Act 1: Light Side
Star Wars MegaGame 2013 | |
![]() | |
Alpha GM | |
Lisa | |
Beta GMs | |
Adam, Erik, Mark, Tim/Benjamin | |
Game Time | |
Saturday, 6 PM - 2 AM slot | |
Game Year | |
Post Order 66 | |
Mechanics | |
Character Creation · Turning Points | |
Plot | |
Prologue · Summary Light Side Act 1 · Act 2 · Act 3 Dark Side Act 1 · Act 2 · Act 3 Conclusion |
PC's are in a variety of menial jobs in the massive organization of Jara the Hutt. We should have another janitorial team, just for the continuity here. Adam had the idea that one group is on Huttlet baby-sitting duty. One group might work at a bar or casino. Each job provides certain advantages and disadvantages (as a janitor, your only weapon is a mop, but you have access badges to everywhere; as a waitress you have access to the cash register; the baby-sitters could ply the Huttlet who is thirsting to assert independence, etc.).
Players hear rumors of Imperials coming to negotiate with the Hutts, maybe someone comes in saying they saw a pair of stormtroopers on Nar Shaddaa. Bounty hunters are especially on the look out, and they get an official Bad Feeling About This. They need off the planet. And now. Act I is all about acquiring credits, weapons, ship passage, and whatever other supplies they might need to try to get off of the planet. Will meet with a smuggler at a carbon freezing facility to sneak past sensors that would be at a starport.
CLIFFHANGER PC's get into an open fight with stormtroopers and discover, to their horror, that Vader is here. This fight should be extraordinarily hard and badass, and the players should be inclined to use a Force Power at some point. If not, it's okay, but if they do, we can use it to our plot advantage. Remember, using the Dark Side gives an extra d6!
The game changes from simply leaving to evade an Imperial screening to running from the chief Jedi killer, the one that killed their friends and masters. The Empire isn't here for negotiations, Vader, so it seems, is here for them.
Erik: 1.) Betting on fights
2.) Team contest with a large purse
3.) Talk to Hutt
a.) Favorite slave has escaped
A.) Do they turn her in?
B.) Do they accept a bribe to let her go?
1.) Could get money by chopping a Black Sun Lt's car, to find out there's a massive quantity of spice in the trunk (Light Side). This happens if the group can't decide what to do.
2.) Gone in Sixty Seconds (Dark Side). Boosts at most two cars before they get to the Imperial Officer's airspeeder (maybe APC for survivability).
Hutt rats them out. (Both)
Imperial Officer is at a match with a Stormtrooper entourage (Erik)
Group tries to boost Imperial Officer's airspeeder. One Imperial Naval Officer and four Stormtroopers. (Tim)
Local Cops call in Stormtroopers as backup to bust Spice stash in Black Sun car. Group of four Corporate Sector Authority Security Police. If the group fails with three disadvantage on their Skulduggery check, four Stormtroopers and one Stormtrooper Sergeant also appear. One will have a light repeating blaster. (Tim)