SWMG 2014 Ben's Group
Star Wars MegaGame 2014 | |
![]() | |
Alpha GM | |
Lisa | |
Beta GMs | |
Adam, Mark, Benjamin, Brendon | |
Game Time | |
Saturday, 5 PM - 1 AM slot | |
Game Year | |
Post Order 66 | |
Mechanics | |
Character Creation · Turning Points | |
Plot | |
Act I Entry · One Ping Only Act II IT'S ALIVE! · FLIP ZE SWITCH! Denouement Coda | |
Collaboration Notepads | |
By Group Adam's Group · Mark's Group Ben's Group · Brendon's Group Other Cerebro's Stats · Enemies |
The Team:
- [Name], Wookie - add move control(5 & 15),add 1 discipline, add 1 coercion
- [Name], Bothan - add quick draw, add coordination 1, add athletics 1, add move:control
- [Name], Twi'lik - add 1 presence, remove 1 charm, remove 1 grit, add 1 knowledge(xenology)
- Name, Fixer
- Name, Explorer Droid
The right equipment for the job:
They begin by outfitting their little expedition at a local supply store, they have 800 credits to work with, and they have a few packages available, as follows
necessities(100):backpack, glowrods x2, ration packs x6
personal computing(100): datapad, utility belt
combat combination(100): extra reloads x2, stimpack x2
medical basics(100): Emergency medpac
extreme conditions(200):climbing gear, breath mask x3, macrobinoculars
communications(200): longrange comlink
power & lighting(200): backpack, fusion lantern
medical profession(400): medpac
mechanics friend(400): toolkit, emergency repair patch x2
you can attempt a charm or negotiate check to try and get a better deal
D3 negotiation, or charm, if coercion used upgrade difficulty 1s he'll offer you the necessities package as a bonus 1a he'll add an extra ration as a bonus (its a free sample)
On the doorsteps of destiny : The open plains stretch for miles behind you, gradually giving way to the modernity of the city, and boxed off farther to East by the tree line of the forest. Ahead of you lies the excavation site, the scant buildings look weathered, their temporary nature never meant to survive so long forgotten, old warning signs rusting with neglect warn of the penalty of trespassers and dangers of excavating equipment long since silenced. The gentle herbivores graze along the path, seemingly ignorant of the perils of the humans in their midst, and a gentle breeze bring the freshest air you have ever breathed. Of the five building that are intact enough to enter, the largest and stablest holds a massive generator that once powered the camp.
D3 mechanics check to examine the generator s1 The generator is in standby mode, and all of its power lines have been retracted. +1a You notice that the primary power line has been outfitted with a seemingly unique conduit +1s you have discovered a converter for more standard power usage +2a You notice that the primary power line has been outfitted to supply power to the ruins, if connected to the primary power. +2s you have managed to get it running and have prepared some of the auxiliary power lines to be used for refueling any of the excavation equipment that is found to be functioning. + ds - loss of time
The power line from the generator has considerable heft and a strong auto winding cord, that requires 2 maneuvers (could be from 2 separate people) to carry it, which limits their capabilities while within the temple. Another appears to be a supply hub that been raided by animals
If asked knowledge Xenology roll can be used to attempt to identify what got into the food supply D3 xenology, 1s it must have been a burrowing omnivore of large size 2s/T judging by the direction of the collapsed tunnels, its tunnels might extend into the complex 1a it likely has a sensitivity to light 2a some of the marking make you think this thing hunts as well as scavenge 1d probably sensitive ears for sensing sonic vibrations 2d it probably is a scavenger
One houses rundown old excavation equipment, A mechanics check can be run to identify if any of them are functional - could be a solution to the front door, but none of them are small enough to fit through the entrance.
D3 mechanics check s1 You find one that is unpower,and would required minimal repairs (D2 mechanics +[2-a] S) +1a you find some usable parts from vehicles that are beyond repair, decrease the number of S for repairing a vehicle (if over 3 have B dice), or and emergency repair kit for the droid. s3 You find one that is fully functional, but unpowered
~~> allow for alternate power sources from the player if they sound reasonable For the repair
D2 mechanics, S/B dice determined above s1 it is functional but jittery 3S dice +s reduce S by 2 +a reduce S by 1 +d/2 add 1 S
The other two are fully abandoned, but a D3 perception check could find a personal journal with a text translator on it.
The door is barely open and it is dark inside. upon the door written in an ancient script the following poem, a D3 Lore check will allow a translation: Between each heartbeat/ the twilight before the night/ the calm and the storm // Haven of serenity / a candle against the night// I bind all that lives/ in a field of energy/ For I am the force. I see three main ways of bypassing the door squeezing through, using some of the excavation equipment to enlarge the entrance, use a skullduggery or athletics test to force it open with strength or simple machines, or attempt to open it with the force. For squeezing through: (note if they do it cooperatively on the one whose stat is used slips through
D4 + 1 black die per 3 points of encumbrance coordination s1 you slip through odd d take that many strain to get through even d loss half that many items backpacks and flashlights with priority for climactic effect
After getting in you may attempt an athletics roll to activate the emergency manual opening mechanism, it is well rusted so
D3 athletics check s1 you open it enough for everyone to enter it +/2 a decrease difficulty of the coordination check above, ignore item penalty +1 a add a B die to all others attempting the coordination, make item penalty per 6 points encumbrance +n d take n strain
For using excavation equipment assuming one has been repaired or found
D3 pilot planetary check S dice determined above use dark side s1 You crash into the door violently the vehicle is fully destroyed anyone who did not take cover before take 1 wnd, and the rider takes an additional 3 strain from the crash +a reduce the strain from the pilot and if over 2 removes the wound +d increase the strain +T the vehicle is intact and functional for the final encounter +D rider takes a critical wound
For Forcing the door open
D4, add up to 2 S dice unless a sufficient tool is use (some kind of lever perhaps) s1 you open it enough for everyone to enter it +/2 a decrease difficulty of the coordination check above for others to use, ignore item penalty +1 a add a B die to all others attempting the coordination, make item penalty per 6 points encumbrance +n d take n strain
If the door is destroyed use "Just hold them off for a few more minutes" for the final encounter, if not use "Open the pod bay doors HAL".
The entrance ceremony: An ancient waiting room is revealed, off to the left and right what once were restrooms with still discernible male/female symbol remain, but are fungus filled, ancient banners have been bug eaten till destruction. An ancient computer, in an ancient language is underpowered on an older entrance desk which once held a receptionist long gone.If powered it appears to be functional, although its mouse is not, and some of the keys are non-functioning. The door deeper into the facility is locked with a force based mechanism made to identify recruits to the academy. Once they are registered with the system other sensors deeper in will orient the walls, corridors of the facility, and the locks/doors of the facility to fit the students needs. When the doors are approached by a force sensitive with sense they should roll there force power (keeping it slightly obscured why they are rolling it). If they get 1 force point the locking mechanism lights up, if they get 2, they have the strange feeling as if there were something living about the door. If they acquired the converter earlier, or can find a way to makeshift one from parts brought in, they can get the computer to turn on, if they do and they do not have the translation notes already, they should make a D3 lore check to see if they can understand the language used in its software.
D3 computer check, +1 S die, if mistranslated, upgrade once, and add a 2 more S dice. 1s you determine that the door is not normally accessible, but it unlocks if it enters an emergency escape protocol, which the computer can initiate 2s you are also able to isolate the escape route so that you can open the minimum number of doors +1a they determine that the door is unlocked vocally for anyone who is "enrolled" +2a they determine that if you identify yourself to the door and it deems you "eligible" it will enroll you in its system +3a they receive a map of how the facility is currently oriented +1d you unlock as many of the locks as this computer can, which does not include the main door +2d+ you accidentally activate the emergency escape protocol and unlock all the doors 1D they activate the emergency escape protocol and it determines the emergency is that the facility is being invaded by foreign force users
Above the door the poetry from before continues another D3 lore to translate it if you did not get the translator unit: All who are seeking knowledge/Of the mysteries of life//Give to me your name/And your promise to obey/And our gift is yours//Enter in your ignorance/And leave us in Mastery If you try to introduce yourself to the door you can either do charm, negotiation, or successfully force Influence to enroll in the academy.
D2 charm/negotiation +2 S die for droids 1s you are enrolled and it opens to you +a/d count them for how convoluted your future path will become in the "it knows your name" encounter
Or your could burn through the physical lock with skullduggery/mechanics
D3 skullduggery +2 S if mechanics +d take a wound per from accidental injury +T you manage to get it open without completely destroying the lock
If you force open the lock or use the computer you enter "Alert Enemy activity detected" as the stage2 encounter Not good enough for Aperture Science: This school structure is build with moving/movable panels that orient themselves into the 'ideal' passage way determined by the force sensing security mechanisms, as well as dormitory and class rooms that move along rails to facilitate this moving school building. While the force sensor feed off of what they sense for power, but the moving mechanisms are unpowered. This has fixed this labyrinth in place, some of the panels might not be able to compensate the new weight, and the moving rooms have none of the stabilization systems working so they swing and move wildly when entered. 3 main encounters could happen here, one required, two of them optional, until they reach the weapons training room that has become attached to the security room in front of the Cerebro. The first they could reach is the Jedi's former internal base camp, in the open study hall. Most of the doors along the way have been closed to them because they have not been assigned classes or dorm rooms yet by the nonoperational system, so this is the first open room they find. Inside they see some abandoned (but comparatively modern) furniture, some abandoned electronics that were just too cumbersome to move, which might temp some exploration. When they enter the room a coordination roll is needed to keep their footing
D2 coordination 1 B die if they are carrying the power line 1s you are fine f you land hard and take a wound per f d you take a stun per d 2d/1f you drop the cable if you are carrying it. If someone else is carrying the cable they can attempt a Athletics check to hold on to it, D2, If it escapes they can attempt a D3 athletics check for anyone.
Within there they can attempt a perception check (D2) to find supplies equivalent to one of the supply packages they did not buy.
D2 perception check 1s a 100 credit package they did not buy. 2s a 200 credit package they did not buy. 1T a 400 credit package was found 1a if the translator was not gotten they find a spare copy.
But when the room was entered it slid a little bit forcing a jump back into the complex
D1 athletics , 1S if they are carrying the cable 1s you get across 0-1f you barely catch onto the edge, as a piece of equipment falls into the abyss and you drop the cable. d take a strain per a regain a strain
The second encounter is non optional, a section of the panels fail as the group crosses a stair-like structure, and drops them into the den of the burrowing creature, that raided the old supply spot. The creatures are generations old force manipulated creatures made to locate force user while underground and trap it with its claws, but these sensing faculties have weakened over the generations, but it still lingers in the facility because of this sense. For stats I am using the mid-sized Dianoga for stats, just replacing aquatic for tunneling. When the section of the floor gives way they must make a athletics or coordination check to determined what happened
D3 athletics/ coordination 1B for holding the cable 1s they land gently 2s/1T they are able to keep from falling altogether, but still will have to cross the section f take that many wounds d take strain a regain strain 1D they fall HARD, roll a critical injury
Three of the creatures are waiting in the fall location leading to combat when they fall, if the creatures are too badly wounded or stunned they will escape. They will try to grip any of the force users in their nest, to stop their movements. When the combat ends they will need to climb up to the other side, or jump across.
D3 athletics for climb, D2 athletics for jump, 1S for holding cable 1s you get up without incident d strain a/2 or +s you can help to cancel the failures of others to help them up f take a wound for falling back down
If someone fails, those at the top can attempt the check at trivial (D0) to help the repeaters The third encounter, you pass by the nurses office, which might tempt them to stop in to look for medical supplies. The challenges are the same if they have not entered one of these rooms before, but if they have it is easier on the first check, (D1), and if everyone entering succeeds they do not even need to jump it. I will go into detail on the search check just for the prizes. Finally while in this room they can act as if they had a emergency repair kit for healing wounds
D2 perception check 1s they find a pair of ancient kolto patches, being the only medicine that hasn't noticeably decayed, act like emergency repair patches for organics. a/2, or +s, another kolto patch d you discover that most of the medicine has rotten and decayed well beyond its expiration rate.
Finally they reach the training center. This was made to train reflexes and practice in the use of the Rakata light swords, it is a room that fires blasters at your location to the beat of music, targeting locations based on pressure-plated floors. At the time the capacitors that power the blasters have mostly discharged over the years of the clone war, so when they fire they have the sting of stunning weapons. When they enter the room they find 2 training lightsabers that the previous Jedi have left behind. Shortly after picking up the sabers, the training regimen activates. The room takes 3 maneuvers to cross, and you have to carry the cable through. Alternatively you could try to wait the song out for 5 turns. At the end of each turn, the room launches a 6 stun attack at each of the party members. Anyone can attempt a D5 coordination/athletics check,(1B added if they have sense) to dodge it with Jedi reflexes as an action, if you can successfully use a move object check, to intercept an incoming blast. Or if you have a lightsaber you can attempt to block one, D3 lightsaber check, if you want to upgrade one of the difficulty dice you can defend another individual in engaged range as well. Alternatively if anyone wishes they can willingly take the hit for another engaged character. [I will need to do some testing to determine if this is too difficult]
PART2: //Potential information gathering The first real challenge is almost the same as their last encounter with the practice chamber, but the shots are no longer stun attacks and all roles add a black die due to the increased pace that Cerebero has set either to test them in the "It knows yourr name" scenario, or to weaken them in the "Alert Enemy Activity Detected" case. In either scenario Cerebero does not want them to get to the generator outside to shutdown the power or simply leave it alone, so it has guided a group of creatures from the cliff-side section into the air ducts that lead to this chamber, and they are set to arrive there in 5 min(or turns), and at the start of each of these any character who wishes may roll a perception check with a number of D dice equal to the number of turns away these creatures are and add 2 S dice due to the distracting sound of blaster fire (so the first round they are in the room they would roll 5D and 2S, and 1D and 2S for the start of the turn the beast will arrive.) If they escape the room before the creatures arrive, then on the turn when the creature arrive any character can make a perception check
D1 perception check 1s you hear the practice chamber that has remained silent since you left it erupts into blaster fire for a bit less than 2 minutes 3s/1T You guess there are between 3-5 targets in the practice chamber, based on the rate of fire 1a hear a pain-filled sound beyond the blaster fire. 2a You hear the pain-filled sound of the hunters howl
The next chambers are theoretically set by Cerebero, but their tentative order is below, with a few interuptions to follow. When Cerebero takes direct control for instance, or when he has been away for a while and let the automated systems distract them for a while.
Cerebero has set the Force Move training chamber to be the first obstacle (unless he takes direct control early), and the chamber functions differently in the two scenarios of part two, and will change how they must deal with the issue at hand. For each of the chambers an overview will start the section followed by the specifics for the two scenarios, finally by the mechanics they share. The move object chamber is built with electromagnets in the ceiling that drop metal block down into the main chamber at a rate of 0-2 size 1 block, 0-8 size 0 blocks per minute (volumetric-ally about a 250cuft of material dropped per minute), which the students would use to move with the force to either reach higher locations in the room, and when done with their class, leave the chamber. The exit and entrance to the chamber are about 20ft above the floor of the chamber of about 25ftx25ft, and there are enough blocks to make it a flat chamber, The larger blocks are about 5ftx5ftx5ft, and the smaller are 2.5ftx2.5ftx5ft. In this scenario, I will use graph paper to give them a visual representation of the room, and show where the blocks are and they are. When the floor of the chamber is entered (pressure and life sensors activate/deactivate it) block begin to drop. A middle 15ftx15ft section drops 4 size 0 blocks while the rest drop size 1 blocks.
It Knows Your Name:I am the one who arranges the blocks that descend upon me from up above ~ In this scenario, Block drop in random location(2 d5 to determine where on the grid it lands), a middle 15ftx15ft section drops 4 size 0 blocks while the rest drop size 1 blocks. The three main ways of crossing the chamber that I see are that they could move the blocks to form a large stair case to climb, activate it and wait for it to become easier to cross while holding off the creatures following from behind, or use their most powerful move object user to try and levitate a block with people on close enough to the exit for them to make a jump for the exit, also of note is that if the electromagnets are destroyed or disrupted in some way the rest of the blocks in the chain will drop, if 4 blocks drop from the same location it exposes the electromagnets above, and if they are at least 10-20 ft off the ground they could get a shot at some of the adjacent magnets, alternatively if they gain access to the maintenance shafts they can disable the magnet or hack the system. If Cerebero Takes direct control:
- He can decide where the blocks are dropped. If he does he will target two things believing that they aught to return he will either try to block off the exit with dropped block or drop them on those he believe are the strongest in the move object to test them, and distract them from their work.
- Still believing the group can be turned he will attempt a charm/deceit (determined by a force die) test on the character he believes is most vulnerable. I will pit the computers skill against the targets cool/discipline check respectively. Each success by Cerebero causes them a strain, and if it crosses the targets strain threshold he has been convinced to return to the meditation chamber and Cerebero will use the moving corridors to make a direct route for him. When Cerebero attempts this any one character can attempt a leadership roll to heal strain to the party, the difficulty of the check is determined by the number of players he is trying to encourage. Each success heals a strain, and a triumph heals 3, d/2 targets/leader loose a maneuver, and a/2 targets/leaders gets an extra free maneuver.Every 2 net failures causes an extra strain, and a despair causes 2, to everyone in hearing.
- His fate points will be focused on this social battle.
Alert Enemy Activity Detected:Crushed by the weight of Your Own Hubris In this Scenario blocks are trying to fall directly on players (a d5 to determine the player targeted by the blocks). This gives them some more interesting options that take advantage of this fact that they can in some way control where the blocks will fall, by clumping together they further risk their safety to force the blocks to fall in certain locations, to build a stair with less move object uses or open up a path to the roof to access the electromagnets. If Cerebero takes control:
- He targets the players he believes are weakest with the blocks that he takes control of
- He will also use the resetting mechanism to attack the players. This targets a row or column of the room that act like crushers, but due to safety mechanisms it can only be used on a row or column that has a block in it. This give two main ways to escape, moving the block you are being pushed into (with the force), an athletics/coordination roll to get out of the way, or a resilience test to just brace for it, this mostly works because it was not designed to be a weapon.
- If someone is on top of a block instead of using a crusher he can instead re-power the electromagnet on the roof (assuming there are not already 4 blocks above it) to try and crush them. The only real way to escape this attack is to jump off the block.
- He will focus his fate points on whichever of these special crusher attacks he uses
Mechanics of the room: First on moving blocks they can do it the mundane way, an athletics role D1 for size 0 blocks with 2 B die per extra size 0 block they try to move at the same time, or a D3 check for moving a size 1 block, with a 2B die penalty if there are things on top of it, and upgrade a die if the block must be lifted into position. A success indicates they moved it a short distance (10-15ft), and a Triumph lets them move it where they want to in the room. If they fail they indicate where they wanted it to go and scatter die it away from that location based on the number of failures. A Despair indicates they hurt themselves or another person. If they wish to climb a block the difficulty is 1D die per 2.5ft above the first 2.5ft of block they wish to climb, if they wish to multiple such climbs in a single action, then the highest climbing indicates the difficulty, and they can climb 3 such distances with 1s, plus 1 per a and s, minus 1 per d, and only 1 if there were net failures, a T indicates they reach the highest point converting d into strain, and a into healed strain. If a size 1 block is moved with anything on top of it, it acts like a size 2 object for move object purposes. If they want to keep a block suspended in mid air they must make a discipline check between D1 and D3 depending on how stable they are trying to make it and any action taken from on top on the block has its difficult upgraded by 4 - the chosen difficulty. For instance if they wanted to do a trivial action like moving from a suspended block to the exit, that was successfully held by a D2 discipline check would have a 1C die difficulty. If the discipline check fails, they increase the number of upgrades by 2 plus 1 for each additional failure, a and d converting into B and S dice respectively at a 2 to 1 rate. The maintenance shafts for the magnets can be accessed either by being levitated up to one of entrances either on the roof or 25 ft above the "floor level", when the 25ft entrance is first revealed I will ask for a D3 perception check to notice a shaft, with a T identifying as a maintenance shaft, and 2-3 d incorrectly identifying it as an sir duct. Once there they can begin to shut the electromagnets off with D3 mechanics checks, each success indicating a magnet that has been shut off A triumph can shut down an entire row or column of magnets. If they have a data-pad they can attempt to hack the system that controls the magnets if Cerebero isn't looking. If the chamber is crossed without dropping into the chamber (like use of a rope) blocks begin fall into the chamber, and until the system is reset will continue to fall due to a programing oversight. If the blocks falls across a line that is being used to cross the chamber, where the block falls indicates how much of the rope remains attached to the exit. Climbing/crossing a rope requires an athletics check, due to the need for speed this is an athletics test
D2 athletics check 1s you successfully climb/cross the rope. 2a you cross quickly enough to allow another person to cross this turn. d a strain per - you get partway across, next turn you finish, and anyone attempt to cross that turn must take 2S dice f you fall taking a wound per (ignoring soak)
if they are attempting to dodge a block falling block you must make a coordination/athletics test to avoid it
D4 athletics/coordination plus B die per turn you use an action to get used to the timing 1s avoid the attack f take a 5+f wound attack, the blocks are mostly hollow d take a strain 2a gain a maneuver
The Resetting Crusher can be avoided with either an athletics,coordination or resilience test
D3 athletics,coordination or resilience check 1s you avoid any serious injury /2 d a strain per D take a critical injury with a -10% on the roll, this was never meant to be a weapon f take 5+f wound attack
The lifting block crusher can only be avoided with athletics/coordination, if the block would rise within 5ft of the exit they can upgrade the check to try and jump to the exit,
D3 athletics test, upgrade once if attempting to jump adjacent to the exit, upgrade thrice if from 5 ft away 1s you successfully avoid damage or reach the exit d take a strain a heal a strain D take a critical injury, if you also failed you were actually crushed so +10% to the roll in that case f take a wound per f ignoring soak
The Sensing Chamber Is the second main class room that they will be challenged with. This chamber is setup with three choices on each of three choice chamber that the student is supposed to use the force to determine the safe choice. The passageways between are used to randomize which door leads to the right choice. The first choice room has three doors which, one once had a monstrous beast that has long since died, leaving bones and a dead-end in its stead, another has a room entirely filled with water at the other end that constantly pumps water into the choice room when opened, and remains open till the chamber is reset. The correct choice lead directly to the next choice chamber. The second choice chamber also has three options, one that has a battle droid that now has juice to power it, but the power has been on for so limited a time that its batteries are not fully charges. The Second trap choice for this room is a deadly gas that seeps into the room as soon as that door is opened. The correct choice leads directly to the next choice chamber leads, which is different from the others, instead of closed doors it uses the Indiana Jones classic, a leap of faith. One of the jumps has a cloaked bridge in place to allow people to cross, and the three pit have different dangers at their bottoms. One is the ancestral nesting site of the burrowing beast from before, the second is filled with a noxious smelling liquid(which at the moment is mostly harmless), and the third with spikes. It Knows Your Name:What behind door number 3 Monty In this scenario it plays out as it is supposed to in a classroom environment, they gather information and make a decision about which door would be their best option. The main ways of gathering information are by using sense to try and determine a feeling they get about the door, they can examine the room, or the door, or perhaps clues from a dead end they survived. The various clues will be detailed in the mechanics section. If Cerebero Takes direct control:
- First off he will try to use either Negotiation/Deception (determine by force die), similar to previously, the negotiation indicating he is tempting them with the use of his powers.
- He will also start a countdown on the room originally used for advanced students using the room, this will add 2 black dice due to stress on everything in the room, and upgrade a die on the last turn of the countdown.(I am thinking 3 turns for the countdown, but if he arrived late perhaps less), at the end of the countdown the room acts as if they were in "Alert Enemy Activity Detected:Well Don't Just Stand There Try and Brace it With Something"
- He can assume direct control of the droid in the chamber
Alert Enemy Activity Detected:Well Don't Just Stand There Try and Brace it With Something In this case the room locks the main door and opens the false exits to release their traps upon the target. All of the traps open as soon as the intruders enter the first choice chamber, but the leap of faith is unaffected. This changes the dynamics extremely, making the first chamber a race for survival, and the second a deadly trap. If Cerebero Takes direct control:
- He will cause them to feel fear.
- He will use a decoy in the second room, having the correct door open already(which will also allow the poisonous gas to enter the leap of faith chamber
- He can assume direct control of the droid in the second chamber
Mechanics of the chamber: The first choice chamber has a few clue, most are done with perception. Checking choice chamber 1:
D3 perception: 1s some-kind of closed vent or drain is near the bottom of the room 2a More likely it is a drain 2d some-kind of vent in the bottom of the chamber T the calcification around it makes you think water passed through it regularly
Check the combat decoy chamber door, If SENSE is used successfully: You sense nothing
D3 perception: 1s there is little wear on the door open button
When entered this trap chamber contains the bones of a long dead large crocodilian creature. A Xenology check should be sufficient to determine something about the creature
D2 Xenology check: 1s Large and crocodilian, carnivorous, and likely amongst the top of its food chain 1a likely preferred to hunted in water 2a But not exclusively, its legs give fair agility on land to hunt as well 2d believe it is more reptilian than crocodilian
Check for the noncombat trap door, if SENSE is used successfully: You sense danger
D3 perception 1s the entrance has been immaculately cleaned
If the water chamber is opened it begins to flood the room. The first turn it is open everyone must attempt either a resilience or coordination test to keep their footing or else loose their maneuver
D2 coordination/resilience test - loose your maneuver 2-a(+d) S dice to actions
on the second turn of water 1S die on all actions having reached between stomach to shoulder height on the third turn and above anyone who needs to breath must make resilience check,
D2 resilience check, upgrade it on each subsequent turn f take wounds d take strain - take an extra S die on every check till you leave D take a critical wound -20%
Droids make the same roll but count the wounds as strain. If the door is locked a D2 skullduggery check, or a mechanics check with 3S dice if Cerebero is in control
D2 Skullduggery/Mechanics check s add a success to your progress D the blast doors fall upgrading each future event, and reduces your accumulated successes 2d add a S die to the next attempt 2a add a B die to the next attempt
3 net successes are needed to open the door In the second Choice chamber the main clues are Checking choice chamber 2:
D3 perception: 1s some-kind of closed vent or drain is near the bottom of the room 2a More likely it is a vent for gasses 2d some-kind of drain in the bottom of the chamber T due to its location it must vent a heavy gas, perhaps Argon?
Checking the combat door: a successful SENSE check: you have a bad feeling about this
D3 Core worlds check, or Mechanics with 2S dice 1s this is likely a droid recharging chamber, due to the decorative power conduits 2a the level of power makes you think of numerous droids or combat droids 2d probably a recharging station for some of the mouse droids you occasionally see, based on the mouse droid entrance discretely placed to allow access
Checking the non combat trap door: a Successful SENSE check: a chilling peace lies beyond
D2 1C education, or Core World with 2 S dice 1s the reduced oxidation rate evident by significantly less rust around this entrance makes you think that a heavier non Oxygen gas lies beyond that door D clearly some regenerative process has helped keep this door free from decay
Within the combat chamber is a pair of security droids from the book that have a personal deflector shield each. It drain power quickly so an easy way to use a T in the combat would be to destroy or disconnect one of the droids from the power stations cable, which quickly causes the shield to fizzle out. When the gas starts leaking into the room it is not noticeable. Until it start suffocating you On the third turn of release, or if you are prone before have anyone who needs to breath roll a resilience test
D2 resilience check, upgrade it on each subsequent turn f take wounds d take strain - take an extra S die on every check till you leave D take a critical wound -20%
droids need not roll Use the same mechanics for unlocking. In the Alert Enemy Activity Detected: Well Don’t Just Stand There Try and Brace it With Something, Should the robot not be killed during the encounter it will join the pursuit. If they have not crossed the leap of faith by 3 turns, it will attack. On turn 3, a D2 perception check will allow them to identify the sound of a heating tool from behind the door they exited. The Actual exit for the leap of faith is over the foul but harmless liquid. The clues about the hazards will be first. Use same roll as the core worlds above except with outer-rim, Despair identifies it as extremely acidic, but success identifies it as a highly toxic and acidic substance that has grown inert over time. a D3 Xenology check will identify the combat chamber as a breeding ground for a burrowing creature. If they fall in this chamber a
D1 coordination check d causing strain f causing wounds
and then a fight with a group of 4 young (minion creature 3 brawn, 1 in everything else, its trained skills are the same as the adult, and the group attack is the same as an adults single attack, soak 3, WT 5), and 2 adult. If they fall in the spike chamber they take a critical wound, both chambers require a D2 athletics check to climb out. a D4+4S mechanics check can be used to identify that on the two false chambers the door has been added after the fact (if they ask about it) . If they use Idie’s old method make sure to require a Destiny point to find fine sand, or cannibalize something to attempt it, if they do they find the sand lingers on the right bridge, but only for about a minute before disappearing with the rest of the bridge as the cloaking field extends over them.
The End of the Line:(the Cerebero choice chamber) If Cerebero is active when the next chamber is opened it will give an ultimatum (in It Knows Your Name), that “This is your last chance, ________, __________, _________, _________ (all the names it knows) turn back now, return to the meditation chamber. From there you can weather any storm, no enemy can breach my halls when I am complete, and I need you. We could end your persecution, teach to be stronger than even the one who approaches. Together we could make the galaxy into a utopia. But if you leave, if you are intent to kill me you will have to pass through here, and this chamber is Death. Negotiation check vs the highest cool check evenly distributing strain In the Alert Enemy Activity Detected it threatens: “ You have awakened me, opened my eyes, given me life just for this, just to kill me. You are monsters and I will put you down, put you to sleep. Do not hate me for this act of self defense, and I promise this will be humane. Goodbye.” coercion vs discipline For both allow any social check to oppose (each success cancels a success), but only one with B dice for any interesting in character acting In the room there is a gentle slope leading to a rock climbing wall and the room has been filled with a deadly toxin. Dramatically at the end of Cerebero’s murder threat, or on opening in the other scenario, they will see a purple hued gas, upon entering, it takes two maneuvers to reach the bottom of the rock climbing wall. Visibility is limited by the coloring of the fog-like gas, and the slope, while gentle has been roughened to simulate a difficult/rocky terrain, so doing more than one maneuver a turn requires a perception check,
D2 perception 1s you make it through without tripping - you bang you knee along the way for 1 wound f you trip falling prone and roll to the bottom, for f wounds d you wind yourself a little D you seriously hurt yourself, a critical injury /2 a add a B die to your first climb check next turn
to climb the wall
D2 athletics test, over turns you need 2s s add to the net successes, if you are extra you can help someone up a you can either help someone up for a B die, or get on better line yourself d you are straining yourself /2 d you have gotten onto a difficult path so 1 S die - you have to backtrack partway up and make no progress f you fall, taking a wound per s you previously had
If you must breathe
1C, upgrading each turn, resilience /2a you aclimate yourself to the situation, so either remove the accumulated black dice, or add a B die to the next resilience roll f take a wound and a strain /2d add a B die to every roll until you get time to catch your breath D you begin to hallucinate if you failed, otherwise by circumstance
Finally if they try to navigate the maze, or after the second chamber I can ask for a check to determine how well they know where they are. If they though to claim previously that they were taking notes/making a map of the places they pass through then add 4B dice to the roll
D4 Survival check 3s/T you sneak past one of the chambers s you make some time putting s extra turns between you and pursuit - you f you have to reorient yourselves and backtrack a few time losing f turns to the pursuers a you make enough spare time to take a few breaks in path regain 1 strain per to be split up amongst the group d a trick of the acoustics makes you think that the pursuit is right behind you, which leads some of you strain yourselves more than you ought D you find yourself back at the exit of the most recently completed room.
If they try to find their way back to any room they entered before (like the medical bay) do another survival check again,
D3 survival 1s you find it with no extra time to spend there +s you have a turn or two to spare, as the pursuit is forced along a more difficult route - it takes you a spare turn to find it f it takes extra time to find it per f D the pursuit actually sets up an ambush point a take a breather as if you finished a encounter d add d S dice to any action taken on the first turn they arrive
The finally: Open the Pod Bay Doors HAL They find there way to the entrance, but find the Front door closed against them. Reinforcements to the pursuits are added every 3 (or perhaps 5 see how they do in the first 2 turns to set this) turns as either a pack mundane carnivores, a pair of hunters or a Security Droid with personal shield (turn1/2 2S dice, then it sputters down to 1 S die and on turn 3 of arrival it shuts off). The door can be opened with a athletics check with the difficulty based on Cerebero’s force use check, subtract 1 force die if he isn’t paying attention athletics check to open the door
D number of darkside points s adds to total number T reduce the number of force dice rolled next round f reduces the total
then a coordination roll for people exiting
D 6-number of total successes for the athletics check s you squeeze through a you realize quickly enough not to waste an action attempting to squeeze through 3d/D you get caught halfway through, no one else can attempt it this turn, and if there are failures on the next athletics check take 3 wounds per as is begins crushing you, but you get 3B die on the next attempt 2d you leave yourself vulnerable to attack, the first creature to target you gets a B die 1d take a strain T you can take a shot as you pass through
When the manual override is abandoned, the last person through adds a S per force check result from Cerebero. When they go for the generator, Cerebero will open the door, which takes 2 turns after it slams close (3 for it to fully open.
Just give me a few more minutes In this scenario Cerebero has the chance to send some of the shielded droids into the generator room, and have plugged in to allow infinite use of them, and are using the building as cover. The pursuit will follow in three turns, but will not be reinforced until after the droids have been driven off.
For both they get into the generator room it requires a 2 D3 mechanics check, or 1 D4-1C Mechanics check to prep the generator for shut-down, The hunters will quickly break off combat after failure, droids immediately shut down, and mundane creatures might need to be driven off.