SWMG 2015 Ben's Group
DDC Mega Game 2015 | |
![]() | |
Alpha GM | |
Lisa | |
Beta GMs | |
Adam, Benjamin, Brendon, Tim | |
Backup GMs | |
Erik, Mark | |
Game Time | |
Saturday, 5 PM - 1 AM slot | |
Game Year | |
Post Order 66 | |
Mechanics | |
Turning Points · Imperial Meters Destiny Points | |
Plot | |
Act I Act I Summary Act II Act II Summary | |
Collaboration Notepads | |
By Group Adam's Group · Tim's Group Ben's Group · Brendon's Group Factions Event Team · Police / Security Alderaanians · Coruscanti LASR · SAGroup Other Enemies · Temple District |
Benjamin's "We Heart the Empire" Team
- Guy Vir Human Procurer (Mark) SWMG 2015 Guy Vir
- Fixer Human Mechanic & Medic Technician: Mechanic (Benjamin)SWMG 2015 Fixer
- The Suave Sensitive Human Big game hunter Scout: Big Game Hunter / Force Sensitive Emergent (Brendon)SWMG 2015 Hunter
- 4th A REBEL SWMG 2015 Rebel Politico
- 5th R2-T2, Cunning Astromech (Adam) SWMG 2015 R2-T2
Step 1 Joining a Tour Group
There are 6 possible tours through out the day, with one already in progress when they arrive thus 5 avenues of entrance :
- The Senators Entourage
- The Alderaniaan SAG
- The Outer Rim Imperial Cadets (last names starting in Ch-Co)
- With LASR
- With a personal signed invitation from the Emperor
Actual order of leaving, Alderaniaans, LASR, Outer Rim cadets, and the Senators entourage
also of note, one great way to gather information is from the public part of the museum in which some important people and events will occur
The Senators Entourage
There are a few ways of going about this, the most direct route is to try and gain an audience with him. Fortunately he will be at his office until just before the tour, which is easily found, although to actually speak with him before he leaves they will either need to sneak in or talk his secretary into announcing them.
Sneaking in will be easier than it sounds, I will let them plan it all out with boost dice for anything particularly clever, and setback dice for any obvious holes in there plans but only about a 3 difficulty, the Senate's degraded importance has left it with less security as well(plan on using a Darkside Point(DP for future use) here for a bit more tension, and to emphasis the consequences). Failure on this roll will mean that they failed to avoid security, which will attempt to detain them, from there the party could either try to talk there way out of it, fight there way through, or outrun them. Trying to talk it out will result in a 2/1 deception check where failure indicates they are kicked out and barred from the premises, and success indicates that he will helpfully lead them to the location appropriate to the lie (but not past the Secretary). Should they fight I will start with a minion group of 4 security guards (using the spaceport security detail entry from the book), there will be two teams of 3 plus an officer guarding the Senator should they decide to push through and finish the mission, with Storm trooper set to arrive in about 10 minutes, but the Senator will be unwilling to negotiate if this occurs so skip down to the kidnapping scenario part of the joining the senator. If they try to run have a difficulty 3 athletics check to outdistance security, where failure indicates the are tackled by the security guard taking a strain per failure, and a black die on any attempt at combat or deception that might occur after. That being said sneaking in will also come with a 2 setback dice penalty on negotiation with the senator.
To talk the Secretary into announcing them it will depend on which social skill they used. She is most easily coerced with a difficulty of 1 Red and 1 purple (for future simplification this will be shown as 2/1 difficulty) but I will add a DP and award conflict points for those who do this approach. The negotiation, charm, and deception check will be a 3/1, but charm check will have 2 Setback dice, and deception 3 also if they attempt to bribe her make it a negotiation check with boost dice added based on the bribe (follow the old 1,2,5,10 pattern starting with 50 for each boost die). They can also attempt to force trick her into into letting them in, if they fail any other social roll will have a extra setback die added for looking like a fool. Failure on any these rolls (except bribing) means they will have to find another way to get at the senator, either by trying to sneak in another way, bribing her or catch him between his office and the temple should they fail with advantage she will let slip when he is leaving the office to make it easier to catch him. The failure for bribing will make her demand a high bribe based on the number of failures/ disadvantages (one extra level on the 1,2,5,10 scale per failure, and 3 disadvantage count as a failure, 3 advantage counters a failure, with a minimum of one level increased and extra advantages applying to the negotiation after the fact).
To intercept him between places if you know where he is going to be (like if the secretary let slip when he is leaving and they wait for him just out the door, or his wife arranges a meeting outside the museum) than I will skip the rolls here, but if they decide to stake out his route than they will first need a perception check difficulty 2 unless they are doing it just outside the temple in which case it will be difficulty 3 due to the crowds, followed by a 2/1 difficulty stealth check to approach the senator without incident. Failing to notice the Senator will result in missing this chance to join his tour, and failing the stealth check will add 2 black dice on negotiation with the senator and additional black dice based on the results.
Negotiations with the Senator will be difficult, if they try to force trick they will discover he is not so weak willed, with a discipline of 4/2 and is willing to spend a DP to help resist this, and attempting will add 2 more black dice to future negotiations, that being said I will add boost dice for advantage and on the rolls made to reach him, and if they state any way they are preparing for the meeting (like dressing to impress or investigating him with some core world checks before hand) than I will award boost dice. The first step in the negotiations is getting across to the senator what they want with him, the type of social check will be based on how they do this (remember Coercion, Deception and leadership oppose discipline (4/2) and charm & negotiation oppose cool 3/2) Success will indicate that he will set a bribe price that they need to donate to his "campaign fund", failure indicates he will apologize that he cannot help them, he is only inviting friends and the backers of his campaign, if they take the hint after the failure and offer to become campaign backer they can do a negotiation check (3/3) success indicating he will offer them the same deal as success on the previous roll, failure indicating he will open the negotiations at double the bribe he was willing to offer on a success. If they try to haggle allow one more Negotiation check (3/3) success will decrease the bribe, but failure will not only indicate he is firm on the price but that he takes notice of you (also should 5 disadvantages be accumulated over the course of the negotiation he takes notice). Failure with despair should indicate that negotiations break down, he finds them too eager, Success with a despair should indicates he is asking for an additional "favor" that will seriously inconvenience them.
Finally just in case there is the possibility to kidnap the senator or members of his family to try and coerce him into cooperating. This will have serious consequences, it will draw ISB attention. The senators wife and son will be examining the public area of the museum early on (see the section on the public part of the museum) and latter they will return to their home. Finding the senators residence is a difficulty 4 computer, streetwise, or core worlds depending on how the try to discover that information. Regardless if the try to kidnap the wife it will be a difficulty 2 coercion check with 3 boost dice if her son nearby and upgraded once with 2 setback dice if she has body guards with her. If successful they will give in to there demands, but the senator will hit a panic button when he meets up with her which will result in the ISB attention and increased security within the temple. Should they try this with the senator they face his 4/2 discipline but with 4 boost dice due to his desire to save his own hide. Failure indicates they make enough of a scene that the players probably need to escape or face combat, but still draws ISB attention.
The Alderaanian Sub-Adult Group (ASAG)
After they arrive the head of the ASAG will hole-up in his hotel, so finding him is the first step. One possible way is if they spoke with the star ship group they may know the whereabouts of the Alderaanians. Alternatively if they meet some of the Alderaanians at the public part of the museum than they may learn of his location. Finally if they try to find it through research a difficulty 4 computer, streetwise or core worlds check to figure out where he is depending on how they try to find it. If they ask him if they can join the tour he will jump at the chance believing it to be an opportunity to save his reputation. He has been severely over-exaggerating his recruiting successes, and will allow them to join the group if they claim they are members of the ASAG and if they help recruit other members for the "ASAG". If the PCs try to refuse this request I will require a negotiation or deception check vs difficulty 2, due to his desperation. He will also enthusiastically sends his body guards and send messages to the other members of the ASAG to try and recruit for him. Now if the PCs were successful enough on researching him, or have heard about it from other groups they may know there are threats against his life in which case they may try to convince him to keep his body guards with him, which will require a difficulty 2 social check with 2 black dice due to a higher regard for his reputation, and a belief in the empires ability to protect him. Also if they are particularly paranoid they may try to protect them themselves. If you join in recruiting you can do a charm test, a streetwise test, a coercion test, or a leadership, as many players who want can roll with no difficulty. This will benefit them a bit more latter, it will be easier to slip away if there are more people, and if they do not get at least 5 successes overall they will draw notice.
There is the possibility of the ASAG leader being taken ... I will contemplate after talk.
The Outer Rim Imperial Cadets
Fortunately due to bureaucratic nonsense this group is not as cohesive as it should be. Effectively this is a group of imperial cadets from academies far enough on the outskirts of the empire that they haven't bothered consolidating into a reasonable group. This makes it easier to infiltrate in some ways, but harder in others. In essence a good uniform and a good act should be enough, but emphasis on good. One way to telegraph this (also see public area section) is when the instructor comes to reprimand the rowdy cadets their ire could be drawn to an unkempt uniform. Also some cadet small talk covering patch (also see public area section) etc. The easiest way would be to get an actual uniform, although a realistic forgery could also work.
One way to get an actual uniform would be to ask some cadets for a spare, and there are a few way they could take this. Most will tell them to buzz-off, but there are some exceptions they may here about if they listen to cadet gossip they might here of a group willing to gamble anything that have staked out an empire friendly bar. Alternatively one of the particularly talkative troops who spends the entirety of his spare time in the museum public area would be willing to help the PCs sneak in if they say they just want to see the tour, but this will draw notice. Thirdly some of the cadets may be willing to part with them for money. For the gamblers, the pot is officially a spare uniform per hand vs 50 credits, using the gambling rules ( see side-bar page deception 2/2, cool 4/1 for behavior he will roll a force die, light side for cool, dark for deceit). For convincing the museum enthusiast for help you can try either a charm, or lore test at 3 they have convinced him that they share his enthusiasm for this piece of history and he will get his friend to help with some spare uniforms and the necessary modification, but will draw notice. If they try to buy some spare uniforms off of some of the recruits I will require a difficulty 2/1 and spend a DP on the first to upgrade, each success indicates a uniform they can buy, 80 creds per start, with disadv and adv moving the price up/down by 10. Finally you can try to sneak into the base, fortunately the number of people coming and going makes it fairly easy to sneak in so a difficulty 1 stealth test, and then a difficulty 2 skullduggery to open one of the lockers, or a computers check 2 to open one of the rooms. Note that the difficulty of any modifications will be increased by one unless they made sure they stole from one of the outer rim cadets. If they try to talk with those running around in the base, a difficulty 3/1 deception/charm check. Note that most of these methods will require the name tag or possibly patches to be replaced, which requires a mechanics check difficulty 2, plus 3 setback dice if they do not rent some equipment (10 cred) or steal it with skullduggery 2. Finally they could try to create one for themselves. 10 creds per uniform from a surplus store, then either a difficulty 3 outer rim check to properly customize it, or they have to go out to places where some of the outrim cadets are and roll a difficulty 3 perception check(use a DP) to get the right level of detail. failure really means upgrading the final modification check, plus one per failure, adv/disav add boost/setback dice. The final modification check requires a difficulty 3 mechanics check plus 3 setback dice if they do not rent some equipment (10 cred) or steal it with skullduggery 2, with the previous modifications. If they failed the modification roll they can still try to make it through with a difficulty 3/1 deception test to either set up a distraction or bluster your way out of it, or difficulty 3 stealth check to just hide in the back, also a influence test will be resisted with 2/2 discipline
The members of LASR predominately hang out at Quix but occasionally some can be found elsewhere in the city, a few will be exploring the public area before their tour. There are a few main ways to join the LASR tour, they could simply show up at Quix in elaborate costumes claiming to be a member, they could try to join LASR, or they could be recruited by the inner circle. Upon meeting the Maestro they should make a difficulty 1 fear test
Most of the LASR regulars are in costume at Quix, and some of them because they are performing tonight. Should the PCs scout the place out and decide to get appropriate costume, I will let them take a difficulty 2 perception, or Core world + 1 boost die, then ask home much they are spending on these costumes. Any costume less than 50 creds will have 1 setback die, and less than 20 is 2, less than 10 is too cheap to be passable, and should they spend 100 creds or more on their costumes they can add a boost die, the net success/failure of the perception/core world test will add boost/setback dice to the costume as well. After the net quality of the disguise I will let there be a social challenge where the PC must decide how they are integrating into the celebrations at Quix. They can attempt a social check of some kind, or just passively blend into the background (Defend with a skill against a 2/1 perception, inverting the costume bonuses). If a majority of PCs fail, some of LASR will call them out on being outsiders, where they will have to try a different method, should their be a majority success, then let the advantage of party members cover for the others social faux pas.
Joining LASR is possible without joining the inner circle if they successfully lie about being Tapani noblemen, or show a particular aptitude for dueling. Should they try the lying they will need a difficulty 4 (use DP) Core Worlds check to have enough knowledge to convincingly lie, followed by a deception check difficulty 3 which is upgrade for every failure on the previous roll, and adv/disav are boost/setback dice, if the one who did the knowledge roll is not the one who does the deception check, have 3 setback dice, and 1 setback die if some who did not do the roll helps in the deception check. Should they fail with despair or sufficient disadvantage (like 3-5) it will prompt on of the noblemen to demand a duel with one of the party, which might lead to an aggressive version of the alternative joining method, should they just fail they will be asked to leave, but should they fail with a triumph or 3-5 advantage, they will be called-out on the deception, and asked to explain themselves, which could lead to an alternate entry method. The other way of joining is showing interest in dueling, at which point a test of skill will be arranged, and they will be ask if they need use of a light foil. one of them will be setup to duel one of their most junior members who and they will make a light saber difficulty 2/1 roll, with 2 black dice if they just use their training saber instead of accepting a borrowed saber. Should they try to swap sabers, a difficulty 3/2 skullduggery (plus 2 black dice for the difference in styles of hilt). Should they get the despair duel run it as a one on one combat until a critical injury is sustained on either side, and with a 3/2 roll on the opponent, who is more competent.
Should they use the force during their dealings with LASR roll a force die, should a black pip result the one using the force needs to make a difficulty 2 fear test as the sensitive amongst the inner circle detects their use of the force and requests an interview with the party. Then there should be a round of social rolls determined by how the players role play it, they are looking for 3 successes before there are three failures to win a membership in the inner circle, all of the roll difficulty 2/2, should a despair crop up he will be suspicious enough to stay behind and search for them should they go missing during the tour. If the team joins the inner circle, or wins the despair duel, they will draw notice, and the despair on joining the inner circle could add an extra force user wild card to my act 2.
Step 2 The Tour
The objective is to sneak away from the tour, but sticking with the tour could get you closer to your objective without risk of discovery, and help you remember your way around the place. Entering the Jedi temple gives you this strange uncanny valley feeling, it all feels so familiar but it's just enough off (due to changes) to bug you. The tour Starts by passing through the following places:
- Statuary Corridor: A Grand hallway that has been used to display some of the statues "found" within the temple, made to emphasis the contrast with the statues originally displayed to the public and those within the inner confines.
- Main Hangar: Now used to display the technical achievements of the Jedi including old Jedi Star-fighters(engines & weapons no longer functional), disassembled lightsabers, and other gadgets, the condemnation of lightsabers as a cruel weapon features prominently.
- Hall of the Jedi Council: Featured most prominently here is a reenactment of a council meeting created from a "transcript" of the fateful meeting that led the Jedi to send Master Assassin Windu to attack Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.
- Chambers of the Jedi Master Assassin Mace Windu: The chambers of Mace Windu, modified to make him look like a serial killer, the tour guide will emphasis the biological trophies are not original, and were recreated from reports following the temples fall.
- "Meditation" Chamber: This sound-proof chamber has been arranged with what appears to be implements of cruelty and torture, the tour guide will emphasis that the goal was not always to extract information, that the Jedi found the causing of pain meditative.
- Balcony Overlooking the Arboretum: The tour guide will emphasis a contrast here, many of the flora, and fauna below are amongst the rarest and most beautiful, in the galaxy, but also some of the most dangerous, and man-eating.
- Site of the "Slaughter of the Innocents": Where some of the last defender the temple holed up and held the younglings hostage, and when all hope was lost, Lord Vader was unable to stop their slaughter, or at least according to the tour guide
- Practice Hall with reenactment: A reenactment of an "Average" lightsaber training session, with Zomba Ma playing the part of the Jedi Instructor...
- Chamber of the Jedi Trials: The Practice Hall reenactment team will continue and lead the tour group into the chamber of the Jedi initiate trials, with a reenactment of the trial of the initiates starting with a recital of the "Jedi Code", followed by a choreographed blind-folded duel, ending with
- Council of Reassignment Hall: While it is unlikely that they stick with the tour until the end, they end with the final brainwashing process of the washouts before being sent to better society, improve the opinion of Jedi throughout the galaxy, and be the spies and eyes of the Jedi.
There are a few main incentives towards sticking with the tour, first off it can help them get their bearings straight, and get an idea about the kind of people they may stumble across in the temple, what security is within safely, and minimize the distance they have to sneak around. One mechanic for this is a Memory navigation check, a 5 difficulty Intelligence test to determine if they know where to go from where they are to reach the Library. One thing that is very noticeable on the tour guides and any civilian curators is the photo-id badges that double as electric key-cards
Statuary Corridor
The main features of note in here are the many statues, which give good cover should a fire-fight occur here (possibly in act 2), also would give 2 boost dice to stealth should they try to loose the tour near the entrance. That being said it may not be a good idea to leave just yet. This is a chance to emphasis that the temple has been changed into a twisted mockery of its former self, and that memories from childhood aren't perfect. To put simply statues are an easy reference point for children, and the addition of so many statues obfuscates which entrance this is. Should they ask the tour guide about which entrance this is, give them a 2 difficulty survival check, and if they ask about which statues originally adorned this hall, a 1/1 difficulty lore test, to determine which entrance it is. Success gives them a boost die to all future Memory Navigation checks, and if they wish may attempt one. To reach the Main Hangar they will take a turbo-lift up passing by a stairway in which a patrol of Dark Trooper will be returning to the security room near the entrance, necessitating a difficulty 2/1 fear test. Should they have already escaped the tour, a stealth check vs their perception can avoid it, perhaps a vigilance test to notice them early depending on the circumstances. Another key thing they may notice is that the turbo-lift require an electronic key-card and pass-code to use. More details to follow in other sections.
Main Hangar
There are a few main features here, but some key ones are various Jedi star-fighter sans weapon/engines (to perhaps give options to Brendon's group should they be asking about fighters capable of holding people), a display with a few lightsabers in various states of dismantlement, including 4 Mephite crystal up for taking, displays of a few Flachette and Electro-Flachette weapons, should a more blaster inclined individual feel the need to steal, some droid displays, and others technical curiosities. Should they try to break into a display a difficulty 3 Skullduggery check, with 3 boost dice if they wait till after the item is talked about by the tour guide (or when the tour isn't there), upgraded once if the tour guides speech draws attention to it while they are trying to work). The Jedi who wish to may make a difficulty 2 mechanics check to see how much they remember about the hangar, success gives them a boost die to all future Memory Navigation checks, and if they wish may attempt one. Leaving the hangar they will pass a pair of curators with badges visible. They can be pick-pocketed with a skullduggery 2 test, and if shadowed (stealth 2 + DP) they will be able to spy their pass code use after reaching the elevators near the hangar
Hall of the Jedi Council
Here is where we will be introduced to some of the first of the Sith's minions. Dressed as though they are Jedi masters, they do not truly live up to the part, but this if they reach out to them in the force they might find something strange. Some of them are force sensitive, but almost all are too weak to have ever reached padawan level. In game this will manifest as either a basic power or a minor force talent. Also when describing them I will mention that they wear fake lightsabers, which in this case is entirely true, members of the jedi reenactment corp who do council work, but is not universally true, 2/3 of the actors work in the lightsaber training show, and/or reenactment of the initiates trials, which do have training sabers. This reenactment is of the decision to send the master assassin Windu to Palpatine, but not all of the council agrees with it, some worry that it will be difficult to spin this, and that they might have dispose of their prominent assassin after the fact. Those with leadership ability might have taken more notice of the council, as a place to aspire to, thus a 2 difficulty leadership test, success gives them a boost die to all future Memory Navigation checks, and if they wish may attempt one. Should they specifically seek this room out after escaping the tour they will find them on break, and will likely either force a social roll (to stop them from calling security, and attempt to restrain the PCs in the meantime). Should time be running short this could be a valid meeting place between the Sith and the party.
Chambers of the Jedi Master Assassin Mace Windu
The chambers of Master Windu have been adorned with macabre trophies from across the galaxy, in attempt to paint his attack on Palpatine as "normal" for him and other Jedi. They twist stories, like the fall of his apprentices, as patterns of organized assassins. During this talk I will have them make a difficulty 1 discipline or cool test, to see if they can keep from reacting to rather venomous slander (2 boost die for the non-Jedi, 3 for the droid). Everything in this room is fake, including many bizarre and disgusting trophies, and a few fake weapons, the only thing I can imagine them wanting is a realistic looking thermal detonator with a dead-man switch, but it will be difficult to find in the clutter.
"Meditation" Chamber
This former meditation chamber has been filled with implements of torture. A few things of note, first many of the objects in this room are sharp and dangerous, those who act overly recklessly should roll a coordination test, with failures as wound, disadvantages as strain, and despair as critical injuries, also should a fight take place here, allow advantages & disadvantage be used to have people get knocked into dangerous parts of the scenery for some of these coordination tests. Also as the tour guide will note the room is soundproof, granting 2 boost dice to stealth checks should they try and sneak away from the tour now. The Jedi who wish to may make a 3 difficulty discipline test, success gives them a boost die to all future Memory Navigation checks, and if they wish may attempt one.
Balcony Overlooking the Arboretum
This is a section of corridor, made entirely of transparasteel surrounded by a section of the Arboretum, which is now a large animal infested jungle, and the tour guide will hint about some of the dangers faced with, which if Tim's group think to mention this to mine might aid them. a 3/1 difficulty Xenology test, to determine what part of the massive Arboretum this is, success gives them a boost die to all future Memory Navigation checks, and if they wish may attempt one.
Site of the "Slaughter of the Innocents"
The Jedi should make an immediate difficulty 3 fear test upon entering, this is actually where Darth Vader cut-down so many younglings. To make matters worse they play it off as desperate Jedi kill the kids they used as hostages. Near the middle of the speech I will ask everyone to make a difficulty 3 discipline or cool test, to see if they can keep from reacting to it (2 boost die for the non-Jedi, 3 for the droid). A curious thing to note is that there is a plaque on the wall with a list of the names of those who died during this incident, should they ask about it I will give them a 4 difficulty vigilance test to notice the 4 names that are suspiciously absent from the list, although if they have a minor fail I will note that their names, and the names of the others on the planet are on it. Disadv add strain, and failure indicate some kind of outburst which they may need to cover with a social skill, or else draw notice, or others based on the circumstance. If they reach this room all the Jedi gain a boost die on all future Memory Navigation checks, and may make one immediately (how could they forget this place when it forces memories upon them).
Practice Hall Reenactment
This is where they will first meet the Sith. He is decked out in the robes of an instruct, and is teaching lightsaber combat, with ruthless cruelty to those who show any mistakes. The minions here are many and each holds a training saber in their hands, while the Sith shows the dangers of a real one before moving on to training in reflecting blaster fire, which involving shooting the target with a light blaster (in this case it is a prop, with blasts that do little more than sting, and some theatrics to make the students look injured). This is the closest the tour gets to the library, curators are going through that now, preparing it for a future tour route. If the Jedi wish to hide, I will give them a difficulty 0, stealth check vs a difficulty 0 perception test from the sith, boost dice to the PCs based on how large the crowd is, or boost dice to the sith if it noticeably small. If they notice them, he will arrange with the members of the council reenactment corp, to encircle them and try to cut off the PCs, escape. Should the PCs have left the tour, have them pass by a upper floor overlooking the Sith's practice session, to get their glimpse of him, now everyone would make their stealth checks, to avoid notice in return. in This scenario I will have the Sith begin the chase, and if possible have him corner them when the power drops, giving them renewed hope. Should they avoid notice I will have him say, I feel something, a presence I've not felt in... If they reach this room all the Jedi gain a boost die on all future Memory Navigation checks, and may make one immediately (a large part of a youngling's life is training).
Hall of the Initiates Trials
Here is where the Initiates would graduate to padawan in the Initiates trials, the Sith "Instructor" will lead the way, and if the jedi avoided his gaze before, he will notice them now, normally only the best quarter of "students" would join them, but the Sith will instruct the other to be an honor guard for the tour to try and cut off the escape for the padawans, attempts to stealth away will at 2 boost dice before he takes the lead due to the commotion, and 1 setback die while his "students" are trying to encircle the tour. After they have an athletics check difficulty 2 is needed to break away and a chase begins. During the ceremony he will surprise the tour guide (and covering it with influence) by adding an audience participation portion, drawing the Jedi into the ceremony and isolating them from the rest of the tour group. Should this be the path they follow it will be best to try and time it close to the blackout. Other places they may reach of search for are placed below
To simply break through the security on the turbolift they will need to make a difficulty 3/1 to overcome the key card, and a difficulty 3/1 computers check to overcome the passcode. Any of the civilians have a badge and pass-code, but the military personnel