Navigator Mordecai

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Rogue Trader: Drake Dynasty
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Dynastic Power
Character Level: 31,250 XP / Rank 8
Profit Factor: 43𝖕
Command Crew
Lord-Captain Drake
Navigator Primus Mordecai
Arch-Millitant Winter
Astropath Solarus
High Factorum August
House Drake Fleet
Aurea Albion
Hound of AlbionAbhorrent
Fortuitous PurposePenance of Iocanthos
Drake Trade Empire
Sepheris SecundusTennenberg
Killian's Rest
Drake Expeditions
Open Missions
Grand Endevours
Svard 1stStormtroopers
House Drake Expeditionary Army
Aerospace CraftGround Vehicles
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Secrets and ContactsAwards and Honors
The Galaxy
Calixis Sector
Koronus ExpansePeriphery Subsector
Peers of the Imperium
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House Rules
Guide and Lore
Farseer by ning (cropped).jpg


Name: Mordecai Ben'yam

Rank: Navigator Primus, Aurea Albion
Race: Void-born
Gender: Male
Age: 45

Place of Birth: Ark of the Testimony, Clan Ben'yam Flotilla

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Build: Lean
Eyes: Grey (Normal), Soul-searing chaos (Warp Eye)
Hair: None

"It'll take us a week to get there."


Clan Ben'yam

Otherwise known as House Ben'yam, they are a nomadic Navigator house, operating a flotilla with an operating range that the Calixis Sector and its neighbours. Virtually the entire crew and family are born on well-maintained and appointed ships, paid for by treaties, agreements, and contracts for their Navigators who serve on ships for a wide variety of organizations.

Although officially a 'House' within the Navis Nobilite, they consider themselves a Clan and refer to it as such amongst themselves.

Neutrality and non-political involvement is the mainstay of the Clan and so they carefully choose their political arrangements to either show impartiality between rival sides, or withdraw entirely from a situation while the two (or more) sides duke it out. This has been the philosophy of the Clan for many centuries. As a result, tradition in many things permeates the culture of the Clan, with complex social structures and rules developed within the flotilla.


An archaic name that would sound strange to the ears of the rest of the Imperium, Mordecai was born with the third eye that would fix his destiny as a Navigator in his august clan. He was trained in how to find paths and navigate ships through the Warp every time the flotilla moved. He is easily more comfortable with the vast emptiness of the void and strange of the Warp than he is planetside surrounded by the planetbound (or "dirt worshippers" as his clan derisively calls the planetborn).

One of the long-standing treaties his Clan had was with the Salamanders within the Nocturne system. When he was of age and the flotilla was passing through, his Clan elders made arrangements to transfer him to a Salamander command to fulfill their end of the treaty.

Mordecai was assigned to an under-the-radar delivery of supplies and medicine to a battle zone to help relieve suffering civilians when their ship was hit as part of the combat and became a drifting hulk. Mordecai and a few fellow shipmates escaped via a Salvation Pod and made it to the war-torn surface; it's unknown whether the ship survived re-entry or if Orks managed to salvage it. Either way, they landed near an Inquisition base. Both were taken by the Monodominant Inquisitors and "put to the Question". Mordecai with his mutated appearance was vigorously "Questioned"; how and where he found the will to survive while trying not to betray the Salamanders is something he still wonders about.

He managed to survive and escape the Inquistor compound during a lapse in attention by some guards. The Salamanders actually listed Mordecai as dead and as a result the Salamanders gave certain considerations to his Clan. Now that Mordecai is known alive they need to figure out with the Chapter leadership the correct considerations are for mere capture and loss of services, and how to rebalance things. This may take several decades to do. In the meantime the Clan has decided to ship Mordecai off to the Calixis sector to keep him out of the hands of the Armageddon Conclave.

As the Clan has decided to expand it's interests in the Calixis sector and investigate opportunities in the Expanse, the local family in charge of the area was overjoyed to have Mordecai. Instructed to find work with a Rogue Trader, he was told that heading out into unknown and wild space under the protection of the Rogue Trader may be just the thing to buy time to calm the fanatic sect of Inquisitors down. During a layover at Port Wanderer, Mordecai ran into the then-Navigator Primus of the Aurea Albion. By chance, his Clan had an obligation to the Imperial Navy that the the other Navigator's family could fulfill more easily. In a shockingly quick deal, the Navigator Houses, House Drake, and the Imperial Navy did a swap: Mordecai and a Clan retinue were assigned to House Drake, while the Imperial Navy got the services of the other family right away.

This also had the beneficial side-effect of removing Mordecai from Imperial space -- his experiences with Inquisitors giving him a decidedly irreverent view of the Emperor's enforcers. This has spilled into irreverence of the Emperor himself. As far as Mordecai is concerned, the Emperor is a lighthouse and beacon in the Warp. Much like any light source in the dark, it is useful, even necessary -- but hardly worship-worthy.



  • Navigator: Born with a Warp Eye to a Navis Nobilite family
  • Pistol (Universal): May use all non-exotic pistols
  • Iron Jaw: If stunned, a Toughness test may allow him to ignore effects
  • Resistance (Fear): +10 to fear tests
  • Talented (Navigation (Warp)): +10 to Navigation (Warp) tests
  • Jaded: Immune to Insanity Points or Fear tests from outrageous events, xenos abominations, etc. Terrors of the Warp affects normally.
  • Meditation: Recover Fatigue with 10 minutes and a successful Willpower test
  • Resistance (Psychic Techniques): +10 to resist psychic techniques
  • Hardy: While being healed, always count as lightly wounded
  • Paranoia: +2 to initiative rolls; GM may secretly test Perception to notice hidden threats
  • Hatred (Demons): +10 to Weapon Tests against demons
  • Dark Soul: When Malignancy Test is made, half normal penalty
  • Talented (Psyniscience): +10 to Psyniscience tests
  • Basic (Universal): May use all non-exotic basic weapons
  • Exotic Weapon (Larn Cutter): May use the Larn Cutter exotic weapon (see below)
  • Navigator Power x3
  • Sound Constitution x6


Void Born

  • Start with -5 Strength, +5 Willpower, Speak Language (Clan Ben'yam Flotilla)
  • Charmed: When spending a Fate Point, roll 1d10. If rolled a 9, Fate Point is not lost
  • Ill-omened: -5 to Fellowship Tests with non-void born humans
  • Shipwise: Navigation (Stellar) and Pilot (Spacecraft) are Basic skills
  • Void Accustomed: Do not suffer from space travel sickness, low and zero-gravity environments are not Difficult Terrain


  • Savant: Gain Logic as trained skill, +3 Intelligence, -3 Toughness

Lure of the Void

  • Tainted: Spend 200xp to gain mutation of choice from Table 14-3: Mutations (p. 369)

Trials and Travails

  • Dark Voyage
    • Things Man Was Not Meant To Know: Gain Resistance (Fear) trait
    • Marked By Darkness: Gain 1d5 Insanity


  • Pride: Gain Heirloom Item (Archeotech Laspistol, best quality)

Nomadic House

  • Lore of the Wanderer: Gain Talented (Navigation (Warp))
  • A Taste of the Warp: Can spend Fate Point to automatically succeed a Navigation Power. If degrees of success are relevant, roll 1d5
  • Scorn of Dirt Dwellers: Take -10 to Fellowship tests and skills dealing with locals while on planetary body
  • Initial Mutation: Inhuman Visage

From Mutations

  • Fear (1): Disturbing: Creatures must make a Willpower test. If failure, see Table 10-4 on p. 294, adding +10 for each 10 points by which the Willpower test failed


  • Feels No Pain: Gain +5 Wounds and Iron Jaw talent
  • Inhuman Visage: Face is devoid of human features, nose is a pair of slits, ears are small holes, eyes are unblinking. Gain Fear(1) Trait

Navigator Powers

The Lidless Stare (Master)

  • Navigator makes Opposed Willpower +20 test for anyone looking into his Warp Eye
  • If success, opponents with Intelligence 20+ must make Difficult (-10) Toughness test or be slain
  • Opponents who pass Toughness takes 2d10 + Willpower bonus Energy damage, 1d5 rounds Stun, 1d10 Insanity Points, not reduced by armor or toughness
  • Suffer 1 Fatigue per use

Scourge of the Red Tide (Adept)

  • Navigator makes Opposed Willpower +10 test for anyone looking into his Warp Eye
  • If success, opponents take 1d10+ double Willpower bonus Energy damage + 1d10 per degree of success, resisted by Toughness or Warded armor only
  • Can affect non-living beings and inanimate objects
  • Suffer one Fatigue on use plus 1 Wound if success, 2 Wounds if failed



Weapon Skill (WS) Ballistic Skill (BS) Strength (S) Toughness (T)
37 43 41 40
Agility (Ag) Intelligence (Int) Perception (Per) Willpower (WP) Fellowship (Fel)
43 58 57 59 35
••• ••• •••
Wounds Fate Points XP Spent XP to Spend Corruption Insanity
20 4 15,000 500 0 2


Half Move Full Move Charge Run
4 8 12 24
Base Leap Base Jump
4 m 80 cm


Basic Skills

Skill B T +10 +20 Bonus
Awareness (Per) X X X X
Barter (Fel) X
Carouse (T) X
Charm (Fel) X
Climb (S) X
Command (Fel) X
Concealment (Ag) X
Deceive (Fel) X
Disguise (Fel) X
Dodge (Ag) X X X
Evaluate (Int) X
Gamble (Int) X
Inquiry (Fel) X
Intimidate (S) X X
Logic (Int) X X
Scrutiny (Per) X X
Search (Per) X
Silent Move (Ag) X
Swim (S) X
Speak Language: Low Gothic (Int) X X
Speak Language: High Gothic (Int) X X
Speak Language: Ben'yam Flotilla (Int) X X
Common Lore: Navis Nobilite (Int) X X
Forbidden Lore: Navigators (Int) X X
Forbidden Lore: Warp (Int) X X
Forbidden Lore: Mutants (Int) X X X
Pilot: Ship (Ag) X

Advanced Skills

Skill B T +10 +20 Bonus
Literacy (Int) X X
Navigation: Stellar (Int) X X X +10
Navigation: Warp (Int) X X X +25
Navigation: Surface (Int) X X
Psyniscience (Per) X X X X +10
Scholastic Lore: Astromancy (Int) X X X X +10
Secret Tongue: Navigator (Int) X X
Secret Tongue: Rogue Trader (Int) X X
Trade: Astrogapher (Int) X X X +10


  • Astrae Almanac Divinitus: Provides +10 to Navigation, Pilot, Scholastic Lore (Astromancy), Trade (Astrographer)
  • Archeotech Laspistol, Best Quality

Class: Pistol; Range: 90m; RoF: S/3/-; Damage 1d10+4 E; Pen 2; Clip 70; Reload: Full
Special: Accurate, Reliable: 4 kg; Availability: Near Unique
+Reddot, +10 Atk, +1 Damage, No Jamming

  • Inferno Pistol, Common Quality

Class: Pistol; Range: 10m; RoF: S/-/-; Damage 2d10+8 E; Pen 13; Clip 3; Reload: Full
Availability: Very Rare

  • Hell Pistol, Best Quality

Class: Pistol; Range: 35m; RoF: S/2/-; Damage 1d10+5 E; Pen 7; Clip 40; Reload: 2 Full
Availability: Rare
+Reddot, +10 Atk, +1 Damage, No Jamming

  • Larn Cutters

Class: Basic; Range: 20m; RoF S/-/-; Damage 4d10+6 E; Pen 8; Clip 4; Reload: 3 Full
Availability: Near Unique
+Tearing (Roll 1 extra die, discard the lowest)

  • Conversion Field (Locke-Pattern)

If field blocks more than 12 points of damage, acts as a photo flash grenade (see p. 126). Wearer is unaffected.
Protection Rating: 50