House Drake Expeditionary Army

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Rogue Trader: Drake Dynasty
Rogue Trader Logo.jpg
Dynastic Power
Character Level: 31,250 XP / Rank 8
Profit Factor: 43𝖕
Command Crew
Lord-Captain Drake
Navigator Primus Mordecai
Arch-Millitant Winter
Astropath Solarus
High Factorum August
House Drake Fleet
Aurea Albion
Hound of AlbionAbhorrent
Fortuitous PurposePenance of Iocanthos
Drake Trade Empire
Sepheris SecundusTennenberg
Killian's Rest
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Svard 1stStormtroopers
House Drake Expeditionary Army
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Calixis Sector
Koronus ExpansePeriphery Subsector
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In an effort to stake a claim in the Periphery Subsector Warzone, House Drake has mustered its own army help it establish a foothold and provide strategic support as it assists in the war. The following units have been raised and now follow the House Drake flag into battle.

Stats are given in Battlefleet Koronus terms.


Commander: Master of Skitarii Fundamus
Heavy Infantry, Strength 100 (1000 men); Power 9; Skill/Characteristics 40; Morale 80 (Professional); Tech Level Modern
The TechGuard, or Skitarii, are well trained, well equiped and well provisioned troops raised from the mass of workers at the Forge world who show aptitude for combat. The large boned and heavily muscled men and women (or Mini-Ogryn as some call them)of The Lathes carry heavy armor and even heavier guns into combat in excilent, machine-like form. For such heavy infantry, they remain surprising mobile thanks to The Lathes emmense understanding and use of suspensors (anti-grav slings) for moving crew weapons.
Commander: Warden-Colonel Yuriel Westar
Light Infantry, Strength 441 (4410 convicts); Power 3; Skill/Characteristics 20; Morale 45 (Conscripts); Tech Level Technological (Poor Quality)
There are three types of Penal Legionnaire, those in search of redemption, those who simply want another chance to kill, and those who were handed a lasgun simply because a commander needed someone to stop bullets. A solid portion of the Penal Legion are IG or PDF troops who committed a minor crime, though gangers, hunters and the simply unlucky can also be found. They gain little to no additional training, and are equipped with reject lasguns and flak armor. They will typically be accompanied into battle by highly trained wardens and commissars equipped with high quality flak or carapace armor, a bolt pistol and a chain sword.
Battles: Station 4, Kalf Orbit. Casualties: 590. Enemy casualties: 150 Orks.
Commander: Colonel Narissa Strophes
Medium Infantry, Strength 200 (2000 men); Power 7; Skill/Characteristics 30; Morale 60 (Volunteers); Tech Level Modern
Like Rogue Traders, many noble houses find it beneficial to maintain their own independent armed forces for protecting their assists, pressing claims or otherwise enforcing their will, and the Strophes are no exception. Strophes’ Own, as the house troops call themselves, is an all-volunteer regiment that has been trained and equipped up to Imperial Guard standards. While they have minimal experience with massed combat, they have more experience with small deployments then a typical Imperial unit.
Deployments: The Cornucopia of Drake, Aurum (1 company)
Commander: Colonel Haruna Yasaki
Heavy Infantry, Strength 100 (1000 men); Power 8; Skill/Characteristics 40; Morale 80 (Professional); Tech Level Modern
The Baraspine Guards are, like many guard units, a product of their world. Naturally occurring ceramics provide easy production of ceramite armor while the potential 700km/hr shard filled winds necessitate the use of heavy armor for all training beyond city walls. In addition to using some of the toughest unpowered ceramite armor in the imperium, the veteran 40th Guards are also surprisingly well equipped with specialist and heavy weaponry, mostly as a result of a Munitorum clerical error.
Commander: (Nominal) Captain Jaak Tertius
Medium Infantry, Strength 10 (100 men); Power 7; Skill/Characteristics 30; Morale 50 (Conscript); Tech Level Modern
In a display of mercy, Lord Drake has kept the surrendered Traitor Guard separate rather than simply turning them over to the commissars and wardens of the 4077th. They appear to be trained up to a professional level and otherwise comparable to a typical Imperial Guard unit. Their weaponry is bias to low penetration anti-infantry weaponry due to their previous deployment defending a space station.
Commander: Bishop-Colonel Soren Erasmus
Light Infantry, Strength 300 (3000 crusaders); Power 4; Skill/Characteristics 30; Morale 90 (Fanatics); Tech Level Technological
Equipment: Chainsword and Laspistol for each man, "squad leaders" have lasguns
Captain Cobalt returned to Demaris to recruit as many of the remaining Drusian Adherents as possible. Initial pickings were slim until Archbishop Arnit unexpectedly announced in his sermon that he had been sent a dream by the Emperor which told him that Drusus, through his Relic, must crusade again. To that end the Relic was presented to Bishop Erasmus to inspire the men and women who chose to sign up. As before, the crusaders have been given a chainsword each which they have been drilling and training with during the transit over.
Battles: Operation Hammerstrike on Aeyras
  • Drake Kroot Company
Commander: Master Shaper Sorok
Heavy Infantry, Strength 10 (100 kroot); Power 9; Skill/Characteristics 40; Morale 80 (Professional); Tech Level Modern
The seemingly feral Kroot are an odd combination of technologically savvy savages. They were little to no armor and eschew the use of most heavy weaponry and vehicles in favor of rifles and large pack beasts known as Knarlacs. They excel however as scouts and skirmishers, easily living off the land, traveling unseen through hostile territory and disrupting enemy formations. Their typical weapon is a combination bolt action marksmen rifle and bladed fighting staff, though the unit is sprinkled with other weapons provided as payment for earlier mercenary work. They are being transported on the Hound of Albion to avoid any potential conflicts with the Durusian Adherents.
Battles: Operation Hammerstrike on Aeyras
Commander: Priestess-Chief Sarana
Light Infantry, Strength 400 (4000 warriors); Power 4; Skill/Characteristics 30; Morale 80 (Fanatic); Tech Level Feral (Technological)
Current equipment: lasguns and flak coats
The Chosen of the Sky Father are a mass of primitives raised from the planet Dross, which Drake has been helping a local ally unify under her command. She’s been remarkably successful, and at Capt. Cobalt’s request she has provided a mass of soldiers to “fight alongside the children of the Father in the Sky.” While they are in desperate need of modern weaponry, they are a skilled, strong people and extremely capable warriors. It’s also worth noting that all their priestess are psykers of some ability.
Battles: Operation Hammerstrike on Aeyras

Mechanized Infantry

Commander: Colonel Marias Strophes
Medium Mechanized Infantry, Strength 100 (1000 men); Power 8; Skill/Characteristics 30; Morale 60 (Volunteers); Tech Level Modern
As was discovered during the defense of several agricultural holdings, mobility is sometimes critical for the effective deployment of troops. To this end the Strophes’ Own Mechanized division was created by assigning a Rhino APC, driver and gunner as part of each infantry squad (creating 12 man squads). Command squads for three Captains and the Colonel are equipped with Chimeras instead to provide superior communications equipment. Note that due to budget issues, the Rhinos' normal storm bolters have been replaced with heavy stubbers.


Commander: Lieutenant-Colonel Kendra Strophes
Medium Armor, Strength 50 (500 men or 100 vehicles); Power 10; Skill/Characteristics 30; Morale 60 (Volunteers); Tech Level Modern
When you really need to make an impression on local rebels, nothing works like a line of armored tanks. They naturaly use the Leman Russ Main Battle Tanks as their standard tank, but all such cannon-equipped tanks have Lathe built anti-armor sabot rounds available in addition to their normal high explosive shells. Recon/flank squadrons use the Leman Russ Conquerer-pattern (smaller gun, can fire more accurately on the move) with an Exterminator-pattern (twin-linked Autocannon). Contains one squadron of Demolisher-pattern Siege Tanks. During regular deployment, the Strophes’ Armored often loans out squadrons or even companies to the Strophes’ Own infantry regiments.


Commander: Master of Skitarii Strannis Humbert
Medium Artillery, Strength 40 (400 men); Power 8; Skill/Characteristics 30; Morale 60 (Vassal Levy); Tech Level Technological
While not old per se, the Hydra tanks and Hydra emplacements of the 33rd Lathes Anti-Air was originally a research project by Magos Tyrone into creating a networked, machine-spirit assisted predictive logic engine that would coordinate the fire from eighty weapon platforms into a single air defense grid. The attempt failed horribly, and the valuable logic engines were removed, leaving a battalion of unguided anti-air batteries. A levy was raised to provide gun crews when Lord Drake requested they be provided for his expeditionary force.


  • Drake Logistics Corps
Commander: Colonel Trent Vannent
Approximately 10,000 voidborn recruits to run the orbital facilities seized by House Drake; non-combatants
Lured by Drake’s prestige and the promise of hazard pay, Felix has gathered together several thousand station crewmembers of varying levels to training to operate and maintain any orbitals the Dynasty managed to claim during the course of its operations.


  • 2 Medium Orbital Platforms
Names: The Mausoleum, Station Zero-One
Reclaimed from traitor Imperial Guard regiments and Orks, these stations have been worked recovered and repaired to begin serving the Imperial Guard presence on Kulth by House Drake. It currently houses elements of House Drake's Expeditionary Army not tasked elsewhere.
  • 1 Small Orbital Platform
Name: The Cornucopia of Drake
Location: Aurum, above the capital Haistand
Moved via tug from Kulth to Aurum, this station is being configured to shuttle goods to and from Aurum. With a monopoly on trade from Aurum, this station will likely become larger over time as trade increases.


As of 8/19/13

House Drake's forces are currently spread out in the Periphery sub-sector, responding to various requests due to trade interests, war needs, and Inquisitorial demands.

Aeyras (moon), orbiting Horon in the Karacallia system

Theatre Commander: Lady Lynara Cobolt
Mission: Participation in Operation Hammerstrike to dislodge entrenched Ork presence, supplementing the Catachan 233rd and the Scintillan 4th Army Group

TOTAL: 7,120 troops


Theatre Commander: Unnamed officer, Drake Logistics Corps
Mission: Establish House Drake trading foothold, build out trade infrastructure

  • The Cornucopia of Drake, Small Orbital Platform
    • 1,000 voidborn, Drake Logistical Corps
    • 1 company (300 men), Strophes' Own Volunteers

TOTAL: 300 troops, 1,000 voidsmen


Theatre Commander: Lord-Captain Drake
Mission: Investigating disappearance of Lord-Inquisitor Arcanthus


Theatre Commander: Lord Fitzwilliam Amadeus Norrington-Fairchilde III
Mission: Establish House Drake trading foothold on Kulth, build out trade infrastructure, protect Imperial assets with flotilla

  • Hound of Albion
  • Abhorrent
  • Eldridge
  • Red Wolf Squadron
  • The Mausoleum, Medium Orbital Platform
    • 4077th Penal Legion
    • (Traitor Guard Company)
    • Strophes' Own Volunteers, less 1 Company
    • Strophes 1st Mechanized Infantry Brigade
    • Strophes 1st Armored Battalion
    • 4,500 voidborn, Drake Logistics Corps
  • Station Zero-One, Medium Orbital Platform
    • 133rd Lathes Skitarii Brigade
    • 33rd Lathes Anti-Air
    • 40th Baraspine Guards (Imperial Guard Regiment)
    • 4,500 voidborn, Drake Logistics Corps

TOTAL: 10,110 troops, 9,000 voidsmen

Notable Imperial Guard Regiments in the Spinward Front