The Faceless Hero
Superheroes: DC Universe | |
![]() | |
GM | |
Erik | |
Game Status | |
In Planning | |
Characters | |
Bastis (Karen) The Engineer (Mark) The Faceless Hero (Ben) Lady Luck (Lisa) Wiretap (Adam) |
The Faceless Hero was born in 1918 after his mother was involved in an accident during an experimental mutagenic chemical weapon test. This experimental weapon was destroyed shortly after by a hero(/villian) from the Austro-Hungarian Empire (The Duke of Destiny, presumed deceased...). He was born with his extraordinary abilities, which let him control how malleable his body was. /*More to come*/
Strength | Agility | Fighting | Awareness |
2 | 10 | 3 | 2 |
Stamina | Dexterity | Intelligence | Presence |
5 | 10 | 3 | 8 |
Dodge | Parry | Fortitude | Toughness | Will |
11(+1) | 11(+8) | 7(+2) | 5 | 8(+6) |
Acrobatics (Agl) 11 (+1)
Deception (Pre) 10 (+2)
Expertise (Medicine) 6 (+3)
Investigation 8 (+5)
Intimidation 10 (+2)
Perception 6 (+4)
Persuasions 10 (+2)
Stealth 11 (+1)
Close Combat : Unarmed Strike 10 (+7)
Close Combat : Grabs 11 (+7)
Grabbing Finesse - Use Dexterity instead of strength for grabbing
Fast Grab - When I hit with an unarmed attack I may make a grab as a free action.
Improved Grab - May make and sustain a grab with only one arm, not vulnerable while grabbing
Improved Hold - Opponents take a -5 penalty to escape a grab
Improved Trip - No penalty to attack check to trip an opponent, and they do not get an opportunity to trip me, and I choose the skill used to defend against my trip
Choke Hold - if I successfully grab, and restrain an opponent can apply a chokehold causing my opponent to suffocate for as long as I continue to restrain the target.
Benefit: Alternate Identities (2) - I have 2 additional identities set up with paperwork.
Insubstantial 1 - liquid - Can become malleable enough to pass through tiny openings, and cushion the fall of a person or object.(5pts)
Immunity 1 - Aging - Immune to the effects of aging...(1pts)
Morph 3 - Humanoid - I can alter my appearance to that of another humanoid granting a +20 to deception checks to disguise myself as the form I have assumed.(15pts)
Elongation 1 - can stretch a limb up to 15 feet away, I can make a "close" attack at that reach, if I use this to attack things I cannot see they have concealment, additionally I get a +1 to grab checks. (1pts)