Carbon 2185: Neo-Cyber Blues | |
![]() | |
GM | |
Erik | |
Status | |
Campaign Abandoned | |
Characters | |
Brick (Karen) Galen-5824 (Mark) George Donovan (Tim) Lachesis (Ben) Simone Yang (Adam) Tetra-chan (Jason) Zaahira Idrissi (Lisa) | |
The Game | |
Character Level: 3 | |
Adventure Log |
Galen-5824 was brought into existence by the Caesar Permanente Healthcare Consortium to staff a mid-tier urgent care clinic in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Using a Houston Dynamics Mk IV chassis, they programmed him for primary care, emergency care, surgery, and cybersurgery installation and repair. At CPHC Clinic No. 73 he served largely mid-tier patients squeaking through life and desperately trying to keep their head above water and out of the ghettos.
Over the years, he cultivated friendships with many of those living in the vicinity. Eventually, he was approached with a plea to help a child with a much-needed blood filter implant to correct her poorly functioning kidney. A brand-new implant would cost far more than the family could afford, but if they weren't too picky about the source of the implant, one could be picked up on the black market for an amount that would put them in debt, but be affordable. Galen offered his services for free in order to save the child, performing the operation after-hours at the clinic.
In time, he developed a reputation for helping those people obtain healthcare they couldn't otherwise afford, often using the clinic as the location for these operations and therputic sessions. And while he never stole expensive gear from CPHC, corporate beancounters began to notice that the clinic seemed to be using more consumables, drugs, and PPE than they were charging for. Internal auditors began to investigate and were closing in accusing Galen for misappropriation. However, the investigation was halted as a waste of resources by a senior auditor when he pointed out a simple solution: by not renewing Galen's contract when his current five-years were up.
And so Galen found himself abruptly dismissed from CPHC with a hastily conducted meeting with HR thanking him for his service, a brand new Apricot™ Watch, his final pay deposited into his bank account, and quickly escorted out the door. Although he had managed his home rent and food budget well enough, he will quickly burn through his savings and is seeking new ways to leverage his skills on the grey market of Manhattan.
In his downtime, he hosts a Demons & Darkness campaign with similarly-minded synths.
Doc 3 | Synth | |
16 | Corporate Drone | |
N/A (Milestone) | 0 | 0 | ||
I N F L U E N C E |
+0 | +2 | +2 | ||||||
+2 | +3 | -1 | ||||||
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, helmets
Weapons: Melee weapons, pistols, submachine guns, shotguns, assault rifles
Tools: Repair Kit
Languages: English, Spanish, French
Expertise skills
◯ | +2 | Acrobatics (Dex) |
◯ | +0 | Athletics (Str) |
⬤ | +1 | Bureaucracy (Peo) |
◯ | +3 | Computing (Tec) |
◯ | -1 | Deception (Peo) |
◯ | +2 | Engineering (Int) |
◯ | +2 | Gambling (Int) |
⬤ | +5 | Hacking (Tec) |
◯ | +2 | History (Int) |
◯ | +0 | Intimidation (Str) |
⬤ | +4 | Investigation (Int) |
⬤ | +7 | Mechanics (Tec) |
⬤ | +7 | Medicine (Tec) |
◯ | +2 | Navigation (Int) |
⬤ | +4 | Perception (Int) |
◯ | -1 | Performance (Peo) |
◯ | -1 | Persuasion (Peo) |
◯ | -1 | Presence (Peo) |
◯ | +2 | Religion (Int) |
⬤ | +5 | Robotics (Tec) |
⬤ | +1 | Sense Motive (Peo) |
◯ | +2 | Sleight of Hand (Dex) |
◯ | +2 | Stealth (Dex) |
◯ | +2 | Streetwise (Int) |
◯ | +2 | Tracking (Int) |
◯ | +3 | Vehicles (Aircraft) (Tec) |
◯ | +2 | Vehicles (Land) (Dex) |
Combat Stats
SAVING THROWS | ||||||||||
◯ | +2 | Fortitude (Con) | ◯ | +2 | Reflex (Dex) | ⬤ | +4 | Mind (Int) |
+2 | 24 | 3d8 | |||||
15 | +2 | 30' | None |
AC | Initiative | Speed | DR |
Weapons Attacks
Name | Atk | Damage/Type | Notes |
Fist | +0 | 1 Bludgeoning | |
Phase Shift Knife | +4 | 1d6 Slashing | Finesse, Light |
21st Century Pistol | +4 | 2d4 Ballistic | 17 Shots, Light |
Career: Doc
Specialty: Cybersurgeon
Features and Traits
Basic Healing (ACTION) ▢ ▢
- Touch a willing creature who regains 1d8+Tec hit points
- Usable twice before a short or long rest
- BOOSTED HEALING: Increase Basic Healing to 2d8+Tec hit points recovered [2d8+3]
Quick Heal (BONUS ACTION) ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢
- Touch a willing creature to regains 1d4 per level of Doc [3d4]
- Usable 2+Tec (minimum 2) times before a short or long rest [5 times]
Bedside Manner
- Gain proficiency in one additional language and two skills from (Bureaucracy, Investigation, Persuasion, Presence, or Sense Motive)
Cybernetics Expert
- At 2nd level, you gain the ability to repair cybernetics, computers, and tech.
- You can use a bonus action and expend one ‘part’ worth 100₩ to repair a single break or tear in an object that you are touching, such as a broken display, a severed cybernetic finger, or a smashed light. The break or tear may be no larger than 1 foot in any dimension for the repair to work.
Patch 'Em Up
- Starting at 2nd level, you can aid your allies when they take a short rest. At the end of a short rest, each creature that you have shared the rest with may gain an additional 2d4 hit points.
- This healing increases to 3d4 at 8th level, to 4d4 at 10th level.
Touch of Respite
- As an action, touch a willing creature and cure them of one disease or give them 5 temporary hit points. Temp HP last for 1 hour, or until they are depleted. You may use this a number of times equal to your Tec modifier. You regain all expended uses at the end of a Long Rest.
- Choose two skill proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for the chosen proficiencies.
Three terms as a corporate doctor in an urgent care clinic netting 150,000₩ total over 15 years. Parting gift was an expensive watch worth 15,000₩
NEURAL | Neurolink (Tier 0) | 0 |
EYES | Enhanced HUD (Tier 0) | 0 |
RIGHT ARM | 0 | |
LEFT ARM | 0 | |
TORSO | 0 | |
SKIN | 0 | |
LEGS | 0 |
Neurolink, Tier 0, Neural
- Manufacturer: Czerka Technologies
- Price: —
- The neurolink revolutionised the world. The ability to download and upload data straight to your brain via a port on your skull changed everything.
Basic HUD, Tier 0, Eyes
- Manufacturer: Optron Lens Co.
- Price: —
- The basic HUD tells you everything you need to know about the world right in front of your eyes, whether helping you learn to read as a child, displaying the prices at the local bar as an adult, or informing you to take your medications as a senior.
Enhanced HUD, Tier 0, Eyes
- Manufacturer: Saud
- Price: 30,000₩
- The enhanced HUD offers an ad free, more sophisticated display with a sleeker design. This model provides the ability to link with any of your biolinked weapons to display your current ammo count, as well as your own vital signs.
- Clothes, Average
- Comms, Advanced
- Flashlight
- Pocket Computer
- Duct Tape (2)
- Energy Drink (4)
- Rope 50'
- Satchel
- Superglue (2)
- Watch, Expensive (Apricot™)
- Phase Shift Knife
- Holster, One-handed
Tool Kits
- Repair Tools
- First Aid Kit
- Type: One Bedroom Apartment
- Location: District 3
- Months Paid: 3
- Food: Modest Food (2 mo), Comfortable Food (1 mo)
- Alochol: Qingdao Beer (6 cans), Deer Valley Whiskey (18 year) (1 bottle)