Forte Hass

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Star Wars: Dawn of Defiance
Dawnofdefiance title.webp
XP: 15
Forte Hass
RAM-53Y "Ramsey"
Key NPCs
Captain Sirona Okeefe · Senator Bail Organa




Career/Specialization(s): Hired Gun/Bodyguard

Brawn Intellect Willpower Agility Cunning Presence
2 2 2 3 2 3

Soak Wounds Strain Defense
2 (3) 12 13 1 1 N/A


  • Social Contract: Twi’leks begin the game with one rank in Charm or Deception. (not above 2)
  • Arid Adapted: Remove 1Eote-black-die.png due to hot or arid conditions.

Obligation 10 [Favor] Starting, Unspecified
Motivation: Relationship Comrades: the character shows loyalty to those he serves alongside.
Specific Causes: Emancipation The character sees slavery and indentured servitude as an abomination that must be undone.
Ambition: Expertise The character want to excel in his chosen profession and constantly practices to achieve perfection.

XP Total XP Unspent
10 10


  • Hired Gun Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Discipline, Melee, Piloting (Planetary), Ranged (Light), Resistance, Vigilance
  • Bodyguard Skills: Gunnery, Perception, Piloting (Planetary), Ranged (Heavy)
  • ✓ denotes class/specialization skill
  • ■ denotes one rank in the skill
Skill Ability Level Roll Notes
General Skills
Astrogation Intelligence Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Athletics Brawn Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Charm Presence Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png (Species)
Coercion Willpower Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Computer Intelligence Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Cool Presence Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Coordination Agility Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Deception Cunning Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Discipline Willpower Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Leadership Presence Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Mechanics Intelligence Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Medicine Intelligence Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Negotiation Presence Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Perception Cunning ■■ Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-yellow-die.png
Pilot (Planetary) Agility ■■ Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-yellow-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Pilot (Space) Agility Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Resilience Brawn Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Skulduggery Cunning Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Stealth Agility Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Streetwise Cunning Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Survival Cunning Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Vigilance Willpower ■■ Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-yellow-die.png
Combat Skills
Brawl Brawn Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Gunnery Agility Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Lightsaber Brawn Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Melee Brawn Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Ranged (Light) Agility Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Ranged (Heavy) Agility Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Knowledge Skills
Core Worlds Intelligence Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Education Intelligence Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Lore Intelligence Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Outer Rim Intelligence Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Underworld Intelligence Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Xenology Intelligence Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
War Intelligence Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png


Hired Gun: Bodyguard

Barrage Add 1 damage to 1 hit of successful attack while using Ranged (Heavy) or Gunnery skills at long or extreme range.
Hard Headed When staggered or disoriented, perform the Hard Headed action. Make a Daunting (Eote-purple-die.pngEote-purple-die.pngEote-purple-die.pngEote-purple-die.png) Discipline check to remove the status.
Bodyguard Once per Round, Perform the bodyguard maneuver to guard an engaged character. Suffer 1 strain. Until the beginning of the next turn, upgrade the difficulty of combat checks targeting the character by that number.


Credits Encumbrance
Capacity Current
3 8 7


Armored Clothing (+1 Soak, +1 Defense)


  • E-10 Blaster Rifle
    • Base: Energy, Ranged (Heavy), Damage 9, Critical 3, Long, Enc 4, HP 4, Cost 900, Rarity 5
    • Stun Setting
  • Merr-Sonn Q2 Holdout
    • Base: Energy, Ranged (Light), Damage 5, Critical 4, Short, Enc 1, HP 1, Cost 200, Rarity 4
    • Add Eote-black-die.png to a character's Perception check when attempting to find this pistol on a person's body.
  • Frag Grenade
    • Base: Piercing, Ranged (Light), Damage 8, Critical 4, Short, Enc 1, HP 0, Cost 50, Rarity 5
    • Blast 6, Limited 1
  • Unarmed Strike
    • Base: Bludgeoning, Brawl, Damage +0, Critical 5
  • Dresselian Projectile Rifle (Unequipped)
    • Base: Piercing, Ranged (Heavy), Damage 7, Critical 5, Medium, Enc 5, HP 1, Cost 250, Rarity 3
    • Cumbersome 2


  • Commlink
    • Short range communicator with earpiece.
    • Basic Tool. Encumbrance 0
  • Stimpack (Empty)
    • Auto-injected mixture of pain killers, stimulants and restoratives.
    • As a maneuver, restore 5 points to a character's wound threshold, less 1 for each stimpack already used that day. Encumbrance 0
  • Utility Belt
    • Imperial Army Trooper belt with several drop pockets.
    • +1 Encumbrance
  • Extra Reloads
    • Few extra power packs.
    • Cancel first despair for "out-of-ammo". Encumbrance 1
Survival Kit
  • Kit Bag
    • A bag specifically designed to hold the Survival Kit.
  • Thermal Cloak (Dark)
    • An all weather cloak designed to deflect the worst of environmental hazards. These versions are non-reflective so as not to give away the wearer's position.
    • Use of a thermal blanket or cloak removes up to two setback dice from checks made to handle extreme heat or cold.
  • Multi-tool
    • Foldout tool system that includes pliers, screwdrivers, files, small knifes and other similar devices.
    • Basic Tool, Encumbrance 1
  • Distress Beacon (Undercover)
    • A small device with a multi-band transmitter. This one has been programmed away from the usual emergency bands.
    • Add 2 boost dice to Perception, Computers or Surveillance checks to find user.
  • Emergency Comlink
    • These comlinks are ruggedly built and have long battery life, but are short ranged and lack many of the features of standard commercial models.
  • Basic Medpack
    • A small case with limited, but critical, supplies.
    • Basic (Emergency) medpacs allow characters to use the Medicine skill to heal others without penalty. Encumbrance 1
  • Respirator
    • Fits over the mouth and nose to allow for breathing in hostile atmospheres.
    • Encumbrance 1
  • Water Jug with Filter, Rations (10)
    • Allows for water purification. Each ration is enough to feed one person for one day.
    • Encumbrance 1
  • High-tensile microfiber line
    • 50 Meters of a metal-fiber line strong enough to catch a falling individual without snapping. Can be cut with effort. Retracts into the original carrying case (though not with much strength)
  • Glow Rod
    • Small handheld light source which directional light good for about 20 meters of directional good visibility. Alternately can provide about 3 meters omnidirectional good visibility.
  • Flare Gun
    • A small pistol-shaped device which ignites and launches a signal flare.
    • 5 flares, each loaded invidividually. Launches approximately 150m in standard gravity and atmosphere.