Extraordinary Grand Tribunal of 1226
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In the moon between the declaration of the Wizard’s War, a delegation from Magvillus comes and sets up a camp at Habitancum, located just a few miles north of Hadrian’s Wall (northeast of Conventus Muri)
The delegation consists of Prima (Archmaga) Murion of House Bonisagus and Prima (Archmaga) Bilera of House Guernicus, along with at least one Quaesitor of each House from various Tribunals. Accompanying them are eight Archmagi (3 Tremere, 3 Flambeau, 2 Tytalus, 1 Bjornaer) with a grog detachment each.
Summoned to Grand Tribunal are combatants from both sides (lists provided by the Redcaps), both Tribunal Praecones, Immanola as a local Prima of House Ex Miscellanea, and all local Quaesitores.
All Wizards War combatants have been charged with a High Crime of Endangering the Order and are commanded to appear at the Extraordinary Grand Tribunal. House Mercere provides a charged device which bring the magus plus up to ten attendants, guards, or followers to a specific location.
There are carefully delineated spots for each of the parties to remain in until Grand Tribunal in order to keep conflicts down.
Wizard War Timetable
23 May 1225 — Full Moon
- Wizard’s Wars declared by Stonehenge combatants on southern Loch Leglean covenants
- Wizard’s Wars declared by southern Loch Leglean covenants on every magus in Stonehenge
25 May 1225
- All combatants and Tribunal officers are summoned to present themselves to an Extraordinary Tribunal of 1226 to begin on the New Moon of June, prior to be start of hostilities
- All combatants with declared Wizard's Wars have been charged with Endangering the Order
07 June 1225 — New Moon
- Extraordinary Tribunal of 1226 session begins
22 June 1225 — Full Moon
- Wizard’s War period begins -- NOTE: this was averted in Grand Tribunal
21 July 1225 — Full Moon
- Wizard’s War period ends -- NOTE: historical note only
Tribunal Officers
- PRIMA Murion of Bonisagus, Archmaga, PRAECO of Grand Tribunal
- PRIMA Bilera of Guernicus, Quaesitor, Archmaga, PRESIDING QUAESITOR of Grand Tribunal (Traditionalist/Transitionalist affiliation unknown)
Local Dignitaries
- PRIMA Immanola Ex Miscellanea, Stonehenge Tribunal
- Caitlin Suil Uaine of House Merinita, Archmaga, PRAECO of Loch Leglean Tribunal
- Talion of House Flambeau, PRAECO of Stonehenge Tribunal
Redcaps (20)
- Maria of Mercere, Redcap, Tribunal Scribe, representative of Prima Insatella of Mercere
- Carries 30 proxied sigils from House Mercere
- 9 Redcaps from Loch Leglean
- Carries 25 proxied sigils, largely from highland covenants
- 10 Redcaps from Stonehenge
- Carries 20 proxied sigils from magi who voted against the war
Visiting Quaesitores (11)
- Archmaga Serenata, Quaesitor of House Bonisagus, Rhine Tribunal (Traditionalist)
- Archmagus Augustus, Quaesitor of House Guernicus, Rome Tribunal (Traditionalist)
- Cygna, Quaesitor of House Bjornaer, Levant Tribunal (Transitionalist)
- Conquer, Quaesitor of House Criamon, Greater Alps (Transitionalist)
- Rulia, Quaesitor of House Flambeau, Novgorod Tribunal (Traditionalist)
- Crintos, Quaesitor of House Guernicus, Hibernia Tribunal (Transitionalist)
- Andreas, Quaesitor of House Jerbiton, Thebes Tribunal (Transitionalist)
- Retoni, Quaesitor of House Merinita, Provence Tribunal (Transitionalist)
- Tressa, Quaesitor of House Tremere, Transylvania Tribunal (Traditionalist)
- Atlas, Quaesitor of House Tytalus, Normandy Tribunal (Transitionalist)
- Malacis, Quaesitor of House Verditius, Iberian Tribunal (Traditionalist)
- Note: Each visiting Quaesitor carries 4 proxied sigils from their respective Tribunals
Hoplites (8)
- Ursus Magnus, Archmagus of House Bjornaer, Rhine Tribunal
- Metron, Archmagus of House Flambeau, Iberia Tribunal
- Johannes, Archmagus of House Flambeau, Provencal Tribunal
- Albertus, Archmagus of House Tremere, Transylvania Tribunal
- Karenna, Archmaga of House Tremere, Transylvania Tribunal
- Angelica, Archmaga of House Tremere, Rhine Tribunal
- Kronos, Archmagus of House Tytalus, Normandy Tribunal
- Pericles, Archmagus of House Tytalus, Levant Tribunal
- Note: Each Hoplite carries 4 proxied sigils from various Tribunals
Local Quaesitores (7)
- Whitburh Frithowebba, Quaesitor of House Guernicus, PRESIDING QUAESITOR of Loch Leglean Tribunal (Transitionalist)
- Iudicium, Quaesitor of House Guernicus, PRESIDING QUAESITOR of Stonehenge Tribunal (Traditionalist)
- Cathaoire, Quaesitor of House Ex Miscellanea, Stonehenge Tribunal (Transitionalist)
- Justinian, Quaesitor of House Guernicus, Stonehenge Tribunal (Traditionalist)
- Trutina, Quaesitor of House Guernicus, Stonehenge Tribunal (Unknown affiliation)
- Fredigisa, Quaesitor of House Guernicus, Stonehenge Tribunal (Traditionalist)
- Aulus, Quaesitor of House Bonisagus, Stonehenge Tribunal (Unknown affiliation)
Wizards War Combatants
Approximately 20 magi from Loch Leglean Tribunal
- Sir Edwin of Hexham, Horsingas
- Giuseppe Del Mato of House Flambeau, Horsingas
- Sir Jehan of Surrey of House Jerbiton, Horsingas
- Ealwynn of Keswick of House Bjornaer, Horsingas
- Coenwulf Eofurcumbol of House Bjornaer, Horsingas
- Alfred of Little Downing of House Tytalus, Horsingas
- 4 magi, Clach na Timpan
- 4 magi, Fire Nest
- 3 magi, Whitburg
- 2 magi, eremite
- 1 magus, eremite
Approximately 20 magi from Stonehenge Tribunal
- Fornax of Tremere, Blackthorn
- Prelium of Tremere, Blackthorn
- Golias of Tytalus, Blackthorn
- Focus of Flambeau, Burnham
- Scintilla of Flambeau, Burnham
- Culhwch Ex Miscellanea, Cad Gadu
- Aduro of Flambeau, Conventus Muri
- Henry of Flambeau, Conventus Muri
- Perditia of Flambeau, Conventus Muri
- Swan of Jerbiton, Conventus Muri
- Merriden of Verditius, Conventus Muri
- Lucidia of Flambeau, Libellus
- Ariel of Flambeau, Nigrasaxa
- Caltis of Tremere, Nigrasaxa
- Herrit of Tytalus, Nigrasaxa
- Magni of Flambeau, Nova Semitae
- Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Nova Semitae
- Sinead Ex Miscellanea, Ungulus
- Kirist of Flambeau, Voluntas
- Phessalia of Merinita, Voluntas
Additional non-combatant magi from Stonehenge and Loch Leglean who attended after being invited
All 40 Wizards War participants are charged with Endangering the Order. Their charges will be dismissed on the acceptance of a suitable plan to ameliorate the situation and prevent a general outbreak of hostilities
Quaesitorial Staffing Proposal
Two covenants, staffed with Quaesitores at Habitancum (Loch Leglean) and Whitley Castle/Epiacum (Stonehenge) to be created
The covenants will be staffed by a rotating group of Quaesitores who serve for one Tribunal period and are paid by the Tribunal for their services. If they are not, the covenant will begin claiming vis sources to fund itself. The Primus of House Guernicus shall be responsible for providing the necessary Quaesitores to bring each Tribunal's count to eight. They shall serve one Tribunal period before being rotated out.
Each Tribunal must begin a training regimen to train enough Quaesitores to field 8 per Tribunal by Grand Tribunal 1261. The details of this training is left for the Tribunal to implement.
Stonehenge magi supported this 9:1. Loch Leglean magi supported this 5:4. Remaining magi overwhelmingly supported this.
Compensation / Wizard's War De-escalation
Obscurus Ignis proposed that compensation for raids be considered. Compensation would be considered by covenant or, if an eremite magus, individuals to compensate the other Tribunal for their crimes. As an alternative, all combatants could waive all compensation claims in exchange for a vote to not prosecute their Wizard's War despite it being validly declared.
Stonehenge magi supported this 9:1. Loch Leglean magi supported this 5:4. Remaining magi overwhelmingly supported this.
Voting Pattern Deviations
Unusually, the visiting Quaesitores and all Redcaps are voting in this Extraordinary Grand Tribunal. This has not happened since the Schism War, which underscores the seriousness of the situation.
- Visiting Quaesitores (11) and Hoplites (8) all carry 4 proxied votes each (95 votes)
- Stonehenge Redcaps (10) carry 20 proxied votes from magi who voted against this raid (30 votes)
- Loch Leglean Redcaps (9) carry 25 proxied votes from magi who want lowland covenants to cease raids (34 votes)
- Maria of Mercere carries 30 House Mercere votes (31 votes)