SWMG 2014 Act I: Town
Star Wars MegaGame 2014 | |
![]() | |
Alpha GM | |
Lisa | |
Beta GMs | |
Adam, Mark, Benjamin, Brendon | |
Game Time | |
Saturday, 5 PM - 1 AM slot | |
Game Year | |
Post Order 66 | |
Mechanics | |
Character Creation · Turning Points | |
Plot | |
Act I Entry · One Ping Only Act II IT'S ALIVE! · FLIP ZE SWITCH! Denouement Coda | |
Collaboration Notepads | |
By Group Adam's Group · Mark's Group Ben's Group · Brendon's Group Other Cerebro's Stats · Enemies |
The basic thought for the first act, at this point, can be divided into two sections. The first half to two-thirds will be a sandbox adventure trying to find the mapping points described in Jedi Journal and required to locate the hidden entrance. Along the way they’ll discover a few critical ones were only uncovered during the Imperial Era, explaining why the Jedi never discovered this entrance.
During this time they will also have a few chances to 1) make friends that will help them impress and/or sneak past the imperials during the infiltration section and 2) activate a ‘obelisk alignment’ turning point that makes the force easier to use.
The second part of this act consists of figuring out how to get into the basement of the Imperial Complex. This is done in one of two ways. Making friends with the Imperial Lieutenant will allow them to eventually convince him to let them past security “thourgh the back door.” Otherwise they will have to bluff and sneak their way in without alerting the Imperials on staff. In either case, they will have the opportunity to ‘tune the comms tower’ as a turning point to reduce the commlink interference.
There is no intended encounter in the access tunnel, though an encounter with the maintenance droids can be added if time needs to be increased.
Game Sequence
(6:00 to 6:30) Having landed with the others at a docking bay just outside of town, the Heroes are left to pay the docking fees and arrange for the refueling of the craft; an encounter that acts as the introduction to the dice system and social challenges.
1) A local conn man, not actually part of the docking authority, will try and get payment up front for docking fees.
2) The dock manager will try to ‘upsell’ repair work on the ship. Advantage or disadvantage generated in this conversation (regardless of end result) will affect their ability to gain assistance during Act II.
Scene 1
(6:30 to 7:00) Armed only with hints and a vague puzzle in the Jedi Journal, the Heroes must attempt to determine the secret location of the underground access point. This will require exploring the town looking for the key pieces of the puzzle.
A small fire fight errupts nearby as local troops engage the swoop gang, leaving a couple injured on each side before the the criminals run. The heroes have the option of helping the injured Imperials, the injured gangers, or if they're very skilled one than the other. This is a good point for them to make friends with a groop, and for the Doctor to shine.
(30 min) A major segment of the puzzle, there is an Obolisk that acts as one of the markers. This was a major stumbling block for the investigating Jedi, who were not aware the Obelisk had actually been moved after the reformation. The Empire, who found the base during urban renewal, moved the obelisk back as a ‘cultural recognition’ sign. The Heroes must observe where the shine from a crystal imbedded in it falls.
Observant players may note all three crystals are supposed to line up on the ground, but do not. Adjusting these crystals is not necessary for continuation of the mission, but will re-energize the obelisk activating a Turning Point that makes force-use easer.
Cutscene 1
“The four of you crowd around a large flimsiplast map of the city you picked up at the small tourist information booth drawing out the patterns and circles the Jedi discovered would lead to the impossibly ancient secret entrance to the underground goal. You all watch closely as {insert character name}’s pen traces the final line. It spirals around the streets before finally settling the last place you’d ever want it to. The town’s Imperial Administration Building.”
Scene 2a
(If the players decide to Bluff & Sneak their way in)
Communcations Tower [Turning Point]
Scene 2b
(If the players decide to make friends with the Imperial Lieutenant)
Communications Tower [Turning Point]
Scene 5
The players successfully find the secret entrance to the turbolift. An encounter with the maintenance droids can be used to extend this scene if necessary.