SWMG 2015 Quix (Location)
DDC Mega Game 2015 | |
![]() | |
Alpha GM | |
Lisa | |
Beta GMs | |
Adam, Benjamin, Brendon, Tim | |
Backup GMs | |
Erik, Mark | |
Game Time | |
Saturday, 5 PM - 1 AM slot | |
Game Year | |
Post Order 66 | |
Mechanics | |
Turning Points · Imperial Meters Destiny Points | |
Plot | |
Act I Act I Summary Act II Act II Summary | |
Collaboration Notepads | |
By Group Adam's Group · Tim's Group Ben's Group · Brendon's Group Factions Event Team · Police / Security Alderaanians · Coruscanti LASR · SAGroup Other Enemies · Temple District |
The ultralounge Quix is the premier entertainment establishment on the Temple Block, almost as soon as the land became available for redevelopment following the establishment of the new order. Although funded by a handful of human investors, the club is truly the brainchild of the Zeltron Adriav Sain, who envisioned a combination nightclub and lounge bar that could cater to the twenty-four hour lifestyle at the center of Coruscant. The ultralounge was among the first major businesses on the block, and set the tone for the revitalizing the area as a recreation and relaxing area near Imperial Center.
Quix has an excellent top floor location directly across the Temple Court West, almost directly in line with the temple's west entrance. The club owns the entire depth of the allowed construction space, providing the club (normally) with both an unobstructed view of the Temple and, in the other direction, the Imperial Palace.
The club consists of three levels, two above and one below "ground" level. The entirety of the ground level is dedicated to club itself. The upper level contains business operations, as well as a few private rooms for conferences and other rented purposes. Although not clearly delineated, Adriav Sain lives up here as well. The basement is used for kitchen and storage services, including the club's dozen cleaning droids.
The main level has five segments (Entry Hall, Hub, Left wing, Right wing, Palace-Side). The main bar consists of a 360 counter in the dead center of the hub. Both wings also have their own smaller bar, while the Palace-Side area is primarily table order. There is no dedicated dance floor, but rather the furnature is arranged to create small pockets of open area which can serve as standing congregation areas or dance areas depending on a patron's preference.
Waiters, Waitresses and Bartenders
Quix wait staff was carefully selected and is well managed. The staff is evenly split on genders and about sixty percent human, with the rest being filled by near humans or more "attractive" humanoids. The split produces, as it was intended, the overall feeling of the exotic without grating to hard against the pro-human sentiments of the hardline Imperials that occasionally pass through the area.
The wait staff is composed of complete professionals and will react accordingly. They have become experts at keeping their mouth shut, knowing that many things get discussed in the bar that could cause a lot of trouble if they fell into the wrong hands. They are well paid and even better tipped, making bribery very difficult and exceedingly expensive. So long as they follow the rules, Adriav protects his employees, and is in turn protected by some very influential people on Coruscant, making them all very hard to intimidate.
There is a change of shift about an hour after the game starts. Several of them already intended to stay for a while to see the fireworks at the end of the event from the second-floor break room window. Due to the explosion, more of them (particularly the non-humans) will decide it's unsafe to travel and instead head to the basement or break room.
Behind-Scenes Staff
Unlike the wait staff that has to interact with the public, the rest of the staff is mostly isolated from the pro-human focus of the patrons, and so consists of nearly three quarters alien species. They are all highly regarded members of their respective professions. Unless the characters make a point going where they shouldn't they will not interact with any of them.
Quix's private security consists of five well-dressed bouncers. They are armed with stun knuckles and stun pistols. (Combat Stats)
Adriav Sain
Zeltron designer and entrepreneur Adriav Stain is the mind and spirt behind Quix. A forty-two year old Coruscanti native, he started as a bartender in a mid-level nightclub while putting himself through design school. He opened Quix with the help of several (human) backers who have gone a long way to protect him and his establishment from the wrath of COMPNOR despite (or perhaps because of) the proximity to the center of government.
Knowing this will be a big night for his business, Adriav on the floor tonight socializing and personally managing the club. In addition to being a suave, charming and hansom man, he is an intelligent and cunning business man. Quix is his baby and something of an obsession for him.
Notable Patrons
Fitting exactly in the sensibilities of the young and wealthy, Quix has become something of a living room away from home for the Loyal Association of Saber Rakes and their hanger-ons. While they originally inquired about the VIP room, the Quix simply doesn't have a VIP room large enough to support them. They've taken this minor setback in stride, and have instead carved out their own semi-private section of the left wing room simply by occupying tables.
Until the show begins, at least three quarters of the association members can be found here at any given time. They have been tipping well, and the establishment's reacting accordingly – generally ignoring any disturbances they cause so long as they don't become to extreme. Concerned about potential bias, Adriav has shuffled table assignments last minute to give them an all-human serving staff.
While at any given time, the majority of the members of will be with the main group, several of the more outgoing members are using their time here to socialize with the high class citizens and other visitors to Coruscant, and as such may be found anywhere in the club.
Shuzz (the Kubaz)
The information broker Shuzz is a dedicated regular of Quix, both for work and for relaxation thanks to its rather relaxed approach to non-humans for the area. He has a regular section along the western wall with an overlook of the Imperial Palace. His regular drink appears as a bright blue Martini with a beetle instead of an olive.
He is originally there to meet with the Distraction Team to sell them event tickets. He disappears directly after the explosion to check his information sources and avoid questioning by Imperial Authorities. After a half-hour or so, however, he will return and can be used as an information broker.
If the ISB or CSF ever max out, he will disappear for the rest of the game as he waits for the area to cool down.