that they could not afford to send any ships off to fight in the clone wars, the PCs wrote into the agreement that ships used to defend the Tapani sector could be counted as ships committed to the war, although it was displayed in a shameful enough way that none of the above houses felt the need to take advantage of this clause. Finally the PCs blackmailed Muffet Lactril into agreeing, but antagonized her enough that she added the Calipsa clause to her house contribution, and warned the PCs to never return to the Tapani sector.
Part I
- 15 xp
- Corusca Gem (Calipso gift)
- Ancient Light Foil (Mercatti gift)
- Illuminated copy of The Jedi Path (Pelagia gift)
- Highest quality Duelist fashion (Reena gift)
- Mahogony Go board with Ivory and Obsidian pieces (Melantha gift)
- Painting with depiction of an early Sith war (Cadriaan gift)
- Barnaba's gift (My note for this gift has become illegible)
Part II
- 20 xp
- Baby Rancor
Part III
- 20 xp
- 9 Duty for party