Manman Ayida Ginen

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D&D: Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Level 9
Ajasz, lizardfolk scout
Arkis "Elric", kobold paladin of Tiamat
Chimalli, tortle barbarian
Elora, elven bladesinger
Ayida Ginen, half-elf undying warlock
Sond, halfling barbarian
Yeoman Scribus, kenku bard
Party Gear
The Sea GhostThe Harridan
Saltmarsh Gear
Saltmarsh Region
The Town of Saltmarsh
Saltmarsh Region
Saltmarsh NPCsGuests
House Rules

Ayida Ginen is a neutral level 1 Half-Elf Warlock with an Undying Patron




Manman Ayida Ginen is a native of Saltmarsh (or, perhaps, the marsh). She learned root craft and medicine from her human mother but never met her elven father. A special child, Ayida took to the learning and lore of the marshes well, but always heard other voices speaking to her from beyond.


Defining Event:

  • I saved people during a natural disaster

Personality Trait:

  • I keep multiple holy symbols on me and invoke whatever deity might come in handy at the moment.


  • Free Spirit - no one tells me what to do.
  • Sincerity - there's no point pretending to be something I'm not.


  • I have a family, but I have no idea where they are. One day, I hope to see them again.


  • I have a weakness for vices of the "city," especially the special sauces. Hot, bbq, and moonshine.
  • I can't resist a pretty face.

Character Statistics

Initiative: +2 Speed: 30 feet
Maximum Hit Points: 18
Armor Class: 13

Passive Skills:
Insight: 14 (19 with advantage)
Perception: 12 (17 with advantage)

Common (Local)


Strength 8 (-1)   Dexterity 14 (+2)   Constitution 10 (+0)
Intelligence 14 (+2)   Wisdom 14 (+2)   Charisma 18 (+4)


Proficiency bonus: +2


  • Wisdom
  • Charisma

Weapons & Armor

  • Simple Weapons
  • Light Armor


  • Intimidation (Warlock) x2
  • Investigation (Warlock)
  • Medicine (Voodoo Queen)
  • Arcana (Voodoo Queen)
  • Insight (Half-Elf)
  • Persuasion (Half-Elf)


  • Tarot Cards
  • Herbalist Kit


Skill Name Key Ability Total Skill Modifier Ability Modifier Proficiency Modifier Expertise Modifier Misc Modifier
Acrobatics Dex 2= 2
Animal Handling Wis 2= 2
Arcana Int 4= 2 2
Athletics Str
Deception Cha 4= 4
History Int 2= 2
Insight Wis 4= 2 2
Intimidation Cha 8= 4 2 2
Investigation Int 4= 2 2
Medicine Wis 4= 2 2
Nature Int 2= 2
Perception Wis 2= 2
Performance Cha 4= 4
Persuasion Cha 6= 4 2
Religion Int 2= 2
Sleight of Hand Dex 2= 2
Stealth Dex 2= 2
Survival Wis 2= 2



  • Darkvision: See in darkness up to 60ft (as dim light)
  • Fey Ancestry: Advantage vs. being charmed, magic cannot put you to sleep.


  • Rustic Hospitality: You can find a place to hide, rest or recuperate among commoners. They will shield you from the law or anyone else searching for you.


Otherworldly Patron (Undying)
  • Among the Dead:
    • Learn Spare the Dying
    • Advantage vs. Disease
    • Undead have difficult harming you:
      • On failed save, must select a different target or forgo action
      • On success become immune to effect.
Pact Magic

At 4th Level: Cantrips Known: 3; Spells Known: 5; Slots: 2 at 2nd Level; Invocations: 2

Cantrips (Unlimited)
  • Spare the Dying: Instantly stablize one creature. (Added from Patron)
  • Minor Illusion: Create a sound or image within 30ft, 5ft cube.
  • Prestidigitation: Several Minor Effects for one round.
  • Chill Touch: A ghost hand deals 1d8 Necrotic damage and the target cannot regain HP for 1 round. (Spell Ranged Attack, 120ft)
  • New at 10th lv
  • False Life: Gain 1d4+4 temporary hitpoints (+5 per level above 1st)
  • Unseen Servant: 1 hr, 60ft, Invisiable Servent performs simple tasks.
  • Silence: No sound can be created within a 20 ft radius sphere centered on a point of choice within a 120 ft range. Any creature or object inside is immune to fire damage, verbal spells cannot be cast inside. 1 action to cast, the duration is 10 minutes/concentration
  • Speak With Dead: Can ask corpse up to 5 questions. 1 action, range 10 ft, 10 minutes, fails if the corpse was used for this within the last 10 days or undead
  • Crown of Madness: Target Humanoid, the charmed target must move or make a melee attack against a target of my choosing. May use my action to make it attack again. Target may make a new save at the end of each subsequent round. (120ft, Conc. 1 minute, Wisdom Save)
  • New at 5th lv
Pact Boon: Pact of the Talisman
  • When wearer makes an ability check in which they are not proficient, add a d4 to the roll.
  • 1-hour ceremony to receive a replacement from the patron (can be done during a short or long rest and destroys the previous if extant
  • Talisman turns to ash on character death
Eldritch Invocations
  • Eldritch Sight: You can cast detect magic at will, without expending a spell slot.
  • Thief of Five Fates: You can cast bane once using a warlock spell slot, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest
  • New at 5th lv
  • New at 7th lv


  • Menacing: +1 Charisma, Expertise at Intimidation, You may take an action to cause fear in combat. (Intimidate vs. Insight within 30ft, frightens until end of next turn. 1-hour immunity if failed.)
  • 8th level


Encumbrance: 51-80 lb (Light, -10); 81-130 lb (Heavy, -20); 240 lb (Drag)

Weapons & Armor

  • Quaterstaff: +1 Attack, 1d6-1 Bludgening, Versitle
  • Dagger: +4 Attack, 1d4+4 Piercing, Throw 20/60, Light, Finesse ◈◈◈◇◇
  • Leather Armor: 11+Dex AC


  • Fine Clothes
  • Ancient Elvish Arrowhead (Trinket)
  • Belt Pouch
    • Component Pouch
    • Deck of Marked Cards
  • Belt Pouch
    • Coins (5 gp)
  • Backpack
    • Book of Lore
    • Bottle of Ink
    • Ink Pen
    • 10 Sheets of Parchment
    • Small bag of Sand
    • Small Knife
    • Disguise Kit
    • Healer's Kit
    • Herbalist's Kit

Magical Items

  • Small Egg Sacks (x3) Will help in combat situations. It will burst if you are about to be ambushed. Lasts 1 day before hatching.

Character Notes

  • Inspiration: Marie Laveau, Voodoo Queen of New Orleans so walked the streets like she owned them, and Julia Brown, Priestess of Frenier, who folks thought brought on a hurricane after haven been taken for granted, sitting on her porch laughing her head off as the storm surge rose.
  • Naming: In Haitian Voudou, Ayida Wedo is the wife of the rainbow serpent Danbala, while Ginen is a watery realm under the earth (this is also used to refer to Africa as an origin place). Manman is used as a title for fully initiated priestesses (Mama, or french Maman, as well as playful derivatives like Mommie, while papa and similar is for men). Novitiates are often called little leaves, or similar.