Session 18
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Spring 1226
See also: Extraordinary Grand Tribunal of 1226
The date to send Wizard's War declarations for the Stonehenge punitive expedition into Loch Leglean was set on the Full Moon of May. On the same day, every magus in Stonehenge was similarly delivered a Wizard's War declaration by the targeted Loch Leglean magi, declaring their intent to raid the entirety of England and Wales. While uninvolved magi considered their response, a summons to an Extraordinary Grand Tribunal to be held at the Scottish-English border arrived two days later bringing news that all forty of the combatants on both sides of the War were being charged with Endangering the Order through reckless use of Wizard's War. It was countersigned by both the Prima of House Bonisagus as Praeco, and the Prima of House Guernicus as Presiding Quaesitor. The date was set two weeks hence, on the New Moon in June.
Stonehenge magi began staging at Conventus Muri. The day before Grand Tribunal, a pair of Flambeau archmagi along with their retinue arrived and greeting Aduro of Flambeau warmly (heh). They were part of the contingent to make sure everybody behaved themselves. The former Roman fort that was the meeting grounds had areas marked out with a neutral contingent from the rest of the Order in between the Stonehenge and Loch Leglean camps.
Given the relatively short time between the Wizard's War declarations and the summons, it was clear the Grand Tribunal was in the works for some time. The neutral camp consisted of some 22 magi, many of whom were archmagi, and 20 Redcaps from both Stonehenge and Loch Leglean who wanted the hostilities to end. They consisted of representatives of all 13 Tribunals in the Order. They had between them all some 180 voting sigils. Both Redcaps and Quaesitores indicated their intent to vote, which hadn't happened since the Schism Warm. They had enough sigils to outvote both Stonehenge and Loch Leglean representatives.
The Prima of Bonisagus opened the Grand Tribunal noting that only issues pertinent to the border issue were going to be addressed. The charges against the combatants were High Crimes and would only be dismissed if both sides agreed on a solution, this being that both Tribunals required much higher Quaesitorial presence.
The main proposal to resolve this would establish the following by Grand Tribunal 1261:
- Two new covenants to be established by each Tribunal, one at Habitancum (the site of the Grand Tribunal) in Loch Leglean, and one Whitley Castle/Epiacum in Stonehenge. Both sites are former Roman fortresses on either side of the border. These are intended to house Quaesitores who will keep an eye on raiding activities.
- Each Tribunal will raise the number of Quaesitores to eight
- The Primus of House Guernicus will assign outside Quaesitores to staff these two new covenants on a rotating basis of one Tribunal (7 years) each until each Tribunal has at least eight resident Quaesitores
A related proposal raised by Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau brought up the issue of compensation for raids, which would be disproportionately borne by the Loch Leglean magi and covenants. He offered a counter-proposal that all compensation claims for raids be canceled if all Wizard's War combatants agreed to a ceasefire of the Wizard's War, as there is no mechanism to withdraw a Wizard's War once declared.
Although the Stonehenge magi were largely in agreement, it was a much closer vote on the Loch Leglean side. Praeco Murion let both Tribunal representatives vote first before committing the rest of the votes to the record.
Although both the Primae of House Bonisagus and Guernicus departed shortly after the closing of Grand Tribunal, most of the Quaesitores and Hoplites remained to ensure that the ceasefire.
Individual magi have now met many representatives from every Tribunal now, including at least one Quaesitor from each Tribunal as well as 13 different archmagi.
Experience Points
Magi who participated in the Extraordinary Grand Tribunal gain 10 Adventure Experience Points. Etiquette, Code of Hermes, Intrigue, Charm, Organization Lore (Order of Hermes) are appropriate skills to spend this on. Geoffrey, Magni, Obscurus Ignis, Veloxia.
Reputation Gains
Obscurus Ignis and Magni receive 5 xp (or level 1) Reputation of Wizard's War Combatant, due to their willingness to engage in mortal combat. This is an Order of Hermes Reputation. This may make more timid magi reconsider increasing hostilities with you and, to a lesser degree, your covenant.
Obscurus Ignis gains 5 xp (or level 1) Reputation of Tribunal Politician, for being active in Tribunal. This is an Order of Hermes Reputation. Some were impressed at your participation, particularly given your age.
Obscurus Ignis and Magni receive 1 xp in House Flambeau Acclaim, for participating in Wizard's War. This is an Order of Hermes Reputation. (Note: both should already have some House Flambeau Acclaim from earlier adventures.)
Obscurus Ignis receives an additional 1 xp in House Flambeau Acclaim for his solution to the Wizard's War. While not all might agree to the ceasefire, more politically savvy Flambeau consider it a clever way to outflank your opponents.