Character creation quick start guide
Angelicus Ostrus | |
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Building an Angelicus Ostrus Character
Roll Your Stats
Roll a d100 for each of the following physical and mental statistics, and place them as they fall:
Strength – your physical strength Dexterity – your agility Tox – your constitution and resistance Speed – how physically quick you are Perception – how observant you are Charisma – your force of personality
The numbers you have rolled convert into a generic scale of ability levels that will give you specific numbers to use when you make rolls with that statistic. Some game play will use d10’s, in which case you have a single digit modifier (ex: +2). Other rolls using d100’s will ask for that number x10 (ex: +20). We find it easier to write both in on the character sheet for ease of reference (ex: +2 (+20)). If you find that a roll you made is Low, Mid, or High and is within 5 of the next level, consider it on the borderline. It is less expensive to improve borderline stats when you gain experience. Note down your original score for any borderline stats in your stat boxes.
The statistic ability levels are as follows:
On a roll of…
97-100 the stat is Angelic with a modifier of +2 (+20) 67-96 the stat is High with a modifier of +1 (+10) 33-66 the stat is Mid with a modifier of +0 05-32 the stat is Low with a modifier of -1 (-10) 01-04 the stat is Nil with a modifier of -2 (+20)
What do those mean??? Mid is a basic middle of the road angel. This however, would be a superb ability level for a human. High is the most a human could ever attain – like Herculean feats of strength – while Angelic level abilities are the first level beyond what a mortal human could ever physically attain. Angelic levels are above and beyond mortal capacity – whether viewed as supernatural or divine by the observer.
Derived Traits
Use your Tox stat to add up your hit points. HP = 100 + (15 x Tox modifier)
Use your Speed to determine your initiative roll. Initiative = 2d10 + (1d10 x Speed Modifier)
Pick your Deity and Name Your Character
Now that you have your statistics, you can develop your concept a little. Choose a patron deity. Your last name will have a prefix that reflects which of the Four Gods your character is associated with. The “quick sheet” of the gods and their prefixes are as follows:
Alexander – God of war, honor, and duty – Prefix “Van” (ex: Bramble VanThorn)
Suth – Goddess of knowledge, medicine, and justice – Prefix “La” (ex: Saul LaJora)
Tyre – Goddess of civilization, nature, and culture – Prefix “Le” (ex: Hestia LeMinu)
Maximillian – God of joy, innocence, and youth Prefix “Mac” (ex: Jason MacNell)
Choose Your Viae
Choose an aspect, or path, for your divine magic. For our purposes, yours could be broad or focused. Examples in the past have included Destruction, Food, Fire, The Mind, Plants, Firearms, Fear, Protection, and even Food (resulting in many pie fights). Pick something (not in this list) that is unique to you. Your viae is what most represents your character! You get 1 Path and 3 Uses per Day at Starting.
Choose Your Weapon
Everyone needs a weapon! Everyone gets a starting weapon of their choosing that does 2d10 + (1d10 x Str or Dex) damage. The damage all starts similar to reflect that for you, as a superhuman being, the weapon matters little in your divine hands compared to how you wield it. This reflects the sheer skill and utter effectiveness you have with your chosen weapon. There are two types of weapons: Grace weapons use the Dexterity modifier while Force weapons use Strength. Some mental attacks will use Charisma instead. When deciding between Force and Grace weapons, think of style: while both are swords, a broadsword would be more of a Force weapon, while a nimble rapier may be considered a Grace weapon.
Spend Your Free Cadeau
The Four Gods Have given you a gift, called a cadeau (pl. cadeaux). Cadeaux are spent like experience to improve your character or your character’s equipment. Decide how you want to spend the gift by turning to the section on cadeaux.
Background and Lineage
Develop a short background of who you are and what you did before your fall from grace. Is there a particular trait that you embody? All angels descended from primordial traits (like Hope, Love, Rage, Power, Mercy, etc..) and now is to pick yours. Add the character trait you feel your character descended from on the line marked Lineage. Next, and very importantly, what was your crime in the eyes of Heaven? Why did you fall? Now you are ready to get your character approved!