Dale to Misty Mountains
The One Ring | |
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GM | |
Erik | |
Game Time | |
4th Saturday of the Month | |
Starting Year | |
Third Age, 2946 | |
Current Year | |
Third Age, Summer 2950 | |
The Fellowship | |
Adonniel Aegir Wüdsworth Bilbanes Broadfoot Dindraug Lissiriel Theodwin of Woodland Hall Ulrik Foehammer Brand |
Route 1: "End-run"
- North through the Northern Dalelands [100 miles, 3 Days by Horse (1 Fatigue at TN/14) or 5 Days by Foot (1 Fatigue at TN/14)]
- West through the Grey Mountain Narrows [180 miles, 9 Days by Horse (2 Fatigue/16) or 18 Days by Foot (4 Fatigue/16)]
- South through the East Upper Vales [60 miles, 3 Days by Horse (1 Fatigue/16) or 5 Days by Foot (1 Fatigue/16)]
- Southwest through East Middle vales [100 miles, 3 Days by Horse (1 Fatigue at TN/14) or 5 Days by Foot (1 Fatigue at TN/14)]
Totals: 18 days by Horse or 33 days on Foot
This route would be the "fastest" because taking Horses along the way is pretty easy. The problems with this route is that the Grey Mountains are infested with Orcs and Dragons (which is why they aren't infested with Dwarves), which makes the second leg particularly treacherous. The Vales to the West of Mirkwood are relatively safer, but there are still plenty of Orcs in the Misty Mountains. And then there's the problem with actually getting to the Eyrie, which would require mountain climbing.
Route 2: "Backtrack"
- South through the Upper Marches of Dale [100 miles, 4 Days by Horse (1 Fatigue at TN/16) or 8 Days by Foot (1 Fatigue at TN/16)]
- West along the Old Forest Road through the Heart of Mirkwood [170 miles, 18 Days by Horse (3 Fatigue/20) or 26 Days by Foot (6 Fatigue/20)]
- West along the Old Forest Road through Western Mirkwood [40 miles, 3 Days by Horse (1 Fatigue/18) or 6 Days by Foot (1 Fatigue/18)]
- Northwest through East Middle vales [100 miles, 3 Days by Horse (1 Fatigue at TN/14) or 5 Days by Foot (1 Fatigue at TN/14)]
Totals: 28 days by Horse or 45 days on Foot
The Old Forest Road is rumored to be trafficked by Goblins/Orcs pretty heavily in the Mirkwood. This is a pretty Dangerous trek, but does have the bonus of being the route no one would necessarily suspect. I chose the Dale walk rather than going back through the Marshes, but you could go that route... replace the 4/8 days in the first leg to 10 Days by boat with 2 checks at 18.
Route 3: "Tricksy Elveses"
- West through the Upper Marches of Dale [40 miles, 1 Days by Horse (1 Fatigue at TN/14) or 2 Days by Foot (1 Fatigue at TN/14)]
- West along the Elf-Path through the Northern Mirkwood [190 miles, 15 Days by Horse (3 Fatigue/16) or 29 Days by Foot (6 Fatigue/16)] (cannot ride horses on this leg)
- Southwest through East Middle vales [100 miles, 3 Days by Horse (1 Fatigue at TN/14) or 5 Days by Foot (1 Fatigue at TN/14)]
Totals: 22 Days by Horse or 36 Days by Foot.
This would require permission from the Elvenking OR the desire to sneak past him. Taking a horse along the Elf-Path is difficult as well.