Council Votes of 1230

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Ars Magica: Nova Semitae Saga
Game Start
Anno Domini MCCXX, hiems
A.D. 1220, winter
5 Neanne 1, Hiems
Game Year
Anno Domini MCCXXXV, aestas
A.D. 1236, summer
7 Aulus 2, Aestas
Magi of Nova Semitae
Geoffroy de Dreux of Jerbiton
Joshua Levi of Verditius
Magni of Flambeau
Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau
NPC Magi
Aulus · Neanne · Fr. Thomas · Vitria
Ysabelo discipulus Aulus
Esyllt discipula Geoffrey
Sigrun discipula Magni
Hermetic Status
Lady Angharad ferch Madog, Princess of Powys Fadog
Ritter Sigmund, German ex-Crusader
Sir Daniele d'Audrieu, Norman merchant
Sir William Cornwell, English ex-Crusader
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Hortense of House Bonisagus
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«1229 | Council Voting Records | 1231»

1230, Winter

1 Aulus 2, Hiems

Members Present: Aulus of Bonisagus, Princeps, Senior (2); Neanne of Verditius, Senior (2); Thomas Ex Miscellanea, Senior (2); Geoffroy of Jerbiton, Junior; Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Junior; Magni of Flambeau, Junior; Joshua Levi of Verditius, Junior;

Office Request Cost Requester Benefit Autocrat's Notes
Princeps Per the Charter, the next term of Office begins and the Council must assign offices in rotation. Aulus, as the only other senior member, must assume the Office of Princeps. Other Offices must be assigned. None Neanne Covenant Magi business
Officers: Aulus (Princeps), Obscurus Ignis (Magister), Joshua (Librarian), Geoffrey (Master at Arms)
Princeps A reminder to the Junior Magi of 1221 that their 7-year commitment to contribute a book to the library has lapsed. While Neanne does not propose forma censure, she is charging the magi to contribute their required book no later than the end of 1230 to come into Charter compliance. Standard writing cost Neanne Covenant Magi business
Magi spend the winter season writing.
Princeps Aulus brings word that House Bonisagus is looking for a covenant to House a Tenens Occultorum member of the House until 1236 as she carries out House duties in Stonehenge, Loch Leglean, and Hibernia. Nova Semitae is an ideal location due to its proximity to the Mercer House and Hermes Portal that House Mercere runs. This will allow her to travel throughout the region. Cost to house a magus Aulus Covenant Magi business
The motion is passed with unanimous consent.

Background Note: House Bonisagus self-polices its members to ensure that their duties under the Oath are carried out. This is done via four followers of Triamnoma's lineage within the House who are assigned to cover 3-4 Tribunals each. Their job is to keep tabs of all members of House Bonisagus within their assigned area and know what they're researching and that they're regularly updating the House about their research. They serve for seven years at a time (one Tribunal period) and live in the area they monitor. Within the House, they are known as a Tenens Occultorum (Tender of Secret Knowledge), with the position rotating among Trianoman lineage followers. As a secondary duty, they also keep an eye out on any existential threats to the Order from mundane or magical sources and try to help resolve those, as well as ensure that the Order's secrets (particularly that of Parma Magica) are kept within the Order and out of non-Order spellcasters.

1230, Spring

1 Aulus 2, Ver

Members Present: Aulus of Bonisagus, Princeps, Senior (2); Neanne of Verditius, Senior (2); Thomas Ex Miscellanea, Senior (2); Geoffroy of Jerbiton, Junior; Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Junior; Magni of Flambeau, Junior; Joshua Levi of Verditius, Junior;

Office Request Cost Requester Benefit Autocrat's Notes
Princeps For covenant service, Obscurus Ignis volunteers to translate spells, including those dealing with ghosts. None Obscurus Ignis Covenant Magi business
The motion is passed with unanimous consent.

1230, Summer

1 Aulus 2, Aestas

Members Present: Aulus of Bonisagus, Princeps, Senior (2); Neanne of Verditius, Senior (2); Thomas Ex Miscellanea, Senior (2); Geoffroy of Jerbiton, Junior; Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Junior; Magni of Flambeau, Junior; Joshua Levi of Verditius, Junior;

Office Request Cost Requester Benefit Autocrat's Notes
Princeps For covenant service, Geoffrey volunteers to enchant a bed that enhances healing to be used at the hospital. None Geoffrey Covenant hospital Magi business
The motion is passed with unanimous consent.

1230, Autumn

1 Aulus 2, Autumnus

Members Present: Aulus of Bonisagus, Princeps, Senior (2); Neanne of Verditius, Senior (2); Thomas Ex Miscellanea, Senior (2); Geoffroy of Jerbiton, Junior; Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Junior; Magni of Flambeau, Junior; Joshua Levi of Verditius, Junior;

Office Request Cost Requester Benefit Autocrat's Notes
Princeps For covenant service, Joshua volunteers to enchant 2 healing beds for the hospital. 4 pawns of vis Joshua St. Silin Hospital Magi business
The motion is passed with unanimous consent.
Magister Proposal to assemble staff for Varana's Tower Salary for covenfolk Joshua Covenant This will cost in salary and resources to have them staff the remote tower, depending on how many people are sent.
The motion is passed with unanimous consent.
Magister Proposal to set up a second guest lab in the Main Hall for magus guests. £5 Joshua Covenant Magi business
The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Geoffrey has volunteered Tenney's services to set it up.
Magister For Neanne's service, create two more regio doorways for Varana's Tower. 6 pawns of Intellego or Vim vis Joshua Covenant Magi business
Upon agreement from Neanne, the motion is passed with unanimous consent.