The Emerald Nebula
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Argyle Mann Rahl'Temo Nar Whal Tyrus Kieren MacLeod Koll'Rinn Nar Teema Lauren |
The Emerald Nebula receives most of its colonists from North American interests, particularly Pacific coast governments, organizations, and corporations. This region also houses the main off-world population of ‘First Nations’: North American natives who have rallied to claim a planet of their own and be freed of the injustice of having their land forcibly removed over the centuries. While it has not won universal acclaim among the many disparate tribes and nations, several hundred thousand have made the move and begun a ‘colonialist-free’ life in the Emerald Nebula.
The Emerald Nebula is within Citadel space and is protected by the Alliance Navy. The cluster’s Mass Relay is in the Redmond system and is linked to the Exodus Cluster (Eden Prime).
Redmond System
Named after the home of Microsoft Industries, the diversified successor organization to the once software-giant, the Redmond system represents the main push into the region. Headed by a coalition led by Microsoft Industries, Redmond was settled as surveyors had located a garden world within the Mass Relay’s system. Named after an ancient operating system with hopeful connotations, the colonists settled on a smaller-than-Earth planet with a water surface of nearly 90%. As a result, many industries and cities are marine-based with bubble cities enclaves linked by skytrains or underwater tunnels connecting them to the nearest landmass for transportation and resource exchange. Some of these off-shore settlements seem inspired by an old 21st century vid called “Stargate: Atlantis”.
Garden Planet: Vista
- Atmosphere: Breathable
- Temperature: Warm
- Biosphere: Human Miscible
- Population: 1,355,409
- Government: Representative Republic
- Satellites: 4
System 640
Before too long, Microsoft Industries sponsored an expedition to nearby systems that might offer a more dedicated industrial base for corporations like them and their allies. A nearby system was located with a large planet that seemed ideal for exploitation. A founding colony was sent with an eye for industrial expansion and mineral extraction. What they found deep in one of the many jungles were undiscovered Prothean ruins. When the System Alliance became aware of these ruins’ existence, they got involved and even set up a presence on the planet — unusual given the many Prothean ruins elsewhere in Citadel space. Rumours abound that some potentially exploitable technology was discovered. If so, Microsoft Industries is probably one of the firms involved in industrializing or weaponizing the discovery.
The system is unusually stand-offish for a human colony. While travel is not restricted, visitors are definitely not encouraged to stay long. Those not employed by one of the corporate entities, or the System Alliance, are viewed with suspicion.
Garden Planet: Gates
- Atmosphere: Breathable
- Temperature: Warm
- Biosphere: Human Miscible
- Population: 48,108
- Government: Corporate
- Satellites: 23
First Nations
With the discovery of the Mass Relays and humanity’s introduction to the galaxy, elements of the native North American population saw this as an opportunity to claim a home of their own among the stars, unsullied by the “white man”. Bankrolled largely by casino-based profits, a ‘First Nations’ organization gathered enough capital and colonists to stake a claim in the Emerald Cluster. Although close to the very civilization that pushed them out, it was believed that having entire planets to one’s self would make the issue moot. A system within reach of the Mass Relay was selected which contained an unusually large garden world. Ecstatic at their find, the First Nations colonists selected large swathes of land for their tribes, set up along more traditional lines.
Within a decade, a mix of old custom and new technology formed among the communities on New Liberty. Much more dispersed than other human colonies, they nonetheless maintain a small city for administrative purposes. It is the home to the few government buildings they maintain, as well as the planet’s only starport.
Garden Planet: New Liberty
- Atmosphere: Breathable
- Temperature: Warm
- Biosphere: Human Miscible
- Population: 201,891
- Government: Federated tribes
- Satellites: 13