Boah Nagata
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Boah Nagata 1st level Warlock/0 level Sorc
- An orphan picked up in the Far East by a Gypsy troupe, Boah was raised as a traveling entertainer. When Boah began showing sorcererous tendencies, however, they apprenticed her to the troupe fortune teller, and Boah Nagata found themselves Pact-bound the the Unseely fey who granted the hag her power.
- The troupe ran into trouble passing through Tymander, scattered by an Unther raiding party. While the troupe recouped their losses in Dragonborn lands, Boah met a proper sorcerer, and began to understand their true heritage. After several years on the road, practicing what she had been taught, Nagata decided to renegotiate with their Patron.
- The original terms offered to the Dark Fey seemed much in it's favor- the untapped sorcerous power a child could not control, for a trifle of magick they could. But even as a child, raised among the traveling folk, Boah could run a scam, and with the Gypsy fortune teller's assistance snuck an escape clause into the Pact, should they ever learn how to control "the power a child could not."
- The patron was not happy. The Fey had leveraged Nagata's power into a comfortable position in the Courts of the fey, and with the one-sided Pact withdrawn, it found itself beset by it's rivals. In desperation, it offered a true pact, in a fair trade of power- perhaps a bit leveraged, now, but shifting in Nagata's favor as the Fey's position improved.
- Now taking the Phlan Path west from Melvaunt, Nagata recieves cryptic guidance from their patron... to watch for the Warrior of the Mount. (OOC, Tim's character)
Character Statistics
Basic Statistics
Passive Skills:
Insight: 1x |
Speed: 30 feet |
Strength | 8 (-1) | Dexterity | 13 (+1) | Constitution | 14 (+2) | ||
Intelligence | 14 (+2) | Wisdom | 11 (0) | Charisma | 16 (+3) |
Proficiency bonus: +2
Proficient Saves
Proficient Weapons
Proficient Skills
Background Points
- Guild Merchant
- Guild Membership (Gypsy fortune teller)
- Insight, Persuasion
- weaver's tools proficency
- Magic Initiate (Wizard, Silent Image, Mending, Presidigitation
- Mule, Cart, "Madame Nagata - Seer of Fortunes" sign with a Vistani glyph, Traveler's clothes, 15 GP
- Personality
- Ideal
- Bond
- Flaw
Life Events
Special Rules
- Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.
- Magic Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against spells.
- Poison Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the poisoned condition on yourself. You also have resistance to poison damage.
- Serpentine Spellcasting. You know the Poison Spray cantrip. You can cast Animal Friendship an unlimited number of times with this trait, but you can target only snakes with it. Starting at 3rd level, you can also cast Suggestion with this trait. Once you cast it, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast it using any spell slots you have of 2nd level or higher. (Charisma casting)
Warlock Magic
- Otherworldly Patron: Archfey
- Expanded spell list:
- 1st: Faerie Fire, Sleep
- 2nd: (pending level 3) Calm Emotions, Phantasmal force
- Fey Presence: As an action, each creature in a 10' cube originating from you must make a Wis save vs Warlock DC (13) are either Charmed or Frightened (warlock's choice)
- Expanded spell list:
- Pact Magic (Arcane Focus)
- Save DC: 13 - Attack Modifier: +5
- Cantrips: (Eltrich blast, Friends)
- 1st Level Warlock Spell slots per short rest: 1
- Spells known:
- (1st) Protection from Good&Evil
- (1st) Hex
- Archfey expanded spells
- Faerie Fire
- Sleep
- Eltrich Invocations (pending level 2)
- (Pending level 2) Agonizing blast: +cha to eltrich blast damage
- (pending level 3) swap to Book of Ancient Secrets
- (Pending level 2) Eyes of the Rune Keeper- you can read all writing
- (Pending level 2) Agonizing blast: +cha to eltrich blast damage
- Pact Boon- Pact of the Tome (pending level 3)
- (pending level 3)Book of Shadows
- 3 cantrips from any class list(s), cast as Warlock cantrips
- (TBD)
- (pending level 3) Replacement ceremony (1 hour)
- 3 cantrips from any class list(s), cast as Warlock cantrips
- (pending level 3)Book of Shadows
Sorcerer Magic (not yet unlocked)
- Sourcorus Origin: Draconic Bloodline (Green)
- (unlock at 1st level) Draconic resiliance
- (Unlock at (character?) level 6) Elemental Affinity
- (Unlock at (character?) level 14) Dragon Wings (for Vecna campaign?)
- Spellcasting
- Sorcerer DC: 13 - Attack modifier: +5 - Arcane Focus
- Cantrips
- (level 1)
- (level 1)
- (level 1)
- (level 1)
- 2 Sorcerer Spells Known (can swap at level up)
- (unlock at level 1)
- (unlock at level 1)
- 1st level slots: 0 (2 at level 1)
- Font of Magic (unlock at level 2)
- Maximum Sorcery Points: 0 (2 at level 2)
- Flexible casting:
- Converting a spell slot into Sorcery points: as a bonus action expend ANY one spell slot (even Warlock!) to gain sorcery points equal to the slot level.
- As a bonus action, turn unused Sorcery points into a spell slot
- 2 for 1st level, 3 for 2nd level, 5 for 3rd level
- No Coffeelock Cheese
- Metamagic (unlock at 3rd level)
- (Unlock at level 3)
- (Unlock at level 3)
Wizard Magic (Guild feat: Magic initiate)
- Spell save DC: 12
- 2 Cantrips: Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation
- 1 level 1 spell: Unseen Servant 1/ long rest
Serpintine Spellcasting (Yuan Ti)
- 1 Cantrip: Poison Spray (10' range, d12 poison damage, Con save for half)
- Animal Friendship (unlimited casting, Snakes only)
- (pending lvl 3) Suggestion 1/long rest or any 2nd level spell slot
- none (Traveler's clothes)