Dawn Martinez
Stargate: Phoenix | |
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Dungeon Master | |
Tim | |
Level/Mission Points | |
29 Mission Points | |
Exploration Team | |
A'charka Lt. Bong Ha, USAF Lt. Dawn Martinez Pak'Nal Ku'Vig Hermogenes of Argos | |
Extras | |
House Rules |
Lt Martinez is a USAF reservist, Colorado native, and search and rescue veteran with helicopter flight experience. Lt. Martinez worked seasonal guide and search and rescue work during summers to help pay for college and worked in air based search and rescue in Mexico, Central, and South America.
Before joining the SGC, Lt. Martinez served first in the 34th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, Peterson AFB Colorado.
While not activated at the time, Martinez participated in a rescue mission for two archaeologists who went missing at the pre-classical Mayan city of Nakbe. The condition the bodies was in was a “weird” experience but with little experience in culture, and not being read in by the USAF, Martinez wrote off the events as a good story to tell over beers at the end of the day.
After the events of 9/11, Lt. Martinez was transferred to the 83rd Expeditionary Rescue Squadron, 455th Air Expeditionary Wing, Charleston JAFB, which was made provisional in December of 2001 as part of the longer-term Operation enduring Freedom. The 455th Air Expeditionary Wing activated in Bagram AB in Afghanistan in April, 2002, though they were present earlier. Bagram would see almost daily rocket attacks during this time.
Meanwhile, the SGC continued looking for possible team members to send to Phoenix site. Martinez’ name came up in a cross reference of events- the two archaeologists were killed by the Goa’uld Hathor.
Unlike many in the 83rd, Lt. Martinez found herself returning home to Colorado…
Character Sheet
(Human (Tau'ri), Aborial, Refugee, Medic)
Total Mission Points: 29
Spent MP: 29
Level: 5
Str 13 +1
Dex 14 +2
Con 10 +0
Int 14 +2
Wis 16 +3
Cha 11 +0
- English
- Spanish
- Goa'uld
- Asgardian
- Ancient
Details: +2
Hit Points 38
Determination Points 4
Armor Class 10 /
Speed: 6m, Climb 6m
Initiative (Wis/Dex) +3
Moxie (Int or Cha) 2
- Armor: Light
- Weapons: Common Weapons, Sidearms, Shotguns
- Tools: Med Kit, Outbreak Kit
- Saving Throw: Wisdom & Dexterity
Skill Proficiencies
- Acrobatics dex
- Sleight of Hand dex
- Stealth dex
- Pilot dex (+3 prof medic swap for athletics)
- Animal Handling wis
- Culture wis
- Insight wis (+3 prof medic)
- Medicine wis (+3 prof medic)
- Perception wis
- Survival wis (+3 prof human)
- Athletics str (+3 prof background)
- Deception cha advantage
- Intimidation cha
- Performance cha
- Persuasion cha advantage
- Engineering int
- History int
- Investigation int
- Nature int (+3 prof human)
- Science int (+3 prof medic)
Galactic seed - Advantage on Persuasion and Deception on first contact.
New Environments - You gain advantage on any Athletics Checks to navigate an unknown wilderness environment.
First Aid - Your extensive training in field medicine allows you to rapidly provide aid to a wounded team member. When you use a medkit to heal, you add your Proficiency bonus to the healed amount. In addition, you may use a medkit to heal a wounded team member as an action (rather than during a short rest). Medkits cannot heal the target again until after a short rest.
Triage - Starting at 2nd level, you can observe a character’s current physical condition as a bonus action with a DC 20 Medicine check. If successful, you learn the character’s current and total HP as well as their total hit dice. You suffer disadvantage against a target if you are unfamiliar with its biology.
Unnoticed Field Medic - At 2nd level, when you heal a team member using first aid, attacks against you suffer disadvantage until your next turn.
Man Down - At 3rd level, while you are conscious and within 1m of a dying team member, they require one fewer death saves to stabilize.
Physician Heal Thyself - At 4th level, you may use a med kit on yourself as a bonus action.
First Response - At 5th level, you may add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you heal with a med kit. In addition, you may use a med kit to heal a scuffed team member as an action (rather than during a short rest).
Procedures You’ve learned a few advanced medical and scientific procedures you can employ in the field. Choose one procedure feat (see page 100) at 1st level and an additional procedure feat at 3rd level and 5th level.
- Improvised Medicine: MP Cost: 5 Requirement: First Aid ability. When you do not have a Med Kit, you may still heal friendly targets as if you had a Med Kit but were not proficient with it.
- Biohazard Disposal: MP Cost 5 Requirement: First Aid ability. You and your team are considered proficient in Constitution saves against diseases, viruses, and toxins. If a character is already proficient, they gain no benefit.
- Controlled Stimulants: As an action, you may use your Med Kit to heal 1d4 levels of exhaustion. A character may not benefit from this ability again until they have taken a long rest.
- Attack Specialist: Choose one weapon proficiency with which you are proficient. When making attacks with that proficiency you roll twice as many weapon damage dice as normal. Bonus dice from other sources (such as Power Attack or Vanguard) and static modifiers (such as from Strength and Dexterity), are not doubled. You may purchase this feat multiple times, applying it to a different weapon proficiency each time.
- Unnoticed Field Medic: MP Cost: 9, Requirement: First Aid, When you heal a team member using first aid, attacks against you suffer disadvantage until your next turn.
Feats to get
Kits and gear
Class Kits
Medkit (Proficient) heals 2d4 to scuffed and 2d8 to wounded characters (1d8 or 1d4 for non-proficient)
Emergency Viral Response(equipment, taking because Outbreak kit is not unlocked)
Called “the heartstopper” by some, this syringe is filled with adrenaline and an immuno-response boosting cocktail formulated to work against a wide range of unknown contagions. A character who injects this chemical into their heart may heal ability damage caused by a disease until the end of their next long rest, after which the diseased condition prevents healing once again.
Outbreak Kit (Proficient) A character can use an outbreak kit to manage and control the spread of sickness and disease. The bearer of an Outbreak kit gains advantage on all saves against the ongoing effects of poison or disease. A proficient character can provide this advantage to up to 10 people per Wisdom modifier during a long rest or 1 person per Wisdom modifier during a short rest.
Base Kit=
- 3 uniforms
- Combat knife
- Tac radio
- MREs
- flashlight
- Filtration
- radiation mask
- Multitool
- Personal first aid (use once like med kit then expend)
- Climate protection gear
- water purifier
- combat tent
- tactical vest
- sidearm
- longarm
Light armor Tac vest AC 16+ dex 8 + st bulk modifier (can carry 9 bulk) Current Bulk: 4
Climbing Kit (bulk 1)This collection of 1000m of cord, carabiners, climbing hooks, pitons, pulleys, and a rope grab provide advantage on climbing checks.
Binocular/Monocular A staple of forward forces, this device magnifies vision, negating any disadvantage gained from distance that a character might suffer on Investigation or Perception checks when surveying a target.
Beretta M9
- Tech 2 Damage 1d8 Piercing Range 50m/100m Capacity 15 1 action bulk 1 pistol
- The staple side-arm of the Tau’ri military is the Beretta M9. It can be upgraded, but is typically issued as a stock sidearm.
Mossberg 500
- Shotgun Tech 2 Damage 1d10 Piercing Range: 10m/30 m Capacity 8 2 actions bulk 2 scatter
- Attack Specialist: Damage = 2d10. When making attacks with that proficiency you roll twice as many weapon damage dice as normal.
- A common hunting shotgun on Earth, the Mossberg 500 is designed for reliability in a variety of environments. The Phoenix Site standard issue Mossberg 500 comes with an under-barrel flashlight and a reinforced stock that can be used as a bludgeon if necessary.
- Scatter: This weapon fires pellets in a 45° cone within its short range (long range is used only for slugs). Roll attack and damage once and compare the attack roll to all targets within the area. Scatter weapons may also fire a solid slug instead, causing the weapon to operate as a normal firearm.
- Laser/reflex sight: If the user does not move and fires only one shot, the attack gains advantage against targets within short range.
- Scope: A scope removes the disadvantage caused by long range if the user does not move in the same turn as the shot is taken.
- Extended Capacity: These firearms have a larger than normal magazine. Double the weapon’s capacity.
- Jaffa +3 Special(*) 10m/30m Recharge 1
- First hit does 3 levels of exhaustion; make a save of DC 10+Levels of Exhaustion to stay conscious
- The second hit does 3 additional levels of exhaustion
- The third hit on a corpse disintegrates it
Season 1
Mission 1: "Ground Breaking", August 13, 2002 3 Mission Points Unlocks: Climate Weather Gear, Base Firing Range Favor of Em'lyn the Jaffa
Mission 2: "Watershed", August 17, 2002 (Game Day: 1/15/22) 3 Mission Points Unlocked: SCUBA gear, Research Facility +1 Downtime Level Up to 2
Downtime Activity ?? (Game Day: 2/5/22)
Side Mission: "Birthplace" (Game Day: 2/5/22) DVD special - not present in this episode
Downtime Activity - firing range with Lt. Ha (Game Day: 2/5/22)
(not present in Mission 3: A Matter of Fae, Side Mission: Mechanicus, ???4: Field of Reeds???)
Side Mission: Run! (Game Day: 8/27/22) Unlocked: gym access
Mission 5: Where Giants Tread (In world Day: 8/17/02)(Game Day 1/14/23) Unlocked memetic imaging device
Downtime Activity - +1 facility bonus to their Constitution and Wisdom saves
Mission 6: Prey/Pray (In world Day: 2/5/03)(Game Day 1/20/23) Unlocked medical bay
Downtime Activity - Med Bay! +1 facility bonus to the HP damage healed when they use a Med Kit
Mission 7: In Ruins (In World Day: 2/07/03)(Game Day 2/10/24)
Downtime Activity - Med Bay! +1 facility bonus to the HP damage healed when they use a Med Kit
Mission 8: Ave Maria (In World Day: 2/10/03)(Game Day 4/10/24)