Geoffroy de Dreux

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Ars Magica: Nova Semitae Saga
Game Start
Anno Domini MCCXX, hiems
A.D. 1220, winter
5 Neanne 1, Hiems
Game Year
Anno Domini MCCXXXV, aestas
A.D. 1236, summer
7 Aulus 2, Aestas
Magi of Nova Semitae
Geoffroy de Dreux of Jerbiton
Joshua Levi of Verditius
Magni of Flambeau
Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau
NPC Magi
Aulus · Neanne · Fr. Thomas · Vitria
Ysabelo discipulus Aulus
Esyllt discipula Geoffrey
Sigrun discipula Magni
Hermetic Status
Lady Angharad ferch Madog, Princess of Powys Fadog
Ritter Sigmund, German ex-Crusader
Sir Daniele d'Audrieu, Norman merchant
Sir William Cornwell, English ex-Crusader
Other Characters
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Chart of Languages Spoken
Notable Animals
Hortense of House Bonisagus
The Covenant
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Record of Offices · Covenant Service
Council Voting Records · Hermetic Politics
Stonehenge Tribunal
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Village of Melverley · Melverley Castle
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Ars Magica House Rules
Ars Magica Expanded Notes
Campaign Log · Loose Ends
Ars Magica PC Reference
Player Resources (PDFs)
Experience Point Worksheet
Character Sheet (Variant 1)
Character Sheet (Variant 2)
Experience Point Chart


Name: Geoffroy de Dreux
Formal Name: Geoffroy scholae Jerbitoni House-Jerbiton-Symbol.jpg
Race/Nationality: French
Place of Origin: Normandy Tribunal, Covenant of Confluensis
Titles: Lord of Cynllaith
Family: Married to Angharad ferch Madog ap Gruffydd Maelor, Lady of Cynllaith
Year of Birth/Age: 1199
Known Specialties: Rego and Terram
Familiar: None
Apprentices: None

Character Sheet


Intelligence +3 Presence +1
Perception +1 Communication +1
Strength +0 Dexterity +1
Stamina +0 Luck +0

Virtues & Flaws


The Gift (Special) Gentle Gift (Major, Hermetic)
Minor Magical Focus (stone) (Minor, Hermetic)
Improved Characteristics (Minor, General)
Educated (50/50) (Minor, General)
Well-Traveled (50/50) (Minor, General)
Privileged Upbringing (50/50) (Minor, General)
Hermetic Magus (Free, Social Status)
Self-Confident (Confidence: +1) (Minor, General)
Quiet Magic (Spellcasting Penalty: None for soft voice, -5 if not speaking) (Minor, Hermetic)
Subtle Magic (Minor, Hermetic)


True Love (Major)
Proud (Minor)
Deficient Technique (Perdo) (Major)
Optimistic (Major)


Skill Specialty Score XP
Area Lore Confluensis - Normandy 2 15
Area Lore Powys Fadog 1 8
Charm First Impressions 2 15
Etiquette Nobility 4 50
Folk Ken Nobility 4 50
Concentration Spells 2 15
Guile Elaborate Lies 1 5
Speak Language Francien Noble Talk 5 75
Speak Welsh Expansive Vocabulary 4 50
Speak English Expansive Vocabulary 1 5
Ride Battle 1 5
Swim Long Distance 1 5
Artes Liberales Grammar 2 15
Speak Latin Academic Use 4 50
Philosophiae Ritual Magic 1 5
Penetration Rego 2 15
Parma Magica Ignem 2 15
Magic Theory Inventing Spells 3 33
Single Weapon Longsword 1 5
Craft (Sculpting) Stone 1 5
Leadership inspiration 1 5
Finesse percision 3 30
Carouse Staying Sober 1 5
Intrigue Gossip 1 5

Personality Traits

  • Charming +3
  • Proud +2
  • Chivalrous +2

Mundane Qualities


Known Languages

Language Dialect Specialization Score Fluency
Langue d'Oil Francien 5 Fluent
Latin Hermetic Latin
Welsh Expansive Vocabulary 4 Near fluent
English Expansive Vocabulary 1 Beginner



Magical Abilities, Equipment, Laboratory


See Laboratory Qualities for explanation of the stats.

Current Qualities

Size +0 Refinement +0 General Quality +0 Upkeep +1
Safety +1 Warping +0 Health +1 Aesthetics +5

Lab Specialization

Creo 0 Animal +3 Ignem +1
Intellego +2 Aquam 0 Imaginem +2
Muto 0 Auram +3 Mentem 0
Perdo 0 Corpus 0 Terram 0
Rego 0 Herbam 0 Vim +2
Vis Extraction 0 Texts +1 Items 0
Spells 0 Experimentation 0

Contributing Factors

  • Magical Heating: +1 Health, +1 Aesthetics, +1 Ig
  • Magical Lighting: +1 Aesthetics, +1 Texts, +1 Im
  • Superior Construction (from Conjuring the Mystic Tower): +1 Safety, +1 Aesthetics
  • Auspicious Shape: +1 Aesthetics, +1 Vi
  • Elevated: +1 Aesthetics, +1 Au
  • Menagerie (Birds): +1 Upkeep, -1 Safety, -1 Aesthetics, +2 An
  • Magical Servant: +1 Safety, +1 Aesthetics
  • Lesser Feature:
    • Balcony: Spells, Au
    • Lofty Ceiling: Au
    • Large Windows: In, Au, Im
    • Astronomical Device: In, Vi


Magnificent aerie 2 (25xp)


Creo 7 (28) Animal 0 (0) Ignem 0 (0)
Intellego 5 (15) Aquam 0 (0) Imaginem 1 (1)
Muto 3 (6) Auram 4 (10) Mentem 3 (6)
Perdo 0 (0) Corpus 10 (61) Terram 12 (78)
Rego 13 (92) Herbam 0 (0) Vim 1 (1)


Spasms of the Uncontrolled Hand (ReCo 5/+23)

One of the target's hands spasms, causing him to drop anything he is holding in it. It keeps spasming for as long as you concentrate.
Mastery 0 (1)

Curse of the Unruly Tongue (ReCo 5/+23)

Causes the target to stutter and slur words. Communication rolls are at -3. Spoken spells are at -6 to the spell casting roll, and there is an extra botch die.
Mastery 0 (3)

Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+17)

Stops a wound from bleeding
Mastery 0 (Never casted to date)

Rise of the Feathery Body (ReCo 10/+23)

Floats a body as fast as smoke rises
Mastery 0 (4)

The Leap of Homecoming (ReCo 30/+23)

Transports you to any place to which you have an Arcane Connection. Most magi use this to return to their laboratories.
Mastery 0 (2)

Crest of the Earth Wave (ReTe 20/+25(+37))

Creates a wave in the earth that starts at your feet and travels out to the range of your Voice in a designated direction. It starts as a narrow ripple and within 5 paces reaches its full size of 5 feet high and 30 paces wide. It moves about 50 paces per round. Those caught in its path must make Dexterity stress rolls of 12+ to leap over the wave, or they are tossed aside and take +10 Damage. The wave overturns trees and damages buildings in its path.
Mastery 0 (2)

Hands of the Grasping Earth (ReTe 15/+15(+18))

Earthen hands from beneath the target rise out of the ground, and grasp the target's ankles. To break free requires a Strength stress roll of 15+. (One attempt is allowed per round, and each requires a Fatigue roll.) Each hand can be destroyed by beating its +25 Soak roll (hacking weapons do double normal damage) and inflicting a Light Wound.
Mastery 0 (2)

Wielding the Invisible Sling (ReTe 10/+25(+37))

Hurls any nearby object that could normally be thrown by a person at any target within range. The object must not be held down or otherwise restrained. Damage depends on the object thrown, up to +5 for a fist-sized stone. Casting requisites of an appropriate Form for the target are required.
Mastery 0 (2)

Unseen Arm (ReTe 5/+25(+37))

Slowly moves a nonliving thing, like a mug, instrument, or small pouch of coins; it cannot oppose intentional resistance. Magi use this spell to manipulate things at a distance, but the spell cannot be used to pull something from a person's hand or to move something that is held. Casting requisites of an appropriate Form for the target are required.
Mastery 0 (3)

Polish Stone (ReTe TBD)

Polishes a section of stone to a glossy shine

Create Likeness in Stone (ReTe TBD)

Creates the likeness of a person in stone.

Charge of the Angry Winds (CrAu 15/+11)

A wall of wind roars away from you, starting up to 10 paces away and continuing until it dissipates naturally. The wind is confined by any existing barriers, but if unconfined it can be up to a hundred paces wide. All within the area must make a Dexterity + Size stress roll of 9+ or fall down and be blown along by the winds. The rolls must be made at the start of the gale and each subsequent round that the wind is maintained. You must concentrate on the gale. Missile fire into or out of the gale is futile, and marching against the gale requires a Strength + Size stress roll of 15+. Failure in this attempt mandates another Dexterity + Size stress roll of 12+ to keep from falling.
Mastery 0 (2)

Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+6)

You can see inside a room, as long as you can touch one of its walls. If the room is unlit or poorly lit, you can only see as much as you could if you were inside, but magical enhancements of your senses do apply. You may change your viewpoint within the room throughout the duration of the spell.
Mastery 0 (2)

Personal Library

Untranslated Texts


Translated Texts




Personal Vis


Magical Enchantments



Twilight points earned: 2



Seasonal Activities

Winter 1220

  • Read/Studied: Study Lessons for the Leader (Rego 13)
  • Exposure: Lore, Nova Semitae +2xp
  • Exposure: Speak Language, Welsh +1xp
  • Correspondence: Yolande, Comtesse de Dreux - Mother (Intrigue) +1xp
  • Adventure experience: 5

Spring 1220

  • Read/Studied: Igni Ferroque (Terram 10)
  • Exposure: Speak Language, Welsh +1xp
  • Correspondence: Jerome Follower of Jerbiton (Mentem) +1 xp
  • Adventure experience: 5

Summer 1220

  • Covenant Seasonal Service: Created magical plows
  • Exposure: Speak Language, Welsh +1xp
  • Correspondence: Yolande, Comtesse de Dreux - Mother (Intrigue) +1xp
  • Adventure experience: 2

Autumn 1220

  • Covenant Seasonal Service: Wrote book (La beauté de façonner son environnement)
  • Exposure: Speak Language, Welsh +1xp
  • Correspondence: Jerome Follower of Jerbiton, Confluensis (Magic Theory) +1exp

Winter 1221

  • Covenant Seasonal Service: Wrote book (L'art de Façonner la Pierre)
  • Exposure: Lore, Nova Semitae +2xp
  • Exposure: Speak Language, Welsh +1xp
  • Correspondence: Yolande, Comtesse de Dreux - Mother (Intrigue) +1xp

Spring 1221

  • Extracted Vis
  • Read: Sanguis et Lacrima (Corpus 16)
  • Exposure: Speak Language, Welsh +1xp
  • Correspondence: Yolande, Comtesse de Dreux - Mother (Intrigue) +1xp.

Summer 1221

  • Read: Why Should We Control? (Rego 10)
  • Exposure: Speak Language, Welsh +1xp
  • Yolande, Comtesse de Dreux - Mother (Intrigue) +1xp.
  • Adventure experience: 5

Fall 1221

  • Read: Commentary on Lessons (Rego 14)
  • Exposure: Speak Language, Welsh +1xp
  • Correspondence: Jerome Follower of Jerbiton, Confluensis (Magic Theory) +1exp

Winter 1222

  • Covenant Seasonal Service: Created elevator for West tower +2xp (Rego)
  • Exposure: Lore, Nova Semitae +2xp
  • Exposure: Speak Language, Welsh +1xp
  • Correspondence: Jerome Follower of Jerbiton, Confluensis (Mentem) +1xp

Spring 1222

  • Reading "Igni Ferroque" +11 xp (Terram)
  • Exposure: Speak Language, English +1xp
  • Correspondence: Jerome Follower of Jerbiton, Confluensis (Mentem) +1xp

Summer 1222

  • Learned "The Leap of Homecoming" +2 xp (Rego)
  • Exposure: Speak Language, English +1xp
  • Correspondence: Jerome Follower of Jerbiton, Confluensis (Magic Theory) +1xp
  • Adventure XP: 5

Fall 1222

  • Invented spell to polish stone and spell to make likeness in stone +2xp (Rego)
  • Exposure: Speak Language, English +1xp
  • Correspondence: Jerome Follower of Jerbiton, Confluensis (Mentem) +1xp
  • Adventure XP: 5

Winter 1223

  • Reading "Essential EST Percipi" +15xp (Intellego)
  • Exposure: Speak Language, English +1xp
  • Correspondence: Jerome Follower of Jerbiton, Confluensis (Mentem) +1xp
  • Adventure XP: 3 (Khras-Nagar)

Spring 1223

  • Studied Welsh 1:1 with Franklin +22xp (Welsh)
  • Exposure: Speak Language, English +1xp
  • Correspondence: Jerome Follower of Jerbiton, Confluensis (Creo) +1xp
  • Adventure XP: 3 (Varana's Tower)

Summer 1223

  • TBD
  • Exposure: Speak Language, English +1xp
  • Correspondence: Jerome Follower of Jerbiton, Confluensis (Imaginam) +1xp
  • Adventure XP: 3 (Kidnapping of Angharad)

Adventure Experience

Current Total Unspent

2 points

Spent Experience

  • 3 points on Rego
  • 10 points on Terram
  • 6 points on Creo
  • 15 points in Finesse