Saltmarsh Gear
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D&D: Ghosts of Saltmarsh | |
![]() | |
GM | |
Mark | |
Milestone | |
Level 9 | |
Characters | |
Ajasz, lizardfolk scout Arkis "Elric", kobold paladin of Tiamat Chimalli, tortle barbarian Elora, elven bladesinger Ayida Ginen, half-elf undying warlock Sond, halfling barbarian Yeoman Scribus, kenku bard | |
Party Gear | |
The Sea Ghost • The Harridan Saltmarsh Gear | |
Saltmarsh Region | |
The Town of Saltmarsh Saltmarsh Region | |
NPCs | |
Saltmarsh NPCs • Guests | |
Resources | |
House Rules |
This lists the cumulative loot haul by the party. As items are sold, they will be crossed out and marked as SOLD. A few items are 'claimed' by certain characters, and this will be noted as well. If a character wishes to keep the item, it will come out of their share of the cash as items are liquidated. History of loot found is in the Discussion tab.
Undistributed Cash
Sea of Intrigue (09/14/24) (Scribus, Elora, Arkis, Ayida, Sond)
- 300gp - Lady's Jewlery & Kit
- 200gp - Lady's Clothing
- 200gp - Ship's Paybox
- 25gp - Captain's Wine
- 25gp - Captain's Finery
- 100gp - Merchant's Box
- 250gp - Hiring Fee for Adventure
- 1000gp - Reward for Document & Agent
- - Reward for Lady's Return
- - Reward for Merchant's Return
Party Fund
- Mithral chain mail "store credit" to Captain Xendros
Books to Keep
- A naval almanac listing tide times for the area of coast around Saltmarsh (a total of one hundred miles of coastline is covered) (10 gp)
- Grog Hovels, which describes taverns and inns along the coastline suitable for patronage by a pirate
- Principles of Navigation by Da Korma (10 gp)
- Gilded tome of dark ritual incantations written in Aquan and Infernal (25 gp)
These books cannot be conventionally sold as only wizards can effectively use them. Elora has claimed these, though anyone in the party with levels of wizard can eventually use them to learn new spells.
- Sanbalet's Spellbook:
- 1st level: charm person, color spray, magic missile, shield, silent image
- 2nd level: magic mouth, scorching ray
- Punketah's Spellbook:
- 1st level: disguise self, fog cloud, mage armor, witch bolt
- 2nd level: gust of wind, Melf’s acid arrow, misty step
- Cultist Mage's Spellbook:
- 1st level: detect magic, feather fall, mage armor, magic missile, shield
- 2nd level: misty step, suggestion
- 3rd level: counterspell, fireball, fly
- 4th level: greater invisibility, ice storm
- 5th level: cone of cold
- Elizar's Spellbook
- 1st level: cause fear, color spray, comprehend languages, disguise self, unseen servant
- 2nd level: alter self, blur, dark vision, shatter
- 3rd level: fireball, haste, counterspell
- 4th level: charm monster, confusion
Treasure and Gear
Manor Fund
- 12,195 gp, 8 sp - set aside for House Fund, currently stored at the manor
- 20,000 gp deposited at the Temple of Waukeen, Waterdeep (accessible at any Temple of Waukeen)
- Spent:
Manor Goods
- 2 casks of brandy
- 2 casks of fine wine
- 4 Crystal Decanters (Value: 80 gp)
- 100 ft of black velvet curtains - recovered for mansion
- Fine Jade Dragon Chess Set
Fancy Gear
- Dagger w/laminated whalebone and scabbard (worth 50 gp) {___}
Mundane Gear
At the Manor
- 2 light crossbows with twenty bolts each
- 1 Warhammer
- 2 50-foot coils of rope
- 10 torches
- 2 healer’s kits
On the Sea Ghost
- 500 ft of Rope
- Several Fishing Nets
On the Harridan
- 1 Spyglass
- 11 Hobgoblin Longswords
- 11 Hobgoblin Longbows
- 4 Tridents
- 1 Dwarf Battle-ax
Magical Items
Consumable Items
Potions & Oils
- 9 potions of healing (Restores 2d4+2 hp)
- 1 potion of superior healing: Looks like swamp water with wild roots mixed in. (Restores 8d4+8 hp)
- 1 potion of heroism
- 3 potions of water breathing
- 1 potion of mind reading
- 2 vials of antitoxin
- 2 potions of Poison
All in Haversack unless otherwise noted.
- 1 spell scroll of Command
- 1 spell scroll of Hold Person
- 1 spell scroll of Light
- 1 spell scroll of Bless
- 1 spell scroll of detect evil and good
- 2 spell scrolls of gust of wind
- 2 spell scrolls of protection from poison
- 2 spell scrolls of spiritual weapon
- 1 spell Scroll: Gust of Wind (Wizard)
- Quaal's feather token (anchor)
- You can use an action to touch the token to a boat or ship. For the next 24 hours, the vessel can't be moved by any means. Touching the token to the vessel again ends the effect. When the effect ends, the token disappears.
All in Haversack unless otherwise noted.
Permanent Items
- Pipe of Remembrance (wondrous item, common) {With Arkis}
- This long, delicate wooden pipe features a bowl made from smooth river stone. When the pipe is lit, smoke exhaled from it does not dissipate, instead lingering around the bearer. After 10 minutes, the smoke forms moving shapes that reenact the bearer’s most impressive and heroic achievements for 5 minutes. When this realistic performance is complete, the smoke dissipates. The pipe can’t be used this way again until the next dawn.
- 2x Bag of Holdings (wondrous item, uncommon) {1 With Chimalli, 1 With Elora}
- This bag has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions, roughly 2 feet in diameter at the mouth and 4 feet deep. The bag can hold up to 500 pounds, not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet. The bag weighs 15 pounds, regardless of its contents. Retrieving an item from the bag requires an action.
- If the bag is overloaded, pierced, or torn, it ruptures and is destroyed, and its contents are scattered in the Astral Plane. If the bag is turned inside out, its contents spill forth, unharmed, but the bag must be put right before it can be used again. Breathing creatures inside the bag can survive up to a number of minutes equal to 10 divided by the number of creatures (minimum 1 minute), after which time they begin to suffocate.
- Placing a bag of holding inside an extradimensional space created by a handy haversack, portable hole, or similar item instantly destroys both items and opens a gate to the Astral Plane. The gate originates where the one item was placed inside the other. Any creature within 10 feet of the gate is sucked through it to a random location on the Astral Plane. The gate then closes. The gate is one-way only and can't be reopened.
- Heward's Handy Haversack (wondrous item, rare) {With Ayida}
- This backpack has a central pouch and two side pouches, each of which is an extradimensional space. Each side pouch can hold up to 20 pounds of material, not exceeding a volume of 2 cubic feet. The large central pouch can hold up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. The backpack always weighs 5 pounds, regardless of its contents.
- Placing an object in the haversack follows the normal rules for interacting with objects. Retrieving an item from the haversack requires you to use an action. When you reach into the haversack for a specific item, the item is always magically on top.
- The haversack has a few limitations. If it is overloaded, or if a sharp object pierces it or tears it, the haversack ruptures and is destroyed. If the haversack is destroyed, its contents are lost forever, although an artifact always turns up again somewhere. If the haversack is turned inside out, its contents spill forth, unharmed, and the haversack must be put right before it can be used again. If a breathing creature is placed within the haversack, the creature can survive for up to 10 minutes, after which time it begins to suffocate.
- Placing the haversack inside an extradimensional space created by a bag of holding, portable hole, or similar item instantly destroys both items and opens a gate to the Astral Plane. The gate originates where the one item was placed inside the other. Any creature within 10 feet of the gate is sucked through it and deposited in a random location on the Astral Plane. The gate then closes. The gate is one-way only and can't be reopened.
- Mug of Retention (wondrous item, rare) {With Arkis}
- When filled with a non-magical liquid, this oversized, lidded stein seems to contain an endless supply of it. In reality, it will produce up to 20 gallons of liquid in a single day. Stating its command phrase, "Fill 'er up", resets the liquid it can create.
- Scarf of Resolve (wondrous item, rare, requires attunement) {used by Yeoman Scribus}
- This luxurious silk scarf allows the wearer to remain firm in the face of fearsome or intimidating foes whether in battle or bargain-making. It is also cozy.
- When attuned to the scarf, you are immune to the frightened condition and also gain advantage on Wisdom (Insight) or Charisma (Persuasion) checks related to haggling
- Moon touched weapons:
- Received 2x rapiers, 1 short sword and 1 long sword (1 rapier with Elora, Short sword with Chimalli)
- In darkness, the unsheathed blade of these sword sheds moonlight, creating bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet.
- Phylactery of Faithfulness (wonderous item, common)
- When attuned to the phylactery, a character will be warned if an intended action goes against a swarn oath or the desires/tenints of their god(s).
- Headband of Language (wonderous item, common)
- When attuned to the headband, a character gains the ability to speak, understand, read and write in Undercommon.
- Ring of Protection (wonderous item, rare) {With Chimalli}
- While attuned to this ring, a character gains a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws.
- Ring of Free Action (wondrous item, rare) {With Chimalli}
- While you wear this ring, difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement. In addition, magic can neither reduce your speed nor cause you to be paralyzed or restrained.
- Ring of Spell Storing (wonderous item, rare, attunement) {With Ayada}
- This ring stores spells cast into it, holding them until the attuned wearer uses them. The ring can store up to 5 levels worth of spells at a time. Any creature can cast a spell of 1st through 5th level into the ring by touching the ring as the spell is cast. The spell has no effect, other than to be stored in the ring. If the ring can't hold the spell, the spell is expended without effect. The level of the slot used to cast the spell determines how much space it uses.
- While attuned to this ring, the character can cast any spell stored in it. The spell uses the slot level, spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and spellcasting ability of the original caster, but is otherwise treated as if you cast the spell. The spell cast from the ring is no longer stored in it, freeing up space.
- Current Contents: Shield, Shield, Counterspell (Lv. 3)
- Ring of X-ray Vision [Ring, Rare, Attuned] {____}
- While wearing this ring, you can use an action to speak its command word. When you do so, you can see into and through solid matter for 1 minute. This vision has a radius of 30 feet. To you, solid objects within that radius appear transparent and don't prevent light from passing through them. The vision can penetrate 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, or up to 3 feet of wood or dirt. Thicker substances block the vision, as does a thin sheet of lead.
- Whenever you use the ring again before taking a long rest, you must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion.
- Ring of Poison Resistance [Ring, Rare, Attuned] {With Ayida}
- You have resistance to poison damage while wearing this ring.
- Immobile Rod {With Chimalli}
- This flat iron rod has a button on one end. You can use an action to press the button, which causes the rod to become magically fixed in place. Until you or another creature uses an action to push the button again, the rod doesn't move, even if it is defying gravity. The rod can hold up to 8,000 pounds of weight. More weight causes the rod to deactivate and fall. A creature can use an action to make a DC 30 Strength check, moving the fixed rod up to 10 feet on a success.
- Folding Boat {In Haversack}
- This object appears as a wooden box that measures 12 inches long, 6 inches wide, and 6 inches deep. It weighs 4 pounds and floats. It can be opened to store items inside. This item also has three command words, each requiring you to use an action to speak it.
- One command word causes the box to unfold into a boat 10 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 2 feet deep. The boat has one pair of oars, an anchor, a mast, and a lateen sail. The boat can hold up to four Medium creatures comfortably.
- The second command word causes the box to unfold into a ship 24 feet long, 8 feet wide; and 6 feet deep. The ship has a deck, rowing seats, five sets of oars, a steering oar, an anchor, a deck cabin, and a mast with a square sail. The ship can hold fifteen Medium creatures comfortably.
- When the box becomes a vessel, its weight becomes that of a normal vessel's size, and anything stored in the box remains in the boat.
- The third command word causes the folding boat to fold back into a box, provided that no creatures are aboard. Any objects in the vessel that can't fit inside the box remain outside the box as it folds. Any objects in the vessel that can fit inside the box do so.
- Continual Flame Rod {With Sond}
- A metal rod with Continual Flame cast on it.
- Dagger of Venom {___}
- You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
- You can use an action to cause thick, black poison to coat the blade. The poison remains for 1 minute or until an attack using this weapon hits a creature. That creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 2d10 poison damage and become poisoned for 1 minute. The dagger can't be used this way again until the next dawn.
- Sandrin, a mule purchased by the party to haul goods to/from the Haunted Mansion
- Torin, a mule purchased by the party to haul a wagon
- Cuppa the Parrot
- When anyone enters a room with Cuppa, the parrot immediately wakes, squawks, repeats “Pieces of eight” several times, squawks again, and then falls quiet.
- The Sea Ghost, a cog owned by Saltmarsh and loaned out to the party for a period of one year with crew paid for by the town
- The Harridan, a cog captured from the pirate Black Molly and crewed by Ogres.
- A jolly boat used at the Haunted Mansion
- A wagon pulled by Sandrin and Torin
- Deed and title to the Haunted Mansion