Council Votes of 1228

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Ars Magica: Nova Semitae Saga
Game Start
Anno Domini MCCXX, hiems
A.D. 1220, winter
5 Neanne 1, Hiems
Game Year
Anno Domini MCCXXXV, aestas
A.D. 1236, summer
7 Aulus 2, Aestas
Magi of Nova Semitae
Geoffroy de Dreux of Jerbiton
Joshua Levi of Verditius
Magni of Flambeau
Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau
NPC Magi
Aulus · Neanne · Fr. Thomas · Vitria
Ysabelo discipulus Aulus
Esyllt discipula Geoffrey
Sigrun discipula Magni
Hermetic Status
Lady Angharad ferch Madog, Princess of Powys Fadog
Ritter Sigmund, German ex-Crusader
Sir Daniele d'Audrieu, Norman merchant
Sir William Cornwell, English ex-Crusader
Other Characters
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Hortense of House Bonisagus
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Experience Point Chart

«1227 | Council Voting Records | 1229»

Aulus of Bonisagus, Quaesitor, and Thomas Ex Miscellanea will be absent from the covenant for 1227-1228 as they will be in Rome serving the Order as Proctor of Hermes. They will return in 1229.

1228, Winter

7 Neanne 2, Hiems

Members Present: Neanne of Verditius, Princeps, Senior (2); Geoffroy of Jerbiton, Junior; Veloxia of Bjornaer, Junior; Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Junior; Magni of Flambeau, Junior; Joshua Levi of Verditius, Junior;
Members Absent: Aulus of Bonisagus, Senior (2); Thomas Ex Miscellanea, Junior;

Office Request Cost Requester Benefit Autocrat's Notes
Magister Allocate funds to construct a set of docks and a warehouse out of wood near the Northbridge, and funds to construct a set of stone docks and a warehouse next to it for more permanent use. Docks: £1 for wooden, £2 for stone

Warehouse: £5 for wooden, £10 for stone

Autocrat Covenant The warehouses would allow storage of goods in case the market conditions to sell are not ideal, or if excess goods are acquired and need to be stored prior to use or resale.
Motion passes with unanimous consent.
Magister Allocate funds to fund a standard Hermetic Lab in Julissa's former lab and to allow Tenney to spend a season setting it up. This lab will serve as a 'common lab' when projects require multiple magi, while allowing study of the transport circle located there. £5 for re-equipping the lab

£1/yr or less annual maintenance

Geoffrey Magi Magus business only
Motion passes with unanimous consent.

Magister Decisions

These are incoming issues appealed to the Magister.

Requester Request Decision
Josef ben Gavrel, Autocrat Louis, a sometime fisherman of Melverley, has been Censured and amerced (fined) 5d (5 pence) by the Autocrat for failure to engage in a useful trade as per the village laws for the past season. Witnesses have been sworn to God and offered testimony of this fact, as well as the fact that he spends much of his time in a drunken stupour.

He has not been given leave by the Council, nor is he retired, and so must be engaged in a useful trade. The Autocrat has suggested other occupations if he does not wish to continue being a fisherman. Louis has rejected the authority of the Autocrat due to his faith by refusing to pay the amercement (fine) or engage in useful work.

The Autocrat has further Censured Louis and ordered his expulsion under the laws of the village. Louis, once again, rejects the authority of the Autocrat due to his faith and refuses to leave his assigned house.

The Autocrat prays for relief from the Magister and begs for guidance or for the Magister to deal with Louis himself. Barring action from the Magister or the Council, the Autocrat will be forced to resort to using the Turb to eject Louis from the village and to keep him out, which may anger the primarily Christian fisherman villagers.

Geoffroy held court to hear Louis's excuse for himself. A friend of Louis, named Matthew, explained that Louis was depressed as a result of the loss of his sister's and her family due to Welsh-English border raids to the south. Louis had promised his mother on her deathbed to watch after his sister. Taking pity on him, Geoffroy ordered Louis to the covenant-run hospital for recovery. He ruled that should he stay there for at least one season, his fine will be negated. Matthew promised to escort him to the hospital.

1228, Spring

7 Neanne 2, Ver

Members Present: Neanne of Verditius, Princeps, Senior (2); Geoffroy of Jerbiton, Junior; Veloxia of Bjornaer, Junior; Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Junior; Magni of Flambeau, Junior; Joshua Levi of Verditius, Junior;
Members Absent: Aulus of Bonisagus, Senior (2); Thomas Ex Miscellanea, Junior;

Office Request Cost Requester Benefit Autocrat's Notes
Princeps For covenant service, Geoffrey volunteers to investigate the enchanted arch in Julissa's lab to discover its secrets. None Geoffrey Covenant Magi business
The motion is passed with unanimous consent.

1228, Summer

7 Neanne 2, Aestas

Members Present: Neanne of Verditius, Princeps, Senior (2); Geoffroy of Jerbiton, Junior; Veloxia of Bjornaer, Junior; Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Junior; Magni of Flambeau, Junior; Joshua Levi of Verditius, Junior;
Members Absent: Aulus of Bonisagus, Senior (2); Thomas Ex Miscellanea, Junior;

1228, Autumn

7 Neanne 2, Autumnus

Members Present: Neanne of Verditius, Princeps, Senior (2); Geoffroy of Jerbiton, Junior; Veloxia of Bjornaer, Junior; Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Junior; Magni of Flambeau, Junior; Joshua Levi of Verditius, Junior;
Members Absent: Aulus of Bonisagus, Senior (2); Thomas Ex Miscellanea, Junior;